Other Hobby Sites

TinMan's Avatar
Well, I agree with Kayla that both sites have people associated with them that I respect, and if they get the BCD thing worked out to my satisfaction (i.e., I can earn my status) then I will likely be an active participant.

I really could care less how they got the database; it's not like the prior ownership made arrangements that insured the perpetuation of the site after Amber's death (or maybe they did, as it turns out, if only under a different name).
James West's Avatar
I was one of the biggest supporters of the "save the database" cause. At one point, I would have donated 10 grand to saving it…..but now, I've come to a new realization. After witnessing all of the "reposted reviews" on this site and now after taking a look around ERAPS, I realize that the huge database doesn't even matter much to me. Sure, it may be nice now and then to go look up some old information, but the more important factor is how the board is run and how decisions are made and how people are treated. With those considerations, ECCIE has built a VERY strong case for earning my allegiance and money….on top of having built a great little history itself this past year.

My money stays here. They've earned it.

eraps.net actually launched. Never thought it would happen. Not sure I'll bother much with it. I've gotten comfy here.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 02-14-2010, 05:51 PM
Yes, it appears to have started late Friday.

Unfortunately, members who had BCD status when the site went down no longer have it now. Also, other settings you may have changed in your profile will need to be checked because they may not be set now.

Hopefully, the BCD issue will be resolved soon.
eraps.net actually launched. Never thought it would happen. Not sure I'll bother much with it. I've gotten comfy here. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
nebtex1's Avatar
Yawn ... BFD
Guest062512's Avatar
Anybody notice what eraps is backwards. Yeah... that's it. I'm happy with my daily dose of eccie.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
There is a link on eraps for free two months bcd also ladies have photo albums now and the rules at the end of aspd have been relaxed a bit....
dearhunter's Avatar
Look on the bright side.

All of the inflated memories from the old P will stop.....................becau se now, we can check.

The ISO alone makes it worth it.

Too many people re-inventing themselves.
crucifix's Avatar
I really have no reason to leave here and "test out" yet another splinter board. I'm sure they will carve out their little place in this world, but I'm happy here. I read Angelimnot's comments of a day or two ago before she edited them and the tone of her attitude toward a member was no different than it was during the last month of ASPD which soured me and I'm sure thousands of other members. Barking out demands, disrespecting/insulting people, and a condescending attitude toward the very same people you are asking money from does not sit very well with me.

My handle there is different than my handle here. I had no say in it, but it's there. I may not ask for everything to be removed, because I guess every little bit helps for the girls, but I doubt I'll be spending much if any time over there at all. We don't owe them our patronage and this board just has a more user-friendly layout and welcoming attitude than any of the boards I've test-driven so far. Thanks TBONE!
Dstorm's Avatar
Well, if they do offer an "earned BCD" option, I'll give it a shot. I've been fortunate to find "homes" where my activity gets me access. I've been very pleased with the seamless way ECCIE has been able to pick up where the old site left off, and things really appear to be taking off now.

OTOH, from time to time I miss not having the old history. I actually had to go through a complete screening a few weeks ago LOL! Originally Posted by TinMan
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I don't expect that news to excite too many people here.

However, the two facts that may interest people here about that: 1) your username and password at ASPD will work at ERAPS (http://www.eraps.net/), and 2) they appear to have successfully transferred the entire ASPD review database to ERAPS. So those of you who think you lost reviews when ASPD imploded... They're baaaaaaccccccckkkkkk....


bluffcityguy's Avatar
I don't expect that news to excite too many people here.

However, the two facts that may interest people here about that: 1) your username and password at ASPD will work at ERAPS (http://www.eraps.net/), and 2) they appear to have successfully transferred the entire ASPD review database to ERAPS. So those of you who think you lost reviews when ASPD imploded... They're baaaaaaccccccckkkkkk....


bluffcityguy's Avatar
First time I posted it, ECCIE returned what appeared to be an error message, so I reposted without checking. My bad.

Mods, please feel free to delete one or the other of my duplicates; apparently the edit function doesn't allow one to delete one's post (or if it does, I'm too dopey this morning to find it).


MacTheKnife's Avatar
[ame="http://eccie.net/showpost.php?p=111453&postcoun t=238"]ECCIE - Your source for escort reviews - View Single Post - Other Hobby Sites[/ame]

Per St. C

Note for the readers: Again, you may discuss competing websites on ECCIE, but there's a place for it, and that place is on this thread. As on any thread, avoid getting too nasty, insulting, etc.....but contrasting opinions, positive and negative remarks are both fine.