Rush Limbaugh acts like a prick, woman recieves call from Obama

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  • 03-12-2012, 08:30 AM
There is no defending the current health care system. It is a disaster. However, the answer isn't always more government. Government control of health care will only make things worse, as government does whenever it tries to control a private sector activity. We've got to stop giving government more and more control and power. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
What is the answer COG?

Shall we just let Medicare go broke? Or should we try and fix it?

What do you think the private sector would do with old folks?

Do you think the private sector would just keep on having folks pay a low preminum and keep paying out these claims to end of life heroic claims?

Tell me wtf you think the answer should be because frankly it is much easier to be like Rush Limvbaugh and gripe about things than to sit down and have a conversation of the reality of actually tring to fix something.
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  • 03-12-2012, 08:33 AM
The real story: Originally Posted by Iaintliein
Funny , I actually think you guys on the right are acting like Hitler in this regard!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
WTF, do you know who Mike Powell is? He was the record holder for the running long jump...until now. Congratulations on your leap of assumption. As offensive as your are (and you know you are) you must have set a new record of almost 30 feet.

Tell me wtf you think the answer should be because frankly it is much easier to be like Rush Limvbaugh and gripe about things than to sit down and have a conversation of the reality of actually tring to fix something. Originally Posted by WTF
down through the ages the one single thing that has proven true time and time again, never once failing, always advancing man, is freedom.

the answer lies in freedom. it has never been found in binding man to the grinding wheel of servitude.

the answer my friend, is to reverse our course. it can be found there. it will take time and the unwinding may be painful at times and the results will be erratic. but the answer is not found in government controls or policies in the tax system or in socialistic methods romanticized by obama.

i believe that answers can be found in liberty, a liberty coupled with regard for a social compact. not a social compact forced from the top down that finds all saddled with the least common denominator, all but maybe the elite of government.

i think its found in individuals making decisions in their own best interest, having the freedom to do that very thing.
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  • 03-12-2012, 10:05 AM
WTF, do you know who Mike Powell is? He was the record holder for the running long jump...until now. Congratulations on your leap of assumption. As offensive as your are (and you know you are) you must have set a new record of almost 30 feet. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Maybe me and Rush tied on this one. He assumed she was a slut and/or a prostitute.

btw, I am not assuming that your health insurance is not subsidized by me. If you get a tax break on insurance that I do not, then you have gotten a subsidy.

Like I said, I am way better versed in this subject matter than you...or that you have shown so far.

If you want to talk Turkey lets talk Turkey but enough of this 'feelins' shit. If I have hurt your feelings, tough shit. Man up and talk policy. Tell me the difference between me subsidizing a University and a University subsidizing birth control. That University is recieving tax dollars.

Your students are recieving tax dollars. You know it and I know it and now the posters on eccie know it. You benifit from the exact same system that you rail aganist.

That is why the Tea Party is a joke when they say they are for smaller government.
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  • 03-12-2012, 10:11 AM
down through the ages the one single thing that has proven true time and time again, never once failing, always advancing man, is freedom.

the answer lies in freedom. it has never been found in binding man to the grinding wheel of servitude.

the answer my friend, is to reverse our course. it can be found there. it will take time and the unwinding may be painful at times and the results will be erratic. but the answer is not found in government controls or policies in the tax system or in socialistic methods romanticized by obama.

i believe that answers can be found in liberty, a liberty coupled with regard for a social compact. not a social compact forced from the top down that finds all saddled with the least common denominator, all but maybe the elite of government.

i think its found in individuals making decisions in their own best interest, having the freedom to do that very thing. Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
''He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither.''...that is half this country's problem. You right leaners. The lefts problem is the entitlement programs.

Slogans get you elected, they do not help you govern.

Obama has found this out just like Ms Palin found out in Alaska. She was aganist big oil before she was for it.

We in this forum are not running for office, therefore slogans will incur my wrath. Talk reality. Talk policy but enough of this Ronnie Reafgan, Obama , sara palin kinda crap.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This is why we need a new tax system. So morons like WTF can't demagogue his ridiculous points.

Ideally, Medicare should be phased out as we return to a market based economy. No one will lose out on health care, unless they are as selfish and ignorant as you, WTF. In a market based system, prices would go down, and quality would improve. Charities would spring up all over to care for the poor. The American people are the most generous and caring in the world. You'll be surprised what we can do if the government gets out of the way.

But your answer is always more government. Never less government, always more. That is why we are nearly a police state. Thanks to comply and conform citizens like you who are afraid to stand up to government intrusion.
Slogans get you elected, they do not help you govern.

Obama has found this out just like Ms Palin found out in Alaska. She was aganist big oil before she was for it.

We in this forum are not running for office, therefore slogans will incur my wrath. Talk reality. Talk policy but enough of this Ronnie Reafgan, Obama , sara palin kinda crap. Originally Posted by WTF
you are a bigger fool than even i ever imagined if you think some detailed ornate set of health insurance policies you might develop (stopping for laughter) or regurgitate in here, if you ever could state a cogent one, or, for that matter, anyone in here ever gives will ever meet agreement or change one single mind, much less solve the health insurance problems in this country. the best we can do is stake out a direction.
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  • 03-12-2012, 10:33 AM
This is why we need a new tax system. So morons like WTF can't demagogue his ridiculous points.

. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I realize we need more fair tax system you fucking moron.

WTF do you think I have been talking about that has gone over JD's head?

Right now you and I subsidize his healthcare if you are a business owner or sole proprietor.

Ideally, Medicare should be phased out as we return to a market based economy. No one will lose out on health care, unless they are as selfish and ignorant as you, WTF. In a market based system, prices would go down, and quality would improve. Charities would spring up all over to care for the poor. The American people are the most generous and caring in the world. You'll be surprised what we can do if the government gets out of the way.
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
We had that form of system before 1930. You are full of shit if you think it works but whatever. You do realize that if it fucking worked so well, we would not of had SS and Medicare. Gawd Damn you need to read basic history and take a critical thinking course. Please do not waste your money on any course JD might be teaching!

But your answer is always more government. Never less government, always more. That is why we are nearly a police state. Thanks to comply and conform citizens like you who are afraid to stand up to government intrusion. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Do you think the Tea Party wants less government? They have no concept of the third amendment. They are in bed with the Moral Police that want the government in your bedroom. Fuc you if you think I do not know the deal. It has always been a choice between the lesser of two evils.

Now the choice is form of government. Because in reality each country has become a business. Do you think the Capitalist system will not eat itself? If not, then wtf was the 2008 banking crisis?
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  • 03-12-2012, 10:40 AM
you are a bigger fool than even i ever imagined if you think some detailed ornate set of health insurance policies you might develop (stopping for laughter) or regurgitate in here, if you ever could state a cogent one, or, for that matter, anyone in here ever gives will ever meet agreement or change one single mind, much less solve the health insurance problems in this country. the best we can do is stake out a direction. Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
You are a fool if you think I said anything about solving it.

But I am a fool for even having a conversation with a fool who says things like, "I want the government out of my Medicare!" Or at least backs a party that thinks that (Tea Party anyone) WTF?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We have SS and Medicare because the Democrats convinced the public that we needed it. The only reason we "needed" it was so the Democrats would have an issue to demagogue to increase their power and control. The Republicans have picked up on that now as well. It is now the "third rail" of American politics.

If you want to go back to the beginning, SS was only supposed to be a supplement, never the primary source of retirement income. Also, it was enacted when the average life span was less than 70 years. It has spun way out of control.

What fairer tax system have you ever supported? Don't BS me now.
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  • 03-12-2012, 10:59 AM
We have SS and Medicare because the Democrats convinced the public that we needed it. The only reason we "needed" it was so the Democrats would have an issue to demagogue to increase their power and control. The Republicans have picked up on that now as well. It is now the "third rail" of American politics.

If you want to go back to the beginning, SS was only supposed to be a supplement, never the primary source of retirement income. Also, it was enacted when the average life span was less than 70 years. It has spun way out of control.

. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Thank you for that fine history lesson...

so detailed. We haveSS and Medicaret because Charity did not work like you tried to say it would/did. Had it worked we would not of had people standing in lines looking for government handouts. All I did was point out your flawed logic. I'm not saying SS and Medicare work. I am showing you where charity did not work in this country.

What fairer tax system have you ever supported? Don't BS me now. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You are wrong on both counts. And VAT? Are you serious? Why is your answer ALWAYS more government control? Why do you love government so much? I'd like to try freedom for a change.

VAT fairer? Good god, what an idiot.
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  • 03-12-2012, 11:31 AM
You are wrong on both counts.

. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
No I am not. Had charity worked we would not have had SS.

You are wrong on both counts. And VAT? Are you serious? Why is your answer ALWAYS more government control? Why do you love government so much? I'd like to try freedom for a change.

VAT fairer? Good god, what an idiot. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Look, I'm all for anarchy.

But you asked me what kind of tax system I was for. After none, my choice is a VAT.

We are just the different side of a two headed coin.

I would do away with the government altogether if that was an option...I'm all for proving Darwin's theory to the nonbelievers !