Signed, sealed, delivered! Who else has a new health insurance policy?

RedLeg505's Avatar
Why don't you quote where I said that 'whatever". Originally Posted by WTF
Because I have no interest wading through the muck and excrement you keep flinging to look up everything ELSE that you've said wrong. I just pick and chose your LATEST error.

Pssst.. and I never said anything about the effect on longevity one way or the other except to ask, which argument are you using? One time you suggest that Medicaid increased longevity, but then, you also say that we have a WORSE longevity compare to others with Single Payer. So which is it?
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  • WTF
  • 10-27-2013, 11:25 PM
, but then, you also say that we have a WORSE longevity compare to others with Single Payer. So which is it? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
I never said that you lying cocksucker.

I have said that Medicaid/Medicare has extended our life span.

That is part of the problem , we have not adjusted the rate we pay in.
gnad ... now he's obsessed with your ass!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Assup is obsessed with everyone's ass because they create the sweet nectar he craves.

Generally he's on ignore. I hope his new Obamacare policy provides him with the mental health care he needs.
Because I have no interest wading through the muck and excrement you keep flinging to look up everything ELSE that you've said wrong. I just pick and chose your LATEST error.

Pssst.. and I never said anything about the effect on longevity one way or the other except to ask, which argument are you using? One time you suggest that Medicaid increased longevity, but then, you also say that we have a WORSE longevity compare to others with Single Payer. So which is it? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Remember, WTF gets to keep his own scorecard so he's never wrong! Proving that he's wrong will only set off his 'gaydar.'

At least over the last decade he's finally figured out how to post a working link.

As the headlines suggests it MAY extend longevity.
And I strongly suggest 6% is not a statistically significant number.
And my guess would be they jumped thru hoops to come up with 6% as a high water mark.
But WTF doesn't want to spend the billions of dollars on the "Grannies" in MediCAID anyway.

Wow. FTA: Even defenders of Medicaid, which already provides insurance to nearly 70 million people in a year, say it needs major improvement. But the new study suggests that the program still provides important protections to needy Americans.

So 70 million Americans are on Medicaid. 50 Million are on Medicare according to Kaiser. That's 120 million out of a country of say 310 million.

We need to get that web site up pronto so that those 12 million young, healthy Americans with jobs can sign up for something they don't need to offset our growing welfare state.

To quote Marshall:


The numbers just aren't going to work out. We're so fucked.
LexusLover's Avatar
I hope his new Obamacare policy provides him with the mental health care he needs. Originally Posted by gnadfly
He didn't ask, when he signed up. He's in denial.
LexusLover's Avatar
So 70 million Americans are on Medicaid. 50 Million are on Medicare ... Originally Posted by gnadfly
That's because, according to WTF, people live

.........longer on Medicaid .........

....... than Medicare!!!
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  • WTF
  • 10-28-2013, 06:41 AM
That's because, according to WTF, people live

.........longer on Medicaid .........

....... than Medicare!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I never said that you liar.
LexusLover's Avatar
I never said that you liar. Originally Posted by WTF

"Originally Posted by WTF
Is Medicaid working out for us? People are living longer. "

At the "19th Hole" ... "Hey, WTF, how come you didn't count the toss out of the rough on the 16th? ... I never said that you liar" ....

He keeps his own score card on Eccie, too!
I never said that you lying cocksucker.

I have said that Medicaid/Medicare has extended our life span.

That is part of the problem , we have not adjusted the rate we pay in. Originally Posted by WTF
You responded to LL's MedicAID statement, not mediCARE.

We have adjusted the rate and the limit that people give to Medicare.

One of the major problems with Medicare and Social Security is the number of working Americans (who work on the books) is dwindling faster to keep the number of Americans who are collecting benefits. We've known this was going to happen for decades. Its just happened sooner than expected. True people are living longer but more people are getting into the system sooner, especially Social Security. HUGE numbers of people who are 'Disabled.' Unemployment among younger Americans is still near record numbers.

Another problem, according to Obama, is that there is 200 BILLION dollars of fraud every year. That's 200 BILLION EVERY YEAR. But I haven't seen anything where he's addressed it.
LexusLover's Avatar
We have adjusted the rate and the limit that people give to Medicare. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I pay more now!!!!!

The amount went up in 2013 because it was NOT protected by the extension of the "Bush Tax Cuts" !!!!
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  • WTF
  • 10-28-2013, 06:49 AM

We need to get that web site up pronto so that those 12 million young, healthy Americans with jobs can sign up for something they don't need to offset our growing welfare state.

The numbers just aren't going to work out. We're so fucked. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Ignorant fucs like you do not understand numbers. Right now we are paying for folks that do not have insurance by way of ER care. Now at least they will be taxed(according to the SC) . Dumb fucs like you seem to have no other solution.

I agree with taxing folks that use services that they do not pay for (like ER). I agree with the government limiting spending unlimited money to extend one's life by two months. Now if you and LL want to spend your own savings to extend your granny's life by two months, have at it.

Hard choices need to be made, unlike you chickenshits, I voice mine. You crybabies want limited government on one hand and then scream like two year olds when that limited government might effect you or yours.
LexusLover's Avatar
Ignorant fucs like you do not understand numbers. . Originally Posted by WTF
And you do? Oh, I forgot ..... "WTF Math"!!!! ... On and Off the Course!
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  • WTF
  • 10-28-2013, 06:52 AM
"Originally Posted by WTF
Is Medicaid working out for us? People are living longer. "

At the "19th Hole" ... "Hey, WTF, how come you didn't count the toss out of the rough on the 16th? ... I never said that you liar" ....

He keeps his own score card on Eccie, too! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I presented an article showing that states that expand Medicaid have folks living longer and the reason(s) why . Are you that dense?


LexusLIAR plus LexusLIar
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  • WTF
  • 10-28-2013, 06:59 AM