How many people will die in the USA from the new coronavirus by December 31, 2021??

You have a 99.98% chance of surviving the Wuhan-Flu from chYna.
Trust me, it is the saddest news out there, for the rest of us. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I had a Doctors Appointment this morning, yearly checkup. Of course Covid-19 came up in the conversation, ya wanna know what he told me? Basically the stats on Covid-19 are greatly exaggerated. Almost all the deaths are elderly or middle aged people in already poor health contending with existing health problems. The real death count is about a third of whats actually being reported. So this 200,000 death toll is really about the same as the last severe Flu outbreak in 2018. So I would say you're right about the survival rate. But of course Liberals like the 200,000 number because it makes Trump look bad.
matchingmole's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 09-28-2020, 03:57 PM
mole and ilk are devastated about the loss of millions of deaths they desired to try to discredit the POTUS.
Despite their own leadership murdering thousands in nursing homes. - something they ignore.
and have nothing cogent or constructive as to how - without foreknowledge -Trump could have handled matters differently.

all that matters is hypocrisy and Lies - a blatant , corrupt attempt to gain control and power over America at any price - Regardless.

Thanks Mole - your memes are so 'creative' - but, you don't understand irony/satire.
thing Mole does not realize - wuhan virus is not politicized - and kills regardless of party affiliation.
But - the case mortality rate is now under o.1% - too bad it is just another flu
And all the DPST control freak lockdown and destruction of the economy accomplished - exactly what they want - in preparation for dictatorial marxism under harris/
rexdutchman's Avatar
^ Remember the experts said in US 2 million , this whole mess was to discredit Big -T ( just lookie have much the CDC changed over the past months )
HoeHummer's Avatar
How is it your number hasn’t come up, Rexsy?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Basically the stats on Covid-19 are greatly exaggerated. ... Liberals like the 200,000 number because it makes Trump look bad. Originally Posted by Levianon17

They also like to spout off about how much better they would have handled things, even though their actual track record is:
  • Dec 2019 - Emergency impeachment of the President
  • Jan 15th, 2020 - wait 30 days to deliver to Senate, remember it was an emergency
    • Same day first case of Wuhan-Flu, from chYna appeared here
  • Jan 30th Trump bans flights from chYna
    • Joe-mentia Hiden says he is xenpphobic for it
  • Feb - SanFranNan bakes fortune cookies in chYnatown, it's open for business
  • March Trump banns flights from EU countries
    • Joe-mentia Hiden says he is racist for it
  • March Bill DeBlowsMe-o says NYC is open for business at a parade
  • April Govoner Oh-No Cuomo forces Nursing homes to accept COVID patients
    • Thousands die
  • oeb11
  • 09-29-2020, 08:19 AM
WYID - +1!!
They also like to spout off about how much better they would have handled things, even though their actual track record is:
  • Dec 2019 - Emergency impeachment of the President
  • Jan 15th, 2020 - wait 30 days to deliver to Senate, remember it was an emergency
    • Same day first case of Wuhan-Flu, from chYna appeared here
  • Jan 30th Trump bans flights from chYna
    • Joe-mentia Hiden says he is xenpphobic for it
  • Feb - SanFranNan bakes fortune cookies in chYnatown, it's open for business
  • March Trump banns flights from EU countries
    • Joe-mentia Hiden says he is racist for it
  • March Bill DeBlowsMe-o says NYC is open for business at a parade
  • April Govoner Oh-No Cuomo forces Nursing homes to accept COVID patients
    • Thousands die
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I know, I know. They think they have the game whipped. They exaggerate the reality of everything.
Just hang on people. We will have a real leader in January with smart people in the room. Putin/trump and all their appointed idiots will be gone. Some to courts n jails lol
  • oeb11
  • 09-29-2020, 12:44 PM
Tx - 'a room with smart people" - leaves out all the DPST blind followers.

What movie plays a room full of DPST's -' Idiocracy'!!!
matchingmole's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Just hang on people. We will have a real leader in January with smart people in the room. Putin/trump and all their appointed idiots will be gone. Some to courts n jails lol Originally Posted by Tsmokies

if yous say so, Bernie

Bernie and AOC .. NAZIS!! who knew?

  • oeb11
  • 09-29-2020, 04:01 PM
The Communists do like the Governmental absolute control aspects of Fascism - control is dear to their tiny black hearts.
adav8s28's Avatar
They also like to spout off about how much better they would have handled things, even though their actual track record is:
  • Dec 2019 - Emergency impeachment of the President
  • Jan 15th, 2020 - wait 30 days to deliver to Senate, remember it was an emergency
    • Same day first case of Wuhan-Flu, from chYna appeared here
  • Jan 30th Trump bans flights from chYna
    • Joe-mentia Hiden says he is xenpphobic for it
  • Feb - SanFranNan bakes fortune cookies in chYnatown, it's open for business
  • March Trump banns flights from EU countries
    • Joe-mentia Hiden says he is racist for it
  • March Bill DeBlowsMe-o says NYC is open for business at a parade
  • April Govoner Oh-No Cuomo forces Nursing homes to accept COVID patients
    • Thousands die
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
What was Trump saying?

It's just one guy from China.

We have 15 cases now, soon they will go down to zero.

Like magic CV19 will just disappear.

When the snow starts to melt in April, the virus will go dormant

It will take the help of a doctor maybe we can inject disinfectant into a CV19 patient to clear the virus.

The 200,000 deaths, it is what it is.

Donald Trump.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What was Trump saying?

It's just one guy from China.

We have 15 cases now, soon they will go down to zero.

Like magic CV19 will just disappear.

When the snow starts to melt in April, the virus will go dormant

It will take the help of a doctor maybe we can inject disinfectant into a CV19 patient to clear the virus.

The 200,000 deaths, it is what it is.

Donald Trump. Originally Posted by adav8s28

WWBD? What Would Biden Do?

it will be interesting when Biden attacks Trump over his virus handling if he mentions what he claimed he would do which is exactly what Trump did, minus the fact it was racist and xenophobic when Trump did it. Biden might also double down on Mandatory mask edicts nationwide and lock downs. and he may have a legal way to that by way of National Emergency powers. you can bet 50 Governors will not like that including the Democrats who would be in the very awkward position of agreeing to these mandates or politely declining against their party nominee.

it also opens Biden to stating he wants the economy held in check over this virus. yet he's going to claim he can revive the economy and Trump can't, despite the facts that say he did and only the virus from CHINA derailed it.