How many of us are left from ASPD?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I wondered what happened to the "Mayor of Ampville". He certainly had a few fervent acolytes. His idea of beauty was substantially different than mine. He really liked Bobbi at that place on Henderson, was it Fuji, it is something else now, but she was a little old and not very pretty, though certainly she gave a great effort. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
lol JerryD. a legend .. in his own hallucinogenic mind. met that fat greaseball at an amp social way back in the day. yeah all the ampgirls disliked him immensely. he did get away with his bullshit on some of the lessor experienced girls. others like the Queen and Casey / Texas Tiger would laugh in his face.

No, Bobbi wasn't the youngest or hottest girl out there, but more than one amp hottie could learn french from her.

and i joined ASPD in 2001, Casey / Texas Tiger turned me on to it. Was The_Waco_Kid there too.
TinMan's Avatar
lol JerryD. a legend .. in his own hallucinogenic mind. met that fat greaseball at an amp social way back in the day. yeah all the ampgirls disliked him immensely. he did get away with his bullshit on some of the lessor experienced girls. others like the Queen and Casey / Texas Tiger would laugh in his face.

No, Bobbi wasn't the youngest or hottest girl out there, but more than one amp hottie could learn french from her.

and i joined ASPD in 2001, Casey / Texas Tiger turned me on to it. Was The_Waco_Kid there too. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Ah, it's about time my comrade in arms made an appearance on this thread!

I heard from Casey a year or so ago. She was living out of state, and was expecting to make a trip to your area and was thinking of stopping by Dallas, too. Never heard from her, so I assume she didn't make the trip. Too bad, as she was my ATF from the Asian community.
yaddayadda's Avatar
I belonged to ASPD for 2 or 3 years before its demise, same handle. loved the non existent socials, Pugslies, what a great place, oh the days..... and nights.
berkleigh's Avatar
loved the non existent socials, Pugslies, what a great place, oh the days..... and nights. Originally Posted by yaddayadda
The "ASPD" days were awesome and I have some best stories and memories of that time!

Such a fun time always with some great people I have met along my Hobby Journey!
netman's Avatar
Long time ASPD member here.

But I really posted so I could be under Berkleigh.

Lazydynamite's Avatar
Used this handle, but I can't remember when I joined ASPD. Hell, I have trouble remembering a providers name half-way through a session.

I do recall some damn funny posts...just don't know who wrote them.

Left Dallas in '09, but still like to check in on this Forum from time to time.

I remember reviewing Casey when she was cute, Mona who showed service could be an art, the Yellow Rose, Pleasure, and the Texas Cabaret. That place was open city when it was up and running. All on ASPD.
I cant recall what year I joined ASPD as Shadow10. I know Sassy Sophie Anne was my first review there. Following her recommendation, the next was Catie Mae. Then I think Heather from The Station. And a really hot Asian (Japanese/American?) woman in San Antonio. Followed by more people I cant really remember. Wash, rinse, repeat.

I have to say I really enjoyed writing those reviews back in the day. They tended to be somewhat detailed, yet often metaphorical in nature.

I was away from the hobby when ASPD went down, so I lost my list. Now I don't care to put the effort into doing the writing, so I generally dont bother. Also, the folks who run this place dont seem to have much appreciation for the effort people put into this.

ASPD... It all seems like such a long time ago.
berkleigh's Avatar

Thank You! I love that pic!

Long time ASPD member here.

But I really posted so I could be under Berkleigh.

Originally Posted by netman
I was there but I wasnt very active.
fuckin Jerry D. Thats a name i forgot. And the captain. What a douche he was. Got made at me because I stole a girl away at a social and took her to executive spa for some 1 on 1. does anyone remember the brief appearance by a provider anna cox? tall brunette, beautiful, supposedly married some hobbyiest and rode off to the sunset?
WildHorseMan's Avatar
I have been with ASPD for quite a few years before it closed down. I feel honour to have met many interesting people and made some good friends. As this site and ASPD is mostly about the ladies we adore, allow me to name a few of my favorites. In no particular order, they are:

Kayley from New Orleans
Amber the Playboy playmate
Amanda the Golden Girl
Jacqueline of Dallas
Bianca Brown Eyes
Joselyn, pre OES
Jessilyn the blonde
Vivian from Fort Worth
Jordan of Dallas


Work Hard, Play Hard! Cheers everyone!

TinMan's Avatar
WHM was always one of the few guys with impeccable taste in women. If he says a woman is gorgeous, I could bank on it, sight unseen. The aforementioned Amber and Joselyn are but two examples of women I remember who were among the best looking women i ever met in this hobby.

He must perform magic tricks in bed, too, because every one of them would swoon at mention of his name.

Sorry to white-knight a guy, but the man with the Roxanne-era Steve Martin avatar is truly one of the great ones from those days.
JamesBond's Avatar
I go back to 2000...
2001ish....I think i made 2 or 3 post theentire time. STILL have never hobbied!