Who is suiram77 express your opinion

corona's Avatar
...2) altho i dont know if i met the person who posts as suiram77, the dreadlocks guy (see below) relayed a msg to me from suiram that suiram was never gonna give me the money for grace and that i was a fool for even showing up.
(the person i met was a big african-american guy w/ dreadlocks & a duhrag. when i got there, there was no one in the little lobby. so i walked thru the salon - only guy i saw was a late middle aged guy sitting in a stylist's chair. there might have been another guy there - i didnt look in every stylists' room)... Originally Posted by pmdelites
Sounds like him. Did he have weird fucked up eyes?
Grace Preston's Avatar
From the descriptions I've received of the man... yeah, you met him.

Guys-- don't pile on him. He had the time and was in the area and went for the purpose of either being able to help me out.. or at least be able to put to bed that Suiram is a punk-- so that the next time he pontificates about "meeting him for money".. we can all point to how full of shit he is. I specifically asked him to be careful and to not feel like he needed to stick his neck out for me.. I appreciate the efforts on his part. He does not owe me any more than the effort he already put out-- he and I both knew in advance that this would be the likely outcome.

PMD has been around for a very long time.. I'm pretty sure he took extra efforts to conceal anything that would prove problematic for himself.
TheEccie214's Avatar
PMD - major kudos to you - helping our lady is all class dude. I’ll never again make fun of how little delites is lol.

Grace - we can and will get you your Christmas. How do we do Amazon cards anonymously? I’ll donate the first $100 and anyone that donates at least $50 is immune from my trolling for all of 2018!
TheEccie214's Avatar
Slow internet, double post.

Think for this shit thread to turn into something good like a lady battling cancer getting to provide Christmas for her kids is fucking awesome. Come on social rejects, let’s do something good here.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I'm pretty sure you can use whatever email you like to get an E-Card.. which you'd just send to my hobby email, grace.preston69@gmail.com

But.. if you are super concerned and want to make triple sure.. just go to Walmart or any store with gift cards.. buy an Amazon Gift Card-- then PM me the code off the back.

Either method works. I've received Amazon gifts from a guy named "Mother Fucker"... so I know they can be kept anonymous.. but I'm not 100% sure on how to do it myself
TheEccie214's Avatar
From the descriptions I've received of the man... yeah, you met him.

Guys-- don't pile on him. He had the time and was in the area and went for the purpose of either being able to help me out.. or at least be able to put to bed that Suiram is a punk-- so that the next time he pontificates about "meeting him for money".. we can all point to how full of shit he is. I specifically asked him to be careful and to not feel like he needed to stick his neck out for me.. I appreciate the efforts on his part. He does not owe me any more than the effort he already put out-- he and I both knew in advance that this would be the likely outcome.

PMD has been around for a very long time.. I'm pretty sure he took extra efforts to conceal anything that would prove problematic for himself. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Pile on him??? Dude is a fucking hero for being a real friend to a lady.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Yeah-- but I know the piling on is still going to happen a bit from some... the "why did you do that-- that was dangerous.. etc. etc. etc." crowd.

I just wanted it put up front that I appreciate his efforts and he went above and beyond for a lady who is 900 miles away.. stuck in bed... and grateful for his attempts.
pyramider's Avatar
Suriam lost a bet to a girl with cancer. Then he would not pay the girl or her self appointed representative. I am sure Suriam has a valid excuse... clean up on aisle 4. Please note that I left off the 77 from Suriam references because I am sure his grandmother would be pissed off that such a douche bag was related to her.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Eccie-- you are a man of your word. Thank you, dear!!!
pmdelites's Avatar
PMD - major kudos to you - helping our lady is all class dude. I’ll never again make fun of how little delites is lol. ... Originally Posted by TheEccie214
eccie, no need restrain yourself. ... many of the providers i've met have already cummented on the size of lil delites.

from my point of view it was ...

a) never about me wanting to prove anything to anyone. i was just acting as a go-between to collect money from someone who said they'd give it to someone else. didnt expect, hope, or pray for anything for myself. i would have done it for another eccie user if they had authorised me to act on their behalf. this may have been the first time i've ever done anything like this for an eccie user. i might do it again.

c) just to have definitive evidence whether or not suiram was gonna pay off. he nailed his coffin when the dreadlockds dude said suiram was never gonna give her the money and that i was a fool for ever thinking suiram was. mic drop!!!

who's the fool now?
i think the answer to that question answers the question posed by the OP to begin with.

wrt safety, it's a wide open west plano shopping ctr, pretty safe. i chk'd it out w/ google street view after grace said i could go on her behalf. all he's got is what i look like (a "pussy" per many of his pvtmsgs to me before we met :^). unless he has access to or has cameras installed all over that shopping ctr, i'm prolly okay as i parked far away from the salon and walked all around the edges going there and walking back to my car.
mrredcat43's Avatar
I'm down for the cause. I'll send my contribution in a bit tonight
I'll donate as well..Grace, please pm me on how to get you an amazon card..thanks
TheEccie214's Avatar
I'll donate as well..Grace, please pm me on how to get you an amazon card..thanks Originally Posted by billyjames

Very easy - either pick up an Amazon gift card at a store, scratch off the code on the back and email her the code. I just bought a gift card on Amazon right from my phone and sent it to myself and within seconds they email you the code. Truly totally anonymous - only reason she knew it was me is my username is in my email address.
Got it, Thanks.
Go back and read what I said Jules, wow I know every one is not sharp, but geez I was very clear on what I said. And sorry to disappoint you ,but I would love for them that have seem me to come here and share their experience with you guys here, so why don’t you go wake them up. I will wait lol

I said no one that has ever met me, can come here and proved to me that the person they met, is the same person that is actually here on the boards silly lol. How the fuck can they do that Jules, the FBI can’t even do that. An IP address just tell you the location of a person network, but not who is actually using it. Now think about it boo. I love Jules she is so bright. :: Originally Posted by suiram77
You have multiple handles.....you just haven't been caught yet