Are we headed for a world wide meltdown?

Chung Tran's Avatar
actually sir, you are wrong.

quadrillion is thousand billion

Sexagintacentillion is 10-483; Thousand octogintillion

source data is taken from Wikipedia and Britannica. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I don't know those big ass numbers. I'm impressed that I know it is Hectagon, and not Hexagon
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
PM Captain Midnight. He’s an expert on this. Originally Posted by bambino
I'll let the two of you duke it out on whatever

I try to keep up on economics, more specifically opportunities for profit. Sadly, I see a lot of opportunities to fail ATM.

Just looking to see where the first rays of sunshine might appear.
lustylad's Avatar
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

When did Timmy Leary lose the swastika?

lustylad's Avatar
Do you consider yourself a fiscal conserative? Originally Posted by WTF
No. What's a conserative?

Have you ever considered buying a phone that's not missing a "v" key?
lustylad's Avatar
So you're telling us we've been in a favorable, declining rate environment for 40 fucking years?

So let's see... who was the President who kicked off this 4-decade-long favorable economic tailwind trend? Anyone know who was in the White House way back in 1981?

Oh yes, I remember now!

This is a great moment to quote WTF, who is always so eager to give Republicans the credit they deserve: Originally Posted by lustylad
Credit for yet another bubble.... Originally Posted by WTF

Yeah, let's give Ronnie the credit he deserves for ALL the bubbles he started!

Did you know our real GDP nearly tripled between 1980 and 2019, growing from $6,759 billion to $19,092 billion in (chained) 2012 dollars?

As you are fond of exclaiming, "Reagan started this trend..."!

Over the same period, per capita real GDP almost doubled. In nominal terms, it surged from $12,575 in 1980 to $63,544 in 2019. Ditto for US median household income, which soared from $16,400 to $68,400.

So thanks Ronnie, for starting yet another "bubble" - a four-decade-long bubble of rising living standards for all Americans!

And that's to go along with all those other favorable "bubbles" Reagan kicked off, including falling inflation and declining interest rates. Quickly reversing the alarmingly unfavorable trends fostered by his Peanut Farmer predecessor, Ronnie brought both of those key economic indices down to single digit levels, paving the way for the annual rate of inflation to be reduced to a mere 1.2% and interest rates to be tamed to near-zero by 2020!

Personally, I find it a bit of a stretch to give Reagan 100% of the credit for all of the economic prosperity that chugged along after his Presidency ended, but WTF insists this is appropriate!

Reagan started us on this... Originally Posted by WTF
WTF continues to fawn and worship Ronnie Reagan as one of our greatest Presidents.

He's even started a petition to add Ronnie's face to Mt. Rushmore!

Who am I to say no?

I like Reagan. Originally Posted by WTF
Chung Tran's Avatar
Quickly reversing the alarmingly unfavorable trends fostered by his Peanut Farmer predecessor, Ronnie brought both of those key economic indices down to single digit levels, paving the way for the annual rate of inflation to be reduced to a mere 1.2% and interest rates to be tamed to near-zero by 2020!
Originally Posted by lustylad
You left out the part about Trump's refusal to act swiftly on Covid, which led to the collapse of the US economy, hence the zero interest rate and 1.2% inflation. Furthermore, you left out the fact that Powell had to infuse massive liquidity/stimulus in response, leaving Biden with raging inflation.

Damn it. Facts getting in the way again!
tman1847's Avatar
You left out the part about Trump's refusal to act swiftly on Covid, which led to the collapse of the US economy, hence the zero interest rate and 1.2% inflation. Furthermore, you left out the fact that Powell had to infuse massive liquidity/stimulus in response, leaving Biden with raging inflation.

Damn it. Facts getting in the way again! Originally Posted by Chung Tran
The facts are Biden said he would cure all the countries problems. If all the problems were caused by Trump, has he fixed anything?

Only about 2 in 10 adults say the U.S. is heading in the right direction or the economy is good, both down from about 3 in 10 a month earlier., with just 33% within the president’s party saying the country is headed in the right direction, down from 49% in April.
Overall, two-thirds of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of the economy. That rating is largely unchanged over the last few months, though elevated slightly since the first two months of the year.

66% of his own party are dissatisfied with his performance.
Of course I don’t have a 36” waistline today. I’m 44yrs older. But hey, your [sic] supposed to be an intelligent person? I was 21yrs old then. But, But Captain, I’m ONLY 20lbs over my last playing weight. Truth be told, my waistline hovers around 48”. Holy fucking shit! I hope you have a cardiovascular surgeon on standby! But, I’m not interested in impressing anybody now. Luckily for you!

Are you really what you are selling? Huh?? What the fuck are you babbling about now? What is it that you seem to think I'm "selling?" Or are you just another Lucas McCain? A complete fraud. How am I "a fraud?" (Specifics, please!) I wonder what your curiosity is with me? Maybe your [sic] gay? Like Poofter? Seems like you remember EVERYTHING I post. Why is that?

Seems to me that you're the one who has some weird obsession with me. You started sniping at me, remember? (If you do that, don't you think that someone might reply in kind? LOL)

Concerning memory, mine is pretty good as far as I know, possibly because I've always endeavored to avoid sludging up my arteries with terrible dietary habits.

I’ll leave with you a Q thingy


You should do some research like an intelligent person would before you open your pie hole. Try refraining from using your pie hole to download gargantuan quantities of ACTUAL pie from the dessert cart. You might live a lot longer! Then you can expose yourself LOL! Expose myself to what? Originally Posted by bambino
The biggest economic crash America will ever experience is coming, warn multiple financial experts.

Multiple prominent businessmen and entrepreneurs are predicting that an economic crash is on the horizon and that it will be bigger than any other economic collapse America has ever experienced. On Wall Street, a leading financial analysthas already predicted that the stock market is about to experience a “summer of pain.” Originally Posted by bambino
I sure am glad you make a careful effort to avoid posting links to conspiracy bullshit websites!

Actually, Scott Minerd is a credible individual and makes a number of very good points.

But these clowns embarrass themselves abjectly when they cite Robert Kiyosaki, who may well be the most comically ridiculous grifter ever to grace the world of market and finance hucksterism!

I try to keep up on economics, more specifically opportunities for profit. Sadly, I see a lot of opportunities to fail ATM.

Just looking to see where the first rays of sunshine might appear. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I'm inclined to wait and see whether the narrative shifts from the "i-word" to the "r-word" within the next 6-12 months.

For while the "i-word" can certainly nibble away at markets and cause investors a good bit of angst, the "r-word" can slaughter them! (After which bargains galore become attractive to value investors.)

actually sir, you are wrong. No, I am not! (Look again.)

quadrillion is thousand billion Nope! (A trillion is "in between" is and three orders of magnitude smaller than the former and greater than the latter.)

Sexagintacentillion is 10-483; Thousand octogintillion

source data is taken from Wikipedia and Britannica. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Actually, a quadrillion is one million billion!

You can easily see that just by glancing at the links you posted.

Sextillion, quintillion, quadrillion, trillion, billion, million.

Each one of those numbers is 1,000X greater than the following one.

Simple as that!

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
You left out the part about Trump's refusal to act swiftly on Covid... Originally Posted by Chung Tran
So you're saying he is not a rayycist or xenophobe after all for banning flights to the USA? Did not realize you were such a staunch defender of him. Thx. While I realize news must travel a bit slow out Fucknuckle way, 'round these here parts the covid vaccine moved at warp speed. Could things have moved even faster? Yes, without roadblocks that is. Who knows how fast he might have moved if not for his ball and chain gang dragging him down. Perhaps you recall:

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You left out the part about Trump's refusal to act swiftly on Covid, which led to the collapse of the US economy, hence the zero interest rate and 1.2% inflation. Furthermore, you left out the fact that Powell had to infuse massive liquidity/stimulus in response, leaving Biden with raging inflation.

Damn it. Facts getting in the way again! Originally Posted by Chung Tran

nonsense! Trump did act. you know that. stop acting like you don't. don't forget your god Fauci was saying the exact same things at the same time, that it wasn't likely to be serious in the US. Trump issued the travel ban in large part on Fauci's recommendation. so he was following the advice of your so-called expert.

you and WTF amuse me. you two think Trump shutdown the economy for over a year. did not happen and you two disingenuous goobers know it. Trump never wanted a long term lockdown and all the Federal government can do outside of the Federal Government itself and the Military is issue an advisory.

that's what Trump did. the fact that you two seem to think Trump can control the States means you failed civics.

it was the decisions of the Governors and them alone to determine the scope of any shutdowns. and we now know the Red states fared better with less draconian rule than the Blue states who are still pushing their nonsense.

there was nothing any nation could have done to stop covid once the Chinese allowed international travel to continue for over a month while knowing there was an outbreak in progress.

by the time they had to fess up it was too late and i suspect they allowed it on purpose to crash the global economy to save their own.

two things more ..

the US should have done like Sweden did. they were right all along and the data shows it and they didn't fuck over their schools and businesses. recall that the leftists all screamed that Sweden would suffer horribly!! that was to keep their FUD campaign going and keep these idiotic and useless lockdowns in play.

Biden overdid it with all this helicopter money dumping. what Trump did was enough, more actually under the circumstances. what your beloved DemonRats did was never let a golden opportunity to spend money on bullshit go to waste.
You left out the part about Trump's refusal to act swiftly on Covid, which led to the collapse of the US economy, hence the zero interest rate and 1.2% inflation. Furthermore, you left out the fact that Powell had to infuse massive liquidity/stimulus in response, leaving Biden with raging inflation.

Damn it. Facts getting in the way again! Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Uh-oh! Looks like you left out any mention of the grotesquely excessive $1.9 trillion "American Rescue Plan" passed in March 2021, the primary cause of the inflation spike we've experienced over the last 12 months.

Ever heard of Larry Summers? He's a very well-known economist and prominent Democrat, yet warned in February 2021 that this bloated lemon was the most irresponsible legislation of the last several decades, and would result in filling the estimated output gap more than twice over.

Dammit! Facts getting in the way again!

(Don't you just hate it when that happens?)

... the US should have done like Sweden did. they were right all along and the data shows it and they didn't fuck over their schools and businesses. recall that the leftists all screamed that Sweden would suffer horribly!! that was to keep their FUD campaign going and keep these idiotic and useless lockdowns in play. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
