Tucker Carlson Tonight

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lol Originally Posted by lilylivered

and yet some on both sides do not see that some on both sides got ta go away
Gop puppet master Tucker Carlson

This like watching the WWE, because it’s entertainment and everyone knows it isn’t real ?

On Jan. 4, 2021, Fox News host Tucker Carlson was done with Donald Trump.

"We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can’t wait," he texted an unidentified person.

"I hate him passionately. ... I can’t handle much more of this," he added.

By this time, Fox News was in crisis mode. It had angered its audience when it correctly said Joe Biden had won Arizona in the presidential election. Executives and hosts were worried about losing viewers to upstart rivals, most notably Newsmax.

The private comments were a far cry from what Carlson's viewers were used to hearing from the stalwart conservative host on his prime-time show every night.

“We’re all pretending we’ve got a lot to show for it, because admitting what a disaster it’s been is too tough to digest,” he wrote in another text message, referring to the "last four years." “But come on. There isn’t really an upside to Trump.”

The revelation is in hundreds of pages of testimony, private text messages and emails from top Fox News journalists and executives that were made public Tuesday, adding to the trove of documents that show a network in crisis after it alienated core viewers by reporting accurately on the results of the 2020 presidential election
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Come on Wacky your boy Twat is a bigger liar than Traitor Trump....FFS!!!!

Babahahahahaaaaaaa Originally Posted by Zollner
Not one of Z's better performances the last couple of days.

Between relentlessly posting cartoons, calling people who disagree with his inane opinions "poorly educated", and then posting the above gem, he may have set the new gold standard for self-nullification.

Literally kindergarten level garbage.

I'm a little surprised at Z for some reason.

Poorly educated. Jeeze.
Zollner's Avatar
Not one of Z's better performances the last couple of days.

Between relentlessly posting cartoons, calling people who disagree with his inane opinions "poorly educated", and then posting the above gem, he may have set the new gold standard for self-nullification.

Literally kindergarten level garbage.

I'm a little surprised at Z for some reason.

Poorly educated. Jeeze. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Incorrect NTB.
Don't believe your good buddy/pal Comrade Putin will be pleased with your above response....

Was just trying to make it easier for our poorly educated Putin apologists/anarchists/insurgents too understand, Nothing But Tripe. Goes without saying MAGANUTZ, Fucking Crazies, Wacky Boi and other RW Crazies are included also. You know how much Traitor Trump loves his poorly educated base. These rubes are so gullible and easy for BS Artist Don the Con, who is basically nothing more than another bigmouth NYC Blowhard, who Twat Carlson does all he can to emulate for his poorly educated FAUX audience.

Surprised you haven't caught on to that as yet NTB.....

KISS, out of necessity applies to all of the above rubes, so kindergarten level chat is quite apropos for them .....LOL

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