nothing reply anything you want

valkyra's Avatar
[URL=" e=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2 ahUKEwjAwtjI8-fxAhVmm-AKHd5SD5AQFnoECAMQAA&url=https atefair%2F2021%2F07%2Fjoan-jett-the-blackhearts-added-back-to-nys-fair-concert-lineup.html&usg=AOvVaw2YQZ_ku1 cVZRraUa7yHwjy"]

I think you like granny Joan Jett also mmmmm ahhhh Mam LOL Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

I do love Joan Jett, she's the godmother of punk. Might have to check that out too
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I do love Joan Jett, she's the godmother of punk. Might have to check that out too Originally Posted by valkyra
the I90 whipping tour w.... ? ops ad idea LOL
valkyra's Avatar
the I90 whipping tour w.... ? ops ad idea LOL Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Na, when I travel for things like that I don't bring work with me. Those are days I break off for myself. Can't forget to live a little, no sense in working yourself to death, can't take money with you when you go lol
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Na, when I travel for things like that I don't bring work with me. Those are days I break off for myself. Can't forget to live a little, no sense in working yourself to death, can't take money with you when you go lol Originally Posted by valkyra
Girl ... ops rats ah whatever, Eh
offshoredrilling's Avatar
so I google "john ask a whore to whip him jokes"
WTF pc has gone way to far
All I got was stories of folks got sued or lost job for telling bad jokes
WTF just give some bad jokes will ya

so I google that rag you can find in strip clubs and cheap hotels
WTF I fucking know its been hot, I wanted dirty jokes from
errrrrrr rats Eh
anyone got a Dirty joke ?????

valkyra been great in this thread BUT I don't what this thread to have a topic. mmmm valkyra girl, you have a joke to tell ???
valkyra's Avatar
billy was a chemist's son,
now he is no more
what he thought was H20 was H2S04

any and all jokes i have are terrible because i'm a huge nerd
these are my favorite guys for such thing though">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355">
Willie Wanker's Avatar
I do love Joan Jett, she's the godmother of punk. Might have to check that out too Originally Posted by valkyra
Not Patti Smith or Wendy O. Williams?
lilylivered's Avatar
He liked something with a bite to it : )
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Not Patti Smith or Wendy O. Williams? Originally Posted by Willie Wanker

Born: May 28, 1949, Webster, NY
from Webster NY mmm if alive would she still sing almost nude?
how would that go over LOL

December 30, 1946 (age 74 years), Chicago, IL and still singing

valkyra I bet like Wendy better
She was noted for her onstage theatrics which included partial nudity, exploding equipment, firing a shotgun, and chainsawing guitars.[1] Performing her own stunts in videos,[citation needed] she often sported a mohawk hairstyle. In 1985, during the height of her popularity as a solo artist, she was nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Female Rock Vocal Performance. Leaving home Williams hitchhiked to Colorado, earning money by crocheting string bikinis. She travelled to Florida and Europe landing various jobs such as lifeguard, stripper, macrobiotic cook, and server at Dunkin' Donuts. After arriving in New York City in 1976, she began performing in live sex shows, and in 1979 appeared in the porno Candy Goes to Hollywood. That year manager Rod Swenson recruited her to the Plasmatics, and the two became romantically involved. The band quickly became known on the local underground scene, performing at clubs such as CBGB.
valkyra's Avatar

Born: May 28, 1949, Webster, NY
from Webster NY mmm if alive would she still sing almost nude?
how would that go over LOL

December 30, 1946 (age 74 years), Chicago, IL and still singing

valkyra I bet like Wendy better Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

"Leaving home Williams hitchhiked to Colorado, earning money by crocheting string bikinis."

I'm in the wrong line of work apparently

Wendy Williams' was a firecracker for sure, lots of theatrics and girls with mohawks are pretty wild i've heard

I'm going to say my unpopular opinion - I don't like her voice She was hot back in the day though, in that heroin-y kind of way though

favorite female vocalists - Shirley Manson (Garbage), Cammie Gilbert (Oceans of Slumber)

Out of the two I would actually pick Patti
Willie Wanker's Avatar
It's a cold day in hell & the moon is blue,
I clicked the 'like' button for a CNN segment.

Author Michael Wolff offers words of advice to CNN {FONT="BullShit"} "news anchor" {/FONT} Brian Stelter.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Dr. Anthony Frankenstein Fauci seemed to have a bad day yesterday
lilylivered's Avatar
Yep evil Rand Paul yelled at him
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Dr. Anthony Frankenstein Fauci seemed to have a bad day yesterday Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Yep evil Rand Paul yelled at him Originally Posted by lilylivered
it went down hill after that lie "I have never lied to congress"
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Fauci did a lot of yapping to run out the clock. China did receive US funding that was used for gain of function research while it was clearly prohibited. He didn't answer the question that was asked. Ron Paul had to stop him a few times.😂
To borrow a line from Jim Croce:
Fauci looked like a jigsaw puzzle with a couple of pieces lost.