NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

TheDon's Avatar
No doubt, Lance killed it with the draft boards, his site he runs with Harris (side line view) is awesome as well. His dad is Fucking great. They would do a great job last season explaining why the Texans sucked so bad at running to the right.

I've only been listening to John Harris for about 5 months now, didn't know about him during last football season, but I'll probably be listening to both he and Lance.

I follow both on Twitter though, good enough for me when there is not NBA/NFL to talk about.
BigLouie's Avatar
Watched part of the game last night. Two things. Hopkins is going to be bad ass this season and the heir apparent to Andre. Casey is going to be the #2 QB. He just played better.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 08-10-2013, 01:36 PM
I feel the same on all point but still it's only one preseason game. So we shall see soon what develops.
TheDon's Avatar
I think Lance Z said it best about Hopkins last night.

"He is the anti-Kevin Walters"

Much Respect to Kevin, but it's the truth.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 08-10-2013, 01:47 PM
Lol yeah he did more then block KW could block like a mother
HOLY SHIT! I am watching the second pre season game and just before the end of the forth quarter, right after the miami TD. The camera shows the crowd and a grown woman very cleary picks er nose and eats her boogers! I nearly fell out of my Lazy Boy laughing.
BigLouie's Avatar
Yea saw that too
BigLouie's Avatar
Overall I thought it was a very good second preseason game. Our back QBs looked really good. Our defense looked very good at times and at times looked as if we really need JJ and Ed Reed out there. On offense our receivers are looking very good. With Johnson and Hopkins being the regulars look for a more aggressive passing attack which should help the play action and the bootlegs a lot.

And for all that talk about Denver in the Super Bowl, they got hosed.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
HOLY SHIT! I am watching the second pre season game and just before the end of the forth quarter, right after the miami TD. The camera shows the crowd and a grown woman very cleary picks er nose and eats her boogers! I nearly fell out of my Lazy Boy laughing. Originally Posted by spear88
torpedo69's Avatar
Who is setting it up and sending out the invites? Originally Posted by dearhunter
I would be interested in joining just let me know what I need to do.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 08-18-2013, 06:38 PM
Dammit I'm so glad football is finally back at Reliant stadium. It was a good game and the crowd was already wild. I am already looking forward to next Sunday against Drew Breezy.

I will rewatch the game on TV to get a better feel of what happened in the game. Being there, I saw a lot I liked and disliked. I really hope D Hop is ok. Swearinger finally played up to his potential...I feel bad for Keller, that was tough, never want to see that...

I will also make some predictions for this year. Last year I predicted the Steelers would NOT make the playoffs and most people including their # 1 fan (DED) thought I was nuts!! lmao.

Alright boys, going to work on the draft, the fantasy thread for our league is up in the fantasy football thread by Don....
BigLouie's Avatar
Well for the third preseason game it was pretty good. Ben Jones needs some coaching up and fast

Ben Jones fails in his assignment

I thought some of the reserves looked really good, running back seems strong. However the way we could not defend the screen pass at all is an issue. We looked really bad there.
TheDon's Avatar
Good video.

Ben Jones has looked pretty shitty, need Wade Smith back. Derek Newton loos okay, that right side will probably be average-bad again this year.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 08-30-2013, 02:17 AM
Well the Texans looks like they have a tough decision to make at running back. They all did very well and I'm hard pressed to say who I like the most. I'm really not very high on Ben Tate anymore. He seems to have lost a step or 2...

The backup QB competition is also interesting. Case or TJ? Another tough one to call. I think TJ will keep it because he played well and did nothing to really "lose" it. But I'm very impressed with Case. The 2 TD passes to Jean were awesome.

It doesn't get a lot of press but I'm very happy with our kicker (Bullock) and new punter. (Lechler) They will do a lot for us and can potentially alter some games in our favor.

I'm still a bit concerned about Foster, Dopey, Ed Reed and Jonathan Joseph for various reasons. Some injury related, some (lack of) performance related. We need all those guys to be healthy and step up.

I'm glad Cush is back. I'm excited to see what Hopkins will do to stretch the defense. We are very deep with receivers, running backs and tight ends. The cut down to 53 will be interesting.

Can't wait for our first game which is Monday night against the Chargers. I'm also glad we punked the Cowgirls today....:dir _bye1:
BigLouie's Avatar
Totally agree with your concerns. The Cowboy reserves looked really bad. I don't think it is going to be a good year for them. 8-8 or less. As for the Texans I think our offense will be able to move the ball and keep our defense off the field. While Foster is a concern I think Tate and others can pick up the slack while he plays himself into shape. Our Dbs are a real concern. A strong pass rush should help a bit but still at some point they have to step up.