GOP: "We've Been Lying All Along"

The info on Krugman is out there...
All one needs to do is go back and listen to what he was saying before 08. Originally Posted by SEE3772
Indeed, but that advice is only worthwhile for those interested in reading and learning. It's patently obvious that the thread-starter doesn't fall into that category, and neither do a few other of this forum's participants, as I'm sure you have noticed.
"See" has been on my ignore list since his first Ron Paul style rant on the Federal Reserve. You Ron Paul/Alex Jones types should have your own forum with Hating Kayla and all her Bunker Buddies.

You could then realize your dream of "Taking Back America" (all the way to Medieval times). Science? Climate Change? Rising Sea Levels? Pollution? It would be the Teapublican panacea to wrestle America back to the Dark Ages and even use their Christian Love to start a few more sessions of the Crusades.

Excuse me, but all you Bunker Blockheads who think the Rapture will rescue you from all the harm YOU are doing can kiss my ass! You should all start getting smarter and joining the sane people who realize your "escape plan" of floating to Heaven is not the way to deal with destroying the planet.

You missed the comet that was supposed to pick you up.
Indeed, but that advice is only worthwhile for those interested in reading and learning. It's patently obvious that the thread-starter doesn't fall into that category, and neither do a few other of this forum's participants, as I'm sure you have noticed. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight

Yep, you Geniuses, the austerity models in Greece, Spain and other places are really working well! I guess Obama secretly used the stimulus here and forced Europe to use austerity measures! You look silly arguing both sides of the issue!

You are MORONS! You can fight a recession two ways - one is to inflate your way out of it and two is to deflate your way out of it! I just hope the people trying to bring on another 1929 crash and depression by deflating the economy with cuts are kept from getting their Teapublican hands on the steering wheel that is driving this nation!
Yep, you Geniuses, the austerity models in Greece, Spain and other places are really working well! I guess Obama secretly used the stimulus here and forced Europe to use austerity measures! You look silly arguing both sides of the issue!

You are MORONS! You can fight a recession two ways - one is to inflate your way out of it and two is to deflate your way out of it! I just hope the people trying to bring on another 1929 crash and depression by deflating the economy with cuts are kept from getting their Teapublican hands on the steering wheel that is driving this nation! Originally Posted by Little Stevie
I realize that you're not exactly one of the brightest porch lights on the block (to put it mildly), but I suggest that you make an effort to learn something about economics and about what's going on in the world. For starters, no one (including me) is suggesting an "austerity model" like the ones forced on a few of Europe's most disadvantaged countries. I have supported real stimulus measures, not payoffs to favored constituencies that made up the squandered "stimulus package" of 2009, which was a net negative for the economy. Besides, the "austerity" in Britain and a few other countries centers around tax increases, not spending cuts.

Go learn something before popping off again, you stupid S.O.B. For starters, you'd do well to re-read that thread you initiated a little over a year ago. I linked to it earlier for your convenience.
Little Stevie, how about doing as you promised and debunking the "acres of bullshit" you referred to in this thread?

About all you're usually good for is epithet-hurling and name-calling. When called upon to offer some sort of cogent, reasoned argument, you tend not to do very well.

That's why I said that you have a propensity to let your impetuousness write checks that your brain can't cash.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yes, Stevie needs a nap too and I think a diaper change.

In Greece they dumped the austerity model with a new government. In Cyprus they'er stealing money from the people. As far as his rant about taking this country back to a time before the country existed he has to know that is a liberal dream. It is the left that exalts everything their country takes a hit and believes that the US is the source for all evil in the world. No, it is the left that wants to turn back the clock just like the muslims. They want to live in an age that never really existed except inside their dreams.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Paul Krugman? Seriously, Stevie? Only on MSNBC. LOL!

cptjohnstone's Avatar
little stevie admits he is blind, blind to see the real world problems

that must mean all democrats are blind
Paul Krugman? Seriously, Stevie? Only on MSNBC. LOL!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yeah, you'd think he would have learned something from the discussion in his previous Krugman idolatry thread (to which I linked earlier).

But I guess not. Some people are just slow learners!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Holy shit. Are the wingnuts a actually criticizing someone for referencing someone who isn't in Fox or Breitbart?


Boys, you shouldn't throw stones ... The Canada Free Press might call you one it!

LMAO @ hypocritical dipshits!

Actually, Stevie makes a great case for a new forum ... THE BUNKER! You fellas can all go in there and jerk each other off to your hearts content! All Anti-America, all the time!
You have failed (again) to answer my question, like most here...

When will the Federal Reserve exit?

Maybe you should grow up stop responding like a child educate yourself accept reality and come up with a personal protection plan. Originally Posted by SEE3772
A couple of months ago Ben said that interest rates would rise based on a date (I forgot the specific date but it was mentioned).
About a month ago Ben said that interest rates would rise when unemployment reached 6 percent and would forgo the aforementioned date.
Today Ben said there were "no triggers" on when the Fed would begin to raise rates again.

The way he said it made it sound "later than sooner."
Holy shit. Are the wingnuts a actually criticizing someone for referencing someone who isn't in Fox or Breitbart?


Boys, you shouldn't throw stones ... The Canada Free Press might call you one it!

LMAO @ hypocritical dipshits!

Actually, Stevie makes a great case for a new forum ... THE BUNKER! You fellas can all go in there and jerk each other off to your hearts content! All Anti-America, all the time! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Another of the forum's Village Idiots weighs in with nothing more than juvenile insults, and in a thread addressing financial and economic issues -- a topic of which he's obviously quite ignorant. Yssup, aren't you the guy who started mouthing off in a thread about Jack Lew, and then acknowledged that you didn't even have any idea what an SIV is? Why yes, I believe you are!

Haven't you also called everyone with whom you disagree "dipshits" more times than most others have even posted?

How charming!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Ignorant of GOP lying and misinformation tradecraft? Right. Believe that if you want.

Call people dipshit more than anything else? I think youre probably right, dipshit! But that doesn't mean Im not being honest and truthful in my assessment. You're living proof, in fact.

I'm just here to point out how fucking dense most of you dipshits are.

I suppose if instead of defending the propaganda of the far right, anti-American, Obama haters and anarchists more of you would engage in straight talk ... Well, that would assume more of you are actually straight.

Never mind!

Carry on, dipshits!
Ignorant of GOP lying and misinformation tradecraft? Right. Believe that if you want.

Call people dipshit more than anything else? I think youre probably right, dipshit! But that doesn't mean Im not being honest and truthful in my assessment. You're living proof, in fact.

I'm just here to point out how fucking dense most of you dipshits are.

I suppose if instead of defending the propaganda of the far right, anti-American, Obama haters and anarchists more of you would engage in straight talk ... Well, that would assume more of you are actually straight.

Never mind!

Carry on, dipshits! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
See what I mean?

And you're calling everybody else "dense?"


For the record, blind partisans such as you and Little Stevie would enjoy more credibilty if you'd demonstrate at least a tiny bit of intellectual honesty and acknowledge that the mess we're in is the fault of both parties. Who do you think is going to end up having to pay for all the promises politicians have made? Do you think loading all the additional tax burden only on the top one percent is going to come remotely close to making much of a dent in the deficit?

But, yeah, I know. In your world, the sole reason for our dire fiscal outlook is that taxes on the "rich" were cut too much.

Dear "two captains", COF and Barley for Brains, as I gaze through your best efforts at refutation, I see only name calling and the always-stupid defense of "Oh HIM? Ha Ha Ha" Just where are the facts you purport to have in refuting my statement of there being only two ways to get out of a recession?

One of you nincompoops actually agreed with the theory and then trashed the first stimulus as having a negative effect on the economy.

Adios, losers! Until you learn to think your way out of the dense Teapublican fog you carry with you, I'll just laugh at your irrelevant comments.

How about that Michele Bachmann using another worthless blog and a pamphlet by a Republican lobbyist to attempt to say theWhite House pays someone $102K per year to walk the President's dog?

It just proves you people will believe anything some Deadbart throws out there.