More Classified Documents Found In Biden’s Garage.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You were probably being sarcastic (I hope) but I'll ask anyway, did Obama sign the proper document to declassify like they say Trump didn't? If so, let's see that document.

The "only" reason to appoint a special council, is that a preliminary investigation shows the possibility of a criminal act. Let me translate that for you. Garland had no choice but to appoint a special council because at it's legal base, the idea that these documents were not where they were suppose to be, in an archive no matter how many, no matter what they contain because they had classified markings, is a crime, PERIOD.

The fact? that Biden's attorney's are co-operating does not relieve Biden of the fact that he (somebody) broke the law.

BTW, we now hear about a 3rd location of classified documents and of course Joe Biden has no idea how any of this happened!

So who, if not Biden, moved those documents and did they have the security clearance to do so?

And did Hunter have a key to that garage which BTW was one of the dumber things Biden said essentially saying that they were safe in the garage because that's were Biden kept his most prized possession, his corvette and it's a beauty, I'll give him that.

Co-operation or not, a crime was committed by somebody. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

Hunter had the keys to the garage to shine daddy's Vette and keep the battery charged. nothing to see here.


You sound just lie Joy Behar. Almost to the letter.

“We all know Trump lies and is a criminal, while Joe Biden is an upstanding civil servant who has given his life to public service”.

Biden is the figurehead of a criminal cartel that specializes in selling influence.
The big question is now that we know that Merrick Garland knew about these unsecured classified documents before the mid terms, why was it kept quiet.

While, mind you, every minute of news was covering Trumps hoarding classified documents at his home.

Go sell it somewhere else. Originally Posted by Jackie S

WTF watches too much far left news sites. i bet he gets his investment advice from Jim Cramer.

HedonistForever's Avatar
"Once informed", good one. Where is that falling on the floor laughing my ass off emoji when I need it.

At least one classified document has been found in a third location. That location, if I have this right, was in Joe's private office or library. So how did that document move from the corvette super safe garage that Hunter most likely had access to, to this other location? Maybe one of these document finding attorneys moved that document to Joe's office/ library. Who was that because if that person didn't have the proper security clearance to be handling a classified document, that person is going to jail, sorry, should go to jail.

Yeah, these cases are different and Biden's is 10 times worse than Trump's.

The CCP gives the Biden center at Penn. 35million and Penn., gives Joe one million of that.

OH, have you heard this tid bit? Over 100 professor's at Penn. signed a letter to the DOJ, that said they should stop investigating Chinese nationals that might be spying here in the US, started by the Trump administration and what did Merrick Garland do? He shut down the investigation into Chinese nationals spying in the US.

Man, somebody pulled on that string a little to much and this shit is going to unravel so fast now because the MSM is reluctantly following this while some Democrats are actually on camera (Johnson, the idiot that thought an island could tip over with to many people on it) said it wouldn't surprise him if Republican's, probably on the order of Trump, "planted" those documents on Ole Joe.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
once again Tucker explains it all ....

adav8s28's Avatar
once again Tucker explains it all ....

bahahahahaaaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Interesting theory about the former Gov Cuomo. The party wants him out because he has outlived his usefulness and he is not a minority? If he had not been asking married female staffers are you having intimacy with your spouse on a regular basis, he would still be the Gov of New York.

Regarding the classified documents found at the think tank and Bidens garage, even Trump's hand picked Atty General Barr said there was no reason for Trump to be hording that much classified material at the Mar a Lago.

The notion that Kamala wants Biden out of the way so she could be number one on the democratic ticket is flawed logic. Her chances of becoming president are much better if she is number 2 on ticket with Biden # 1, they win a very close electoral college vote and then Biden steps down after three months into the second term. Most democrats don't think she can beat the republicans if Harris is number one on the ticket. Thus, getting Biden out of the way does not help her.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Interesting theory about the former Gov Cuomo. The party wants him out because he has outlived his usefulness and he is not a minority? If he had not been asking married female staffers are you having intimacy with your spouse on a regular basis, he would still be the Gov of New York.

Regarding the classified documents found at the think tank and Bidens garage, even Trump's hand picked Atty General Barr said there was no reason for Trump to be hording that much classified material at the Mar a Lago.

The notion that Kamala wants Biden out of the way so she could be number one on the democratic ticket is flawed logic. Her chances of becoming president are much better if she is number 2 on ticket with Biden # 1, they win a very close electoral college vote and then Biden steps down after three months into the second term. Most democrats don't think she can beat the republicans if Harris is number one on the ticket. Thus, getting Biden out of the way does not help her. Originally Posted by adav8s28

well Harris couldn't beat herself in the head with a hammer so you might have a point.


and yet this dummy was the hand picked "female minority of color" because Biden needed Clyburn's help to revive his stalled campaign. he had to promise a black female VP and this is the best they could find??


what's Garland saying about Biden hording documents for 6 years? in a location not even 1/10th as secure as Mar-A-Lago? in his garage? really? his Corvette and his lamp shade were more important.

guess who had access to the garage? Hunter. yeah, he's totally trustworthy.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
"Once informed", good one. Where is that falling on the floor laughing my ass off emoji when I need it.

At least one classified document has been found in a third location. That location, if I have this right, was in Joe's private office or library. So how did that document move from the corvette super safe garage that Hunter most likely had access to, to this other location? Maybe one of these document finding attorneys moved that document to Joe's office/ library. Who was that because if that person didn't have the proper security clearance to be handling a classified document, that person is going to jail, sorry, should go to jail.

Yeah, these cases are different and Biden's is 10 times worse than Trump's.

The CCP gives the Biden center at Penn. 35million and Penn., gives Joe one million of that.

OH, have you heard this tid bit? Over 100 professor's at Penn. signed a letter to the DOJ, that said they should stop investigating Chinese nationals that might be spying here in the US, started by the Trump administration and what did Merrick Garland do? He shut down the investigation into Chinese nationals spying in the US.

Man, somebody pulled on that string a little to much and this shit is going to unravel so fast now because the MSM is reluctantly following this while some Democrats are actually on camera (Johnson, the idiot that thought an island could tip over with to many people on it) said it wouldn't surprise him if Republican's, probably on the order of Trump, "planted" those documents on Ole Joe. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
its those chinese police outposts that are now stirring shitstorm.

that investigation on it was shut down?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
cuomo is by definition a minority. hes latin and they're not considered white.
Good thing a sitting president can't be indicted. Precedence has been set.

And a president can't be impeached and convicted/removed....
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Good thing a sitting president can't be indicted. Precedence has been set.

that is a DOJ opinion. there is nothing in the Constitution or law that says a sitting president can't be indicted.

And a president can't be impeached and convicted/removed.... Originally Posted by royamcr

yes, a president can be impeached. Trump, Clinton and Andrew Jackson were. successful impeachment means removal from office.

everything you said is wrong.
adav8s28's Avatar
cuomo is by definition a minority. hes latin and they're not considered white. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
The ancestors of Italian people are the Greeks. Aren't Greeks considered white?
adav8s28's Avatar
yes, a president can be impeached. Trump, Clinton and Andrew Jackson were. successful impeachment means removal from office.

everything you said is wrong.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Actually half of what Royamcr wrote was right. He wrote presidents are never convicted and removed from office. That part he got right. As you stated he was wrong about Presidents never getting impeached.
adav8s28's Avatar
well Harris couldn't beat herself in the head with a hammer so you might have a point.


and yet this dummy was the hand picked "female minority of color" because Biden needed Clyburn's help to revive his stalled campaign. he had to promise a black female VP and this is the best they could find??


what's Garland saying about Biden hording documents for 6 years? in a location not even 1/10th as secure as Mar-A-Lago? in his garage? really? his Corvette and his lamp shade were more important.

guess who had access to the garage? Hunter. yeah, he's totally trustworthy.

BAAHHAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Harris had a strong resume. Her resume was just as strong as Mike Pence's and a lot stronger than that of "Airhead" Sarah Palin. She was a district attorney of San Francisco, Attorney General of California and a two time Senator from Calif. Being put in charge of the border is a no win situation. As long as there are jobs in the USA and virtually no jobs in Mexico people are going to try to come.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Harris had a strong resume. Her resume was just as strong as Mike Pence's and a lot stronger than that of "Airhead" Sarah Palin. She was a district attorney of San Francisco, Attorney General of California and a two time Senator from Calif. Being put in charge of the border is a no win situation. As long as there are jobs in the USA and virtually no jobs in Mexico people are going to try to come. Originally Posted by adav8s28

she had a strong head game. just ask Willie Brown. yeah he's still alive. lol. he's 88 .. probably doesn't get much action anymore. bahahaaa.

Harris was the "let's discuss this" candidate. wouldn't commit to anything. her campaign went down like a Led Zeppelin. she like buttigieg took the backdoor deal to drop out (not like she was gonna win anyway) to clear the way for Biden both knowing that she'd likely be the black female vp running mate and petey could fuck up as Transportation secretary by telling everyone how racist our roads are. one wonders if he thinks the Eisenhower Highway System is racist? you know .. the interstate road system that helped bridge the nation together and was designed as a Military defense fallback during the height of the Cold War? yeah that system.

now back to Harris. wasn't she the "tough girl" throwing all those dope heads in jail while she herself puff puff passed? hurting black minorities the most of course? quite a resume.

yes, a president can be impeached. Trump, Clinton and Andrew Jackson were. successful impeachment means removal from office.

everything you said is wrong.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Trump and Clinton were impeached but not convicted, you are wrong.

And it was Andrew Johnson... Impeached but not convicted by 1 vote...
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trump and Clinton were impeached but not convicted, you are wrong.

And it was Andrew Johnson... Impeached but not convicted by 1 vote... Originally Posted by royamcr

how am i wrong? all were impeached, none were convicted. where did you learn history again?

Jackson, Johnson, what's the difference? Andrews are all alike.

take your typo and and you still lose.

btw welcome back from bancation.