Weightloss Idea's ......any ????????????????????

Naughty is correct, no processed sugars and for me, no pastas/breads and lots of exercise. I also do lots of raisin bran to help with the system...lol
jokacz's Avatar
Ketogenic diet? Sounds like Dr. Stillman's quick weight loss diet from the 1970's. That worked off of ketosis too.
Ketogenic diet? Sounds like Dr. Stillman's quick weight loss diet from the 1970's. That worked off of ketosis too. Originally Posted by jokacz
They are quite different actually. The only thing own common is low carbs. Stillman also preached no fat, 6 meals a day, diet pills etc. It often led to malnutrition by cutting both fats and carbs out.

Ketogenic diets turn a body to a fat burning engine rather than sugar burning. They want high fat, moderate protein, very low car diet with only 1-2 meals per day. The diet stabilizes insulin levels, actually lowers cholesterol (despite high fat diet), and drops weight. I was originally skeptical until I read about ultra endurance athletes using it successfully. It works.
jokacz's Avatar
Ketosis is ketosis, you burn fat instead of sugar. Only difference is how you get to the same place. I don't recall any "diet" pills in the Stillman diet.
Ketosis is ketosis, you burn fat instead of sugar. Only difference is how you get to the same place. I don't recall any "diet" pills in the Stillman diet. Originally Posted by jokacz
No. It is not. Low fat diet only promotes ketosis while burning your own fat. To sustain ketosis takes high fat diet. Eating too much protein and no fat promotes gluconeogenesis which makes more glucose and quells ketosis.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
stem-fast ?
jokacz's Avatar
No. It is not. Low fat diet only promotes ketosis while burning your own fat. To sustain ketosis takes high fat diet. Eating too much protein and no fat promotes gluconeogenesis which makes more glucose and quells ketosis. Originally Posted by Taskmaster
Stillman published in 1967, one would hope that the medical profession has learned something in 50 years besides how to convince the masses that they are deserving of their obscenely immoral incomes.
Stillman published in 1967, one would hope that the medical profession has learned something in 50 years besides how to convince the masses that they are deserving of their obscenely immoral incomes. Originally Posted by jokacz
Yes , and thank you for your historical perspective of .... nothing - your usual MO. Speak voluminously about shit you know nothing about. Got it.
jokacz's Avatar
Yes , and thank you for your historical perspective of .... nothing - your usual MO. Speak voluminously about shit you know nothing about. Got it. Originally Posted by Taskmaster
Sorry, my cell meeting ran long.

But, I know a buccaneer when I see one.
Don't look for a simple magic cure. Eat healthy and exercise. Originally Posted by SeekingFun69
Exactly!! No magic pills or quick solution. Lay off the fast food and high sugar food. Watch your carbs and fat intake. Get out and exercise. The weight will come off. A little tip , dont change everything at once, change a little at a time. Your going to fail if you completely change your diet overnight. Find the worst thing
you eat and replace it with something healthier. And keep doing that. Wont happen overnight , takes time, but itll happen. I've lost 135 lbs so far just taking small steps at a time.
A whole lot of fucking.. And havi n fun sounds like a fun weight loss try
Yes, a lot of fucking!!!Thanks Legacy.
C U next week.
  • rj317
  • 06-03-2017, 04:12 PM
I want Amber to be my personal trainer