How Would Frederick Douglass Regard Today’s Left?

ICU 812's Avatar
My experience working at the VA was that with regard to employment, minorities of many ethnicities and cultures were disproportionally over-represented compared with the census' demographic breakdown of the nation's population in 1990 and again in 2000.

An in-service training session that I was required to attend at one-point ws focused on the services available from the EEOCV, The Equal Opportunities Commision. It presented what EEOC was and did in terms of ensuring that workplace discrimination was addressed. I was one of a very few white men present.

One point brought up by the presenter as justification for the agrencvies existence that evidence of de facto discrimination and the need to redress it was the underrepresentation of minorities in hiring. I kept my mouth shut and continued in my employment for snother ten years or so.

If that isd the vcase, and given my experience with several co-workers who only held their jobs because they were minorities, why are ther somany n on-white players in the NBA and the NFL? I would think that the same affirmative action principles would apply!

And yes, I understand that sports at the collegiate and professional level is a true meritocracy. A player's job depends on continued high performance. I simply think thatthe principle of meritocracy should apply in employment as well.
Meritocracy at work should apply. But sadly it doesn't. Whether it's race, gender, preferences, etc, nearly all workplaces operate to the advantage of some workers over others. I was a partner in a business years ago and I was fucking several of the employees. Each of them received favorable treatment, better pay over their colleagues, quicker promotions, more time off, more training and conferences, better access to management, etc. That helped their careers when they went to work other places as well.

We can all wish for a meritocracy, but it is nearly nonexistent, regardless of affirmative action.
My experience working at the VA was that with regard to employment, minorities of many ethnicities and cultures were disproportionally over-represented compared with the census' demographic breakdown of the nation's population in 1990 and again in 2000.

An in-service training session that I was required to attend at one-point ws focused on the services available from the EEOCV, The Equal Opportunities Commision. It presented what EEOC was and did in terms of ensuring that workplace discrimination was addressed. I was one of a very few white men present.

One point brought up by the presenter as justification for the agrencvies existence that evidence of de facto discrimination and the need to redress it was the underrepresentation of minorities in hiring. I kept my mouth shut and continued in my employment for snother ten years or so.

If that isd the vcase, and given my experience with several co-workers who only held their jobs because they were minorities, why are ther somany n on-white players in the NBA and the NFL? I would think that the same affirmative action principles would apply!

And yes, I understand that sports at the collegiate and professional level is a true meritocracy. A player's job depends on continued high performance. I simply think thatthe principle of meritocracy should apply in employment as well. Originally Posted by ICU 812
I had to go by the main Social Security Office last year to modify my direct deposit. The one in Pasadena is huge.
It was packed.
I’m not sure I saw a Caucasian in there except for me. The really amazing thing was the vast majority of the persons in there waiting to get helped were no where near retirement age.

Been to a large Post Office lately? I am beginning to think one of the requirements to be employed at one of those is you have to be some type of minority. Preferably Black.

Since I moved to Lake Charles, I had to renew my TWIC card, as I still do advisory work for industries that require TWIC. No Caucasians working in there either. And the vast majority of the persons sitting in there to apply for TWIC were Hispanic.

Perhaps in other parts of the Country it is different.
Meritocracy at work should apply. But sadly it doesn't. Whether it's race, gender, preferences, etc, nearly all workplaces operate to the advantage of some workers over others. I was a partner in a business years ago and I was fucking several of the employees. Each of them received favorable treatment, better pay over their colleagues, quicker promotions, more time off, more training and conferences, better access to management, etc. That helped their careers when they went to work other places as well.

We can all wish for a meritocracy, but it is nearly nonexistent, regardless of affirmative action. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
With all due respect, I am not sure who possessed the most culpability in violating pro old of the work place. You for showing favoritism for to those who you were fucking, or those who you were fucking accepting it.
adav8s28's Avatar
Meritocracy at work should apply. But sadly it doesn't. Whether it's race, gender, preferences, etc, nearly all workplaces operate to the advantage of some workers over others. I was a partner in a business years ago and I was fucking several of the employees. Each of them received favorable treatment, better pay over their colleagues, quicker promotions, more time off, more training and conferences, better access to management, etc. That helped their careers when they went to work other places as well.

We can all wish for a meritocracy, but it is nearly nonexistent, regardless of affirmative action. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Welcome back 1B1. Stay awhile. Don't let the eccie republicans get you in trouble.
adav8s28's Avatar
I had to go by the main Social Security Office last year to modify my direct deposit. The one in Pasadena is huge.
It was packed.
I’m not sure I saw a Caucasian in there except for me. The really amazing thing was the vast majority of the persons in there waiting to get helped were no where near retirement age.

Been to a large Post Office lately? I am beginning to think one of the requirements to be employed at one of those is you have to be some type of minority. Preferably Black.

Since I moved to Lake Charles, I had to renew my TWIC card, as I still do advisory work for industries that require TWIC. No Caucasians working in there either. And the vast majority of the persons sitting in there to apply for TWIC were Hispanic.

Perhaps in other parts of the Country it is different. Originally Posted by Jackie S
The capital of Mississippi is Jackson. Jackson is like 80% black. Which means a good percentage of city government jobs could be held by blacks. Maybe it's to make up for 100 plus years of Jim Crow and share cropping, a system designed to fail. Not even the most talented or hard working farmer will ever make a dime in that system.
ICU 812's Avatar
I may have not been clear in my remarks about the VA and other work experiences:

It is not so much the imbalance in demographics that bother me. We are all the same under the skin.

What really irked me was the lack of emphasis placed on competence and performance. It did not seem that it mattered how often one of my co-workers screwed up. There seemed to be no accountability for lack of performance, paticulasrly if the low performer was a minority.
With all due respect, I am not sure who possessed the most culpability in violating pro old of the work place. You for showing favoritism for to those who you were fucking, or those who you were fucking accepting it. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Never had one of them say “don't promote me”
Ducbutter's Avatar
Meritocracy at work should apply. But sadly it doesn't. Whether it's race, gender, preferences, etc, nearly all workplaces operate to the advantage of some workers over others. I was a partner in a business years ago and I was fucking several of the employees. Each of them received favorable treatment, better pay over their colleagues, quicker promotions, more time off, more training and conferences, better access to management, etc. That helped their careers when they went to work other places as well.

We can all wish for a meritocracy, but it is nearly nonexistent, regardless of affirmative action. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
That's not scummy at all.
A regular Harvey Weinstein.
If you think so. Feel free to call me HW. Unlike you I won’t go crying to Biomed.
Ducbutter's Avatar
Wrong again Jr. The only interaction I've ever had with Biomed is when he pointed me several months ago.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

How Would Frederick Douglass Regard Today’s Left?

Ask any leftist in your life what he or she thinks of these Douglass quotes
By Dennis Prager
October 4, 2023

Frederick Douglass was one of the greatest Americans who ever lived. This man began life as an illiterate slave – nearly all slave owners prevented slaves from learning to read – and rose from slavery to become, along with Abraham Lincoln, the greatest orator of his time, and one of the wisest and most eloquent writers in American history.

He became the great black leader of his day, honored by multiple American presidents who frequently sought his counsel. If you read his autobiography, “Life and Times of Frederick Douglass,” you will experience English language writing that has few peers in any nonfiction writing in American history.

Every American child and adult should read this book for many reasons. First, it should be read to appreciate the inhumanity of slavery. The physical abuse, and perhaps worst of all, the human degradation inherent to slavery are depicted in understated yet riveting language. Second, it should be read as a document of history. Third, it should be read for its wisdom about the human condition.

Frederick Douglass may be one of the few figures in American history revered by Left and Right, and by nearly all blacks and all whites.

In light of that, it is worth pondering the question: Are Frederick Douglass’ views more consonant with today’s Left or today’s conservatives? It is fair to say that nearly every leftist believes that Frederick Douglass is one of them. But if you read his “Life and Times of Frederick Douglass,” you will discover a man who, with regard to race, the Constitution, Abraham Lincoln and related matters has virtually nothing in common with today’s Left. In fact, leftists would identify every one of the following quotes from Douglass’s autobiography as “white supremacist” and/or “racist.”

Frederick Douglass: “When an unknown man is spoken of in their presence, the first question that arises in the average American mind concerning him and which must be answered is, Of what color is he? and he rises or falls in estimation by the answer given. It is not whether he is a good man or a bad man. That does not seem of primary importance.”

This Douglass quote runs completely counter to the virtually universal left-wing (not liberal, left-wing) claim that race is important and that to ignore it – to attempt to be color-blind – is racist.

The Atlantic, Sept. 13, 2013: From an article titled, “Color Blindness Is Counterproductive”: “How many times have you heard someone say that they ‘don’t see color,’ ‘are color-blind,’ or ‘don’t have a racist bone in their body’? Maybe you’ve even said this yourself. Many sociologists, though, are extremely critical of color blindness as an ideology.”

“The language of explicit racism has given way to a discourse of color blindness.”

“It is no longer socially acceptable in many quarters to identify oneself as racist. Instead, many Americans purport not to see color.”

TED Talk by Heather McGhee, chair of the board of Color of Change, “the country’s largest online racial justice organization”: “Why saying ‘I don’t see race at all’ just makes racism worse.”

American Psychological Association: “Has The United States Really Moved Beyond Race?”

“In this collection, scholars in psychology, education, sociology, and related fields provide a probing analysis deconstructing racial color blindness; all of the contributors point out the problems with … racial color blindness, point out major flaws in the myth of racial color blindness, and reveal its harmful impact on the lives of people of color.”

Southern Poverty Law Center: “Colorblindness: The New Racism?”

Forbes, September 28, 2022: “Color-Blindness Perpetuates Structural Racism” by Maia Niguel Hoskin.

Frederick Douglass: “Races, like individuals, must stand or fall by their own merits.”

Advocating that individuals rise or fall “by their merits” is derided on the Left as racist.

Wikipedia: “‘Myth of meritocracy’ is a phrase arguing that meritocracy, or achieving upward social mobility through one’s own merits regardless of one’s social position, is not widely attainable in capitalist societies because of inherent contradictions.”

Toronto Metropolitan University: “Meritocracy is one of the beliefs that sustains systems of inequity and supremacy.”

Douglass: “The downfall of slavery under British power meant the downfall of slavery, ultimately, under American power, and the downfall of negro slavery everywhere.”

According to the Left, anyone who credits whites with ending worldwide slavery is a white supremacist. And anyone who credits British colonialism with almost any moral achievement is a defender and supporter of imperialism and colonialism.

Douglass: “Had he (Abraham Lincoln) put the abolition of slavery before the salvation of the Union, he would have inevitably … rendered resistance to [Southern] rebellion impossible.”

Here is New York Times columnist Charles M. Blow citing Douglass on Lincoln: “In 1861, after Abraham Lincoln defended the Fugitive Slave Act as an attempt to assuage Southern slavers, Douglass called him an ‘excellent slave hound’ and the ‘most dangerous advocate of slave-hunting and slave-catching in the land.'”

Both citations are accurate. But the one I cite is from much later in Douglass’s life when he could better judge Lincoln.

Douglass: “The Constitution of the United States not only contained no guarantees in favor of slavery, but, on the contrary, was in its letter and spirit an anti-slavery instrument, demanding the abolition of slavery as a condition of its own existence as the supreme law of the land.”

The left generally holds the Constitution in contempt – at the very least, as a slavery-defending document.

Suggestion: Copy these Frederick Douglass statements into a document and ask any leftist in your life what he or she thinks of them.

Dennis Prager is a nationally syndicated radio talk-show host and columnist. His commentary on Deuteronomy, the third volume of “The Rational Bible,” his five-volume commentary on the first five books of the Bible, was published in October. He is the co-founder of Prager University and may be contacted at

COPYRIGHT 2023 CREATORS Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Douglass would think these people today are crazy radicals. here's what today's "liberal radicals" think of Douglass

Who Tore Down This Frederick Douglass Statue?

President Trump and others have speculated about why vandals destroyed a Rochester, N.Y., statue of the prominent Black abolitionist even as protests against systemic racism continue.

have no fear! the radical left Revolutionists will eat their own. they always do.

Jenna Bush and Chelsey Clinton have the same opportunities as Malia Obama. You have to compare apples to apples.

. Originally Posted by adav8s28

have no fear! political partisanship is alive and well. Obama's kids will get their plum jobs without merit just like Bush and Clinton's did.

Meritocracy at work should apply. But sadly it doesn't. Whether it's race, gender, preferences, etc, nearly all workplaces operate to the advantage of some workers over others. I was a partner in a business years ago and I was fucking several of the employees. Each of them received favorable treatment, better pay over their colleagues, quicker promotions, more time off, more training and conferences, better access to management, etc. That helped their careers when they went to work other places as well.

We can all wish for a meritocracy, but it is nearly nonexistent, regardless of affirmative action. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Never had one of them say “don't promote me” Originally Posted by 1blackman1

and yet here you are, a successful attorney by merit.

maybe others should be as hard working and motivated to succeed as you?
texassapper's Avatar
I was a partner in a business years ago and I was fucking several of the employees. Each of them received favorable treatment, better pay over their colleagues, quicker promotions, more time off, more training and conferences, better access to management, etc. That helped their careers when they went to work other places as well. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Sounds like what the darker folks among us call White privilege. The irony.
Douglass would think these people today are crazy radicals. here's what today's "liberal radicals" think of Douglass

Who Tore Down This Frederick Douglass Statue?

President Trump and others have speculated about why vandals destroyed a Rochester, N.Y., statue of the prominent Black abolitionist even as protests against systemic racism continue.

have no fear! the radical left Revolutionists will eat their own. they always do.

have no fear! political partisanship is alive and well. Obama's kids will get their plum jobs without merit just like Bush and Clinton's did.

and yet here you are, a successful attorney by merit.

maybe others should be as hard working and motivated to succeed as you? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Your article above starts with SPECULATION. Unlike your buddy Salty, I’m sure you can differentiate between speculation and fact.

You believe Trump didn’t give jobs to his kids regardless of their relative abilities. Isn’t Eric Trump retarded. Surprised that you left Trump off the list of partisans. I’m sure it was a simple mistake.

Yep, I wish everyone white black purple green etc worked as hard as I do and was as motivated as me.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Your article above starts with SPECULATION. Unlike your buddy Salty, I’m sure you can differentiate between speculation and fact.

You believe Trump didn’t give jobs to his kids regardless of their relative abilities. Isn’t Eric Trump retarded. Surprised that you left Trump off the list of partisans. I’m sure it was a simple mistake.

Yep, I wish everyone white black purple green etc worked as hard as I do and was as motivated as me. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

speculation isn't the point. the fact is these idiots did tear down Douglass's statue.

mob rule, eh?

Trump brought his daughter and son in law into his admin because he knew he could trust them.

anything wrong with that?