Sorry...another NCNS do we stop them from occurring?

Thank u all for ur feedbk. N thank u HotNurse for ur advice...ur right, there's a lot of beautiful pussy out there to b had...n I bet u have one delicious kitty too (maybe I'll try it out one of these days).

The lady never got bk to for those wanting to know, she is Thalialuv:
I haven't had an NC/NS in a while (knock on wood) I'm like the OP, I try to schedule days in advance since my hobby time is limited. I typically get 1 maybe 2 days a week to play and to make it worse its only a 2 hour window. For two days I will be looking forward to seeing my flavor of the week only to not hear from her several hours prior to appointment time. Now I'm scrambling trying to find someone before my window closes.

That happens to me a lot. Not technically an NC/NS but a lot of prep time was wasted. I'm sure this happens to the ladies much more often than it does to us guys though.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I haven't had an NC/NS in a while (knock on wood) I'm like the OP, I try to schedule days in advance since my hobby time is limited. I typically get 1 maybe 2 days a week to play and to make it worse its only a 2 hour window. For two days I will be looking forward to seeing my flavor of the week only to not hear from her several hours prior to appointment time. Now I'm scrambling trying to find someone before my window closes. Originally Posted by txboi817
This is pretty much me, except I typically don't much care to try to find a replacement because I've been thinking about and anticipating my appointment with that particular lady for a day or two or three.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
How about a name to go with it? NCNS with providers are getting more and more commonplace, especially with well known Eccie VP, no way to stop it tho.

The only effort you can do is post a NCNS thread, name the provider and hope it hurts her business. Perhaps one of these days, maybe they will wake up and realize all the lost revenue and do something about it like actually respond to their texts and follow through with appointments, but I doubt it. Originally Posted by davidfree986
How about, because of all the cancels, maybe the NCNS has become more prevalent. Maybe if gents were not contacting several ladies at once in order to make an appointment, the ladies wouldn't NCNS due to having followed suit. And if we're gonna start calling folks out, let's start publishing them with all the men who do things of this nature as well. Sounds fair to me.

Here are some lists we might need:

1. Client has several handles
2. Demanding, pushy client
3. Stalker type
4. Thought he was The Boss
5. Couldn't screw his way out of a paper bag(not really an alert, but maybe a need to know)
6. Personality of a stump
7. Whiney pants
8. Doesn't like women
9. Poor hygiene
10.went for services not offered without even asking
11.shorted the fee
12. Oh right......NCNS
13. Refuses to give screening info

Hopefully these kinda alerts hurts a gents chance of ever seeing a woman in the hobby. Hey, anyone can hope another "gets theirs", right?

When gents do not police their own behaviors, or even openly and brazenly teach other gents poor behaviors, which lady here is gonna allow them to police theirs? If, as a group, there is no incentive to behave more in a manner becoming to all parties, it ain't happening, or the ladies wouldn't have to put up with the gents inappropriate hobby behaviors either. There are good and bad apples in every barrell.

So, if your experiences are not as you wish them to be, rally for changes among ALL the parties, instead of whining and hoping for another's demise. Geez! Most issues in the hobby are like most illnesses, treatment for the symptoms doesn't cure the disease. It only causes relief of the symptom. You MUST find the cause of the symptom, if you want to discover the cure for the actual disease. Dig deeper. Change. Change. Change. Capiche?
I've been a putz a time or two:
I've never ncns(I think) but canceled at the last minute a handful of times. At least I contacted and canceled, but I'm a putz and canceled.
Girls flaked on me? Yeah....but I honestly can't even recall details right this second.
Saw the new Mission Impossible last night and at one point it was stated that Ethan Hunt might be killed or kicked to the curb, but he understood that that's THE GAME....

Move on
Duthgar1976's Avatar
Knock on wood. but i havent had or done a ncns...yet! I always keep in touch and schedule days ,if i can week or two, in advance. So far so good.

I had to cancel on one provider(sorry bsb) but that was due to family emergancy. I try to give as much respect to the provider as possible when it comes to working around their schedule and mine.
TinMan's Avatar
The answer to the question posed in the title of this thread begins with naming the provider. No consequences = no change in behavior.
VoodooChilde01's Avatar
I have had two NCNS's out of 60+ sessions. I had an idiot moment and thought I canceled with a provider and but I didn't, until she PM'ed me an angry PM. It was my bad and I apologized for it. I offered to make up for it once I knew I could make the time, but I had a lot of stuff going on and apparently she thought I should have remade the appointment immediately. Oh well, it is what it is although I still feel a bit bad about it to this day. In fact, if the opportunity arose, I would rectify the situation even today.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
The answer to the question posed in the title of this thread begins with naming the provider. No consequences = no change in behavior. Originally Posted by TinMan
I agree! We could fill the board with gents names who do this. Not the best solution? So what, he'll just make another hobby name n screw some other lady. But yeah....slam away at the ladies....great idea if ya think about it. Let's have all the gents start a thread to find out who is scheduling with these bad girls. Says a lot about gent and his choices, and I'd kinda like to know who they all are.
mark77070's Avatar
Naming names on both sides of the fence would help. I get annoyed with both boys and girls giving a long sad story about how someone NCNS'd him/her and then, out of some misplaced "nobility" and "taking the high road," refuse to name names.

Why? You're just guaranteeing that the person will do it again to someone else, instead of being held accountable by the community, at least by a loss of business/service, if not by these ad hoc tribunals-by-peer that pop up from time. You're asking people to listen to you whine and you don't even have the decency to provide a pay-off to the listener by informing whom to avoid.
You seem to have a hard on for me, and I have not met nor ever contacted you for an appointment or anything else.

How about, because of all the cancels, maybe the NCNS has become more prevalent. Maybe if gents were not contacting several ladies at once in order to make an appointment, the ladies wouldn't NCNS due to having followed suit. And if we're gonna start calling folks out, let's start publishing them with all the men who do things of this nature as well. Sounds fair to me.

Do guys actually schedule appointments at the same day & time to see different providers? I doubt it, do they contact multiple providers when wanting to schedule a session? most of time, yes. Is there anything wrong with that? You would probably think so, but the reason guys do that is many providers have bad TCB skills and getting back with a hobbyist in a timely manner after initial contact is rare and many do not even get reply back at all. I would love to see a thread by a provider who bitches about a hobbyist contacting her, but not setting an appointment to see her.

Do Providers schedule two different hobbyists at or around the same time? Most do not, but some do, and usually but not always, the second guy is a regular who wants a last minute session and she goes ahead and does it. The hobbyist who originally scheduled for that time, gets ready, drives across town for 40+ minutes and because she is in a session with this regular, she does not answer her text or phone calls for the hobbyist who drove to the area directed by her. BTW, this has happened to me 3 times by different providers.

Here are some lists we might need:

1. Client has several handles
2. Demanding, pushy client
3. Stalker type
4. Thought he was The Boss
5. Couldn't screw his way out of a paper bag(not really an alert, but maybe a need to know)
6. Personality of a stump
7. Whiney pants
8. Doesn't like women
9. Poor hygiene
10.went for services not offered without even asking
11.shorted the fee
12. Oh right......NCNS
13. Refuses to give screening info

You little lists can also be turned to put the shoe on the other foot as well, since we are making assumptions here.

Hopefully these kinda alerts hurts a gents chance of ever seeing a woman in the hobby. Hey, anyone can hope another "gets theirs", right?

When gents do not police their own behaviors, or even openly and brazenly teach other gents poor behaviors, which lady here is gonna allow them to police theirs? If, as a group, there is no incentive to behave more in a manner becoming to all parties, it ain't happening, or the ladies wouldn't have to put up with the gents inappropriate hobby behaviors either. There are good and bad apples in every barrell.

Yes, and when a hobbyist is on time, respectful and has excellent hygiene, but the provider still plays the YMMV card because she is having a bad day, then he complains about it on a review board, or reports a NCNS, trying to police, then you say it is his fault and is a whiny ass.

So, if your experiences are not as you wish them to be, rally for changes among ALL the parties, instead of whining and hoping for another's demise. Geez! Most issues in the hobby are like most illnesses, treatment for the symptoms doesn't cure the disease. It only causes relief of the symptom. You MUST find the cause of the symptom, if you want to discover the cure for the actual disease. Dig deeper. Change. Change. Change. Capiche? Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
Rally for changes? But, according to you, hobbyists need not suggest providers what they need to do, so what do they need to do?
Hay Bigdog, I did not see your name as the subject of her list. But based on your reaction, seems it struck a little too close to home.
theboss21422's Avatar
4. Thought he was The Boss Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
But I am
Gnostalgia's Avatar
As important as it is to let a client know of a cancelled appointment, and not leave the client hanging/waiting with no information…why do some providers continue to do it? A NCNS can be such a hobby killer…quickly descending you from a peak of euphoria (expectations about the rendezvous encounter) to a low of extreme disappointment when it doesn’t happen… Leading one on to drive an hour one way…wasted time/gas…or have to spend money on a room that won’t get used. With our psyche already on edge (for some of us that are hitched)…when this happens it’s enough to consider quitting the hobby altogether.

This happened to me so many times in the past, that I decided to try the sure thing: the studios (primarily L1/L2). It may seem I’m cheating myself since I don’t get FS, but at least I’m saving myself a tremendous amount of aggravation. Studios have great ladies, are consistent, and don’t leave you hanging once an app’ment is made. Still, FS is much required from time to time…and so it happened again…

This NCNS happened recently…in fact this week. I had made an appointment Sunday for a 2-hour session mid-week, giving her 3-days advance notice. The lady stated she had just gotten back in town, and was only doing out-calls, so I arranged to get a room (paid for the room, I’m local, so this is not something I like to do…especially since it leaves a paper-trail).

The day before the date, I attempt to confirm…silence. I look at her Eccie account and notice she has placed an ad…to my astonishment, the ad states “incalls and outcalls”…wtf…not what I was told initially.

I realize that the ladies have a life outside of the hobby and have to deal with family issues…but does it take a lot of effort to send a text/email stating the cancellation? In this ladies’ defense, the day of (after I had paid for the room) she did contact me and said there were family issues, and that she would try to make the appointment. This was at 2 o’clock, we had set the session for 445. Okay, she gave me hope. So I check into the place and wait…and wait…and wait…sending emails/calling several times…445 rolls around and nothing. I try contacting a backup…no dice…too late. What a waste of time and $. I still haven’t heard from her…

I realize that this lady is young, but she IS an adult, and surely she’s aware of what it feels like to be left hanging like this….when all it would take to give notice is a few finger-pecks on the phone to call or send a text or send an email…

I will hold back on identifying the young lady…to give her an opportunity to contact me to tell me her side of the story…I know I will be criticized if I don’t identify… I don’t wish to blemish her reputation, for I know ladies working here need to make a living. Nor am I seeking redemption or a discount for another app’ment…

Why am I posting this then? Perhaps I just wish to put this out there so ladies that are more inclined to mess with our minds--the minds of us poor fktards,--will know that NCNS is not cool…and way more damaging than you think. And perhaps they’ll make more of an effort to avoid NCNS.

Perhaps I really just wanted to rant and release some steam…because if I don’t do this, I may end up hanging it up…abandoning the hobby…for ending the hobby is almost like committing suicide…for without the touch of these beautiful, young, unselfish lady providers…I might as well be dead. 😞 Originally Posted by Gottahavit55
I can tell u how I've reduced the ncns. When you strike the appt tell them how u will confirm it. If they dpnt confirm back in 30 mins, you will assume there's no appt. So if they don't comply with your confirmation protocol you have time to line up something better. It works for me. I even put the protocol on my p411 profile.