Born in Ohio, raised in D.C , but aint nothing like Texas,
and nothing compares to a Texan
gizmo817's Avatar
I was a christmas gift to my original owner, we lived up north somewhere with lots of snow. But after his boneheaded ass failed to follow directions (spilled a glass of water on me one night while we were watching tv/then fed my babies after midnight) my evil spawn destroyed his hometown so I relocated to Texas and aint goin nowhere . . .

But seriously I'm from Texas, what country are you from?
Fiero's Avatar
  • Fiero
  • 06-22-2010, 04:23 PM
Born and raised here but left the state for about 15 years and it was nice to see some other things. I spent about 2 years going back and forth to England for work (made about 20 trips) and loved it there...wouldn't want to move permanently but it is a GREAT escape.
AlyssaWest's Avatar
I want to retire to Marina Del Rey when I am old....oh how I love So Cal!
Mopar71's Avatar
I hail from the Windy City, City of BIG shoulders,Hog butcher to the world, and the City of the 2010 Stanley Cups Champion Chicago Blackhawks, CHICAGO ILLINOIS! (is that over doing it?? lol) and because of my job now reside in Mesquite tx, and would love to end up on the east coast somewhere by the ocean, I will NEVER EVER get used to this heat, been here 10 yrs and still not used to it-but the great thing is, I haven't worn LONG pants since I've been here, except to functions that require it, shorts rock all year round.
TexRich's Avatar
I want to retire to Marina Del Rey when I am old....oh how I love So Cal! Originally Posted by AlyssaWest

I lived in Marina Del Rey for a year, down the road Dudley Moore. I loved it while it lasted.
am from the state of washington....done here on business for several months. It's great being in the sun..i don't have to worry about rusting. Peace out.
cookie man's Avatar
I had the good fortune to be born in Texas. I had the good sense to stay in Texas. I'll travel many a road to see the world, but Texas will always be home.

rakuguy's Avatar
ASSFUCK355 banned after one post.
TexRich's Avatar
ASSFUCK355 banned after one post. Originally Posted by rakuguy

damn, start calling you "greased lightning"!
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I am from, gasp, Southern CA. Got to Texas in 2001 and never looked back. No plans to go anywhere until I retire back to CA when I am old and gray (as long as the state hasnt gone to complete hell by then). Originally Posted by Boltfan
lol me too (long beach) ive only been here a little over a year but i love texas and dont plan on moving back until i retire or hit the lotto & get rich
Toolman54's Avatar
I was born in a state of disrepair and currently reside in a state of confusion. Thanks to the hobby and so many wonderful ladies to choose from, I'm going to the poor house.
Nitwitboy's Avatar
I am from Huntington Beach. Jumped out of a helicopter for nine years and lived everywhere including Alaska. Went to college and landed in Texas. Want to be in Colorado by next year.
CDL1's Avatar
  • CDL1
  • 06-23-2010, 02:03 PM
From Texas and this is where I will stay. Love to travel, though.
TinMan's Avatar
I'm from Kansas.... Originally Posted by mtabsw
Yeah...me, too. Currently in some goofy parallel universe with all these annoying midgets, a yappy dog, and this kid who is so chipper I want to throw up. Hopefully gonna finally make it over that friggin' rainbow, although the damn thing seems no closer no matter how much walking I do down this stupid road....