STOP. Please read.

Damn when I got banned and contacted eccie cause I couldnt PM or RTM button I knew I was innocent this time and stated my case and I got unbanned. The first time I got banned I deserved it but it was only way to prove people were lying n their reviews. Why do a review if ur going to lie. Doesnt help guys to know what to expect and it doesnt help ladies if a review says one thing and lady is like hell no I dont do that than review is worthless. RL I knew u were wrong and accept ur apology but looking forward to getting banned again.
And you will...
Guitar's Avatar
RL, I don't know of a single reason you should apologize for anything. Just saying. We are all envious of you and Basscat for yall's ability of being rich, hung, and poontang every night. So, keep up the good work.
RL, I don't know of a single reason you should apologize for anything. Just saying. We are all envious of you and Basscat for yall's ability of being rich, hung, and poontang every night. So, keep up the good work. Originally Posted by Guitar
Guitar I have no idea where your getting your information but its only half right. Yes RL is wealthy beyond belief is packing some serious meat from what i've been told and probably gets different hot young poon every night before he goes to sleep.

Then there is me poor ole basscat. Let me tell you nothing could be further from the truth. I am what I classify as working poor. That basically means I work my ass off and have nothing to show for it. Why else would I search out hundred dollar poon. If I had RL's money I would just pay 3 and 4 hundred and hour like he does.

Then there is the penis size issue. I cant even tell you how embarrassing my life has been due to my tiny willy. I am just glad that I dont have to go to gym class anymore so I can limit the amount of people pointing and laughing at my pathetic member. You know if you have followed my post here you know that I kind of brag about choosing to never marry well that might be bending the truth a little. See the reason I have never been married is because I have yet to find a woman who would resolve herself to getting fucked by such a tiny dick for the rest of her life. Now you guys probably think I am teasing but it is the gods honest truth. I would give anything just to have half the dick that our fearless leader RL has.

As for the getting laid a lot well that parts true I do try and fuck as much as humanly possible small dick and all. I am all to aware that we only have so much fucking in us before the equipment stops working so I am determined to get in as much as I can before that happens. I might also have a bit of a sex addiction but that is better than most other addictions one can have so I embrace it.
RL, just another reason why I consider you a dear friend. You have balls to admit your mistake and genuinely apologize, while taking steps to correct said mistake. We could all learn something from your actions, bravo!
*EDIT*On another note, like others have said, don't beat yourself up over this. If people aren't mature enough to genuinely accept your apology without exacerbating the situation more, then fuck them.
LoveXO.Tara's Avatar
Honestly who gives a fuck? You pig fuckers take this shit to seriously. We are all here for two reasons. At least us men are.

1) To do research on what hookers we want to fuck.

2) To share our experience from fucking hookers so that other tricks can use that info to decide what hookers they want to fuck.

If you are using this site for anything other than that you are using it wrong.

I wont even pretend to think I know what the ladies think the site is for. Who the fuck am I to even think that I know what goes through their pretty little heads. From a guys point of view it would be simple like just for them to advertise their ass for sale and share info about what tricks are worth seeing or dangerous. But we know women are way more complicated that that. So I wont even venture to guess but for us men it should be the above two things only. Anything else is just extra or lagniappe.

So guys stop participating in the bullshit drama and find a girl you want to fuck. Then send her a pm and go see her. If your nice to her both parties should be happy. Then rinse and repeat. Its really fucking simple.

RL cut yourself some slack the rest of us were sick of the bullshit also. No need to beat yourself up for doing what most of us would have wanted to do.

I am here for the pussy not the drama. Anyone who isnt is a fucktard and I hope they get e.d. Originally Posted by BassCat
The Best Comment On The Thread Lol
guest071618-1's Avatar
RL is rich???? Shit I want to be his friend.... damn I should never have been on his bad side..... damn there goes free $$$ down the drain...

The Best Comment On The Thread Lol Originally Posted by LoveXO.Tara
Tara, totally agree, BC, you win the internet reward for your comment, well played.
Angel you dear, sweet woman and friend of mine...thank you.

Because of people like you I do this moderator job so I can protect you and others from some truly evil stuff, really bad stuff and billyland isn't one of them, he's just some guy on the internet that is pissed off with me. No, the stuff I want to protect EVERYONE from is so damn vile that I will not even mention to anyone, including Billy... NO ONE should see that shit and I wish I hadn't... but I have. Dammit.

I am not trying to be anyone's hero and I really do not want any accolades for doing this, all I want is to have a place where people are free to comunnicate without undue interference.

And Angel, you are one of the sweetest women I have ever met and I thank you for being such an AWESOME friend of mine! I wish I could convey to the rest of the board how genuine and sincere you really are but no one would believe me until they met you and saw for themselves.

Btw, I'll get more donuts!
BassCat... please stop! I damn near pissed on myself reading your latest post!!! That would get a few stares while going thru Sam's Club...

Trust me, if I was rich I would buy your damn ass!!!
Tara, totally agree, BC, you win the internet reward for your comment, well played. Originally Posted by naughtyangel4u
Angle if winning the internet award is another way of saying I get to spend time playing with your gorgeous boobs then I am sold. Now where do I collect this reward
Angel you dear, sweet woman and friend of mine...thank you.

Because of people like you I do this moderator job so I can protect you and others from some truly evil stuff, really bad stuff and billyland isn't one of them, he's just some guy on the internet that is pissed off with me. No, the stuff I want to protect EVERYONE from is so damn vile that I will not even mention to anyone, including Billy... NO ONE should see that shit and I wish I hadn't... but I have. Dammit.

I am not trying to be anyone's hero and I really do not want any accolades for doing this, all I want is to have a place where people are free to comunnicate without undue interference.

And Angel, you are one of the sweetest women I have ever met and I thank you for being such an AWESOME friend of mine! I wish I could convey to the rest of the board how genuine and sincere you really are but no one would believe me until they met you and saw for themselves.

Btw, I'll get more donuts! Originally Posted by Road Lizard
Aww shucks, RL, you're going to make me blush, hehe. Honestly though, thank you for being an awesome moderator.

You bring the donuts and Sailer Jerry, I'll bring a King Cake and we will meet in the middle. ;-)
BC, you just let me know and I'll bring the boobs. ;-)
First, let me take care of my mistake first.... Originally Posted by Road Lizard
Damn, I recently took a nice, quiet 90 day vacation and came back to drama on the usually quiet Mississippi boards?
RL - takes a hell of a man to own up to something like this. Just my $.02 but I think you're a stand up guy. Don't let the shittards drag you down to their level. Thanks for what you do.
BC, you just let me know and I'll bring the boobs. ;-) Originally Posted by naughtyangel4u
Boobs are my kryptonite. I wish I could find anything else in life that gives me half the enjoyment that boobs do. I actually hate when I meet a girl with a nice rack because they can make me do things that I dont want to do. If women only knew the power a nice set of tits has over me they could rule my world and turn me into their own personal slave.