obamacare...more to it..

JohnnyCap's Avatar
if your gonna follow 25% of the people down the road to ruin your just an idiot' ..sorry Originally Posted by JONBALLS
I'm completely against this program and agree its passage is shady.

But I can't agree that following the majority is the road to not being an idiot. I don't think our issues can be addressed without some very unpopular actions.

Uh oh. How we do that in democracy. I have some thinking to do. Is something burning?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-27-2013, 04:18 AM
at the time of "passage" ,

lets not forget, crammed through the senate in the middle of the night , wasnt it xmas eve , or something?

the national polls were at 75% of the PEOPLE ,,, AGAINST passing this version..


even the LOWEST educated person , if they had a shred of dignity and credibility would admit it wasnt gone about in the correct manner

if your gonna follow 25% of the people down the road to ruin your just an idiot' ..sorry Originally Posted by JONBALLS

I know, I KNOW doove

"this wasnt the first time politicians had to use that tactic to pass legislation"...

cue in 5..4..3...2.... la la la blah Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Almost, though i prefer to refer to it as "calling you out on your bs".
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-27-2013, 04:21 AM
Here's a question to remember in two years. Compare our monthly health care rates in 2015 to 2009. My guess it will be a huge increase. And my guess is we will have poorer health care. Originally Posted by montana1958
What world have you been in for the last 2 decades?
I'm completely against this program and agree its passage is shady. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
yup and after this not much more matters , its here, so enjoy
pyramider's Avatar
The thing that really pisses me off is that Obama and Congress are exempt from Obamacare. I would like to see how much they like it when they have to deal with it.

What world have you been in for the last 2 decades?
Originally Posted by Doove

As malpractice insurance has skyrocketed and hospital costs have exploded including coverage for everyone, who pays for all that? Our premiums. It is illegal for a hospital not to treat a patient because they do not have health insurance. Whether they are in this country legal or illegal, it doesn't matter. We pay for it already. So why does Obama care exist? It was sold to the American public as cost cutting, better coverage for all, equality for everyone and free birth control pills for all women. They tried to make the case to reduce unnecessary tests we get done but hey I'm sorry. If a Dr. tells me he wants to run a test to rule out something I am saying yes. One area this bill never addressed and never will is the drug company research costs that us American's pay for. When different country's health insurance costs are compared to the US costs they are usually less. I know all countries have research costs but lets face it, most
technological breakthroughs come from the good ole US of A. and who does everyone think pays for that research? We do with our premiums. Drugs are developed here and paid for here. Not by the Canadian, French, Great Britain citizens. They all enjoy the newest and latest technology at a fraction of the cost. Do you think North Korea or Russia pay the same we do? They steal our technology for their benefit.

So doove it is not just Obamacare doing us in but it is one of the final nails. 22,000 pages of regulations so far. I saw a picture of 7’ of paper stacked up with all the new regulations written to clarify Obama care. And they are still not done. These regulations are what is killing this country. Whether it’s health care, the EPA, FDA, HUD, Education or Energy depts, you name it, they are not good for our freedom. Regulations = less freedom for all us Americans and more money out of our pockets.

One thing Obama has succeeded in doing is moved us from a world power to becoming just another country. As he shifts wealth in this nation and brings the top down to the bottom, he is doing the same with other nations in this world.

The tax and spend philosophy is alive and strong with this one. Has anyone heard about the new medicare tax that went into effect on January 1. Anyone who earns over $200,000 had their medicare tax go from 1.45% to 2.35% on anything above $200,000. An extra $1,800 tax for someone who earns $400,000 per year. I know many will say they can afford it. There is a guy out there quoting the bible and tithing of 10% and putting it into current times. He said God talked about 10% for everyone. If you made $100 give $10. Made $1000 give $100. Made $100,000 give $10,000. It didn’t say if you made 1 million give 40%.

Things are so screwed up and only getting worse.
rke324's Avatar
Nancy Pelosi " You have to pass it to see what's in it". Guess what, the toy in the bottom of the Cracker Jack box is not only a piece of crap, it's also broken beyond repair.
You think it's bad now ? Just wait. We haven't begun to "see what's in it".
As malpractice insurance has skyrocketed and hospital costs have exploded including coverage for everyone, who pays for all that? Our premiums. It is illegal for a hospital not to treat a patient because they do not have health insurance. Whether they are in this country legal or illegal, it doesn't matter. We pay for it already. So why does Obama care exist? It was sold to the American public as cost cutting, better coverage for all, equality for everyone and free birth control pills for all women. They tried to make the case to reduce unnecessary tests we get done but hey I'm sorry. If a Dr. tells me he wants to run a test to rule out something I am saying yes. One area this bill never addressed and never will is the drug company research costs that us American's pay for. When different country's health insurance costs are compared to the US costs they are usually less. I know all countries have research costs but lets face it, most
technological breakthroughs come from the good ole US of A. and who does everyone think pays for that research? We do with our premiums. Drugs are developed here and paid for here. Not by the Canadian, French, Great Britain citizens. They all enjoy the newest and latest technology at a fraction of the cost. Do you think North Korea or Russia pay the same we do? They steal our technology for their benefit.

So doove it is not just Obamacare doing us in but it is one of the final nails. 22,000 pages of regulations so far. I saw a picture of 7’ of paper stacked up with all the new regulations written to clarify Obama care. And they are still not done. These regulations are what is killing this country. Whether it’s health care, the EPA, FDA, HUD, Education or Energy depts, you name it, they are not good for our freedom. Regulations = less freedom for all us Americans and more money out of our pockets.

One thing Obama has succeeded in doing is moved us from a world power to becoming just another country. As he shifts wealth in this nation and brings the top down to the bottom, he is doing the same with other nations in this world.

The tax and spend philosophy is alive and strong with this one. Has anyone heard about the new medicare tax that went into effect on January 1. Anyone who earns over $200,000 had their medicare tax go from 1.45% to 2.35% on anything above $200,000. An extra $1,800 tax for someone who earns $400,000 per year. I know many will say they can afford it. There is a guy out there quoting the bible and tithing of 10% and putting it into current times. He said God talked about 10% for everyone. If you made $100 give $10. Made $1000 give $100. Made $100,000 give $10,000. It didn’t say if you made 1 million give 40%.

Things are so screwed up and only getting worse. Originally Posted by montana1958
Tax and spend philosophy killing this country? no the tax cut and spend like a drunken sailor philosophy started by reagan has paved the way to america's downfall. It's amazing that all these new "fiscal conservatives"(Ryan, boehner, mcconnell,ect) oversaw the greatest expansion of government spending and increase in deficits in US history.
The fact is that deregulation was the major cause of our most recent economic collapse.Investment banks created financial instruments so complex that no one knows who owns and is owed what. This practice still continues today and it should scare the hell out of everyone that it does.
Do you feel it's fair for Warren Buffett to pay less of a tax rate than his secretary? Did you ever consider that Canada and other industrialized countries pay less per capita for health care because a single payer system is the most efficient? Does the term " economies of scale" mean anything to you? Instead of whining about your premiums helping to pay for people without insurance(isn't that a tax?), You should be screaming at your congressman to allow the government to negotiate lower drug prices.
Nancy Pelosi " You have to pass it to see what's in it". Guess what, the toy in the bottom of the Cracker Jack box is not only a piece of crap, it's also broken beyond repair.
You think it's bad now ? Just wait. We haven't begun to "see what's in it". Originally Posted by rke324
Tell me what's in this year's defense appropriations bill. Guaranteed their a WHOLE lot of waste in there.
I'm not a fan of obamacare, a Canadian style system is the way to go.
another read for you to discuss...

Actuaries groups offers sobering look at the rising costs for individual insurance coverage plans under Obama health law
One of the nation's premier experts in numbers has a tough diagnosis for President Barack Obama's health care law.

In a report that could prove a big political headache for the administration, the Society of Actuaries estimated Tuesday that insurers will have to pay out an average of 32 percent more for claims on individual health policies under the Affordable Care Act, a cost likely to be passed on to consumers.

While some areas will see declines in medical claims costs, the report predicts the majority of states will see double-digit increases in their individual health insurance markets, where people purchase coverage directly from insurers rather than get coverage from employers.

read more here...
cowboy8055's Avatar
It's become quite obvious that Obama and his administration could care less what critics of Obamacare think or say. We're stuck with it so hopefully it works out but I wouldn't bet on it.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-28-2013, 04:19 AM
In a report that could prove a big political headache for the administration, the Society of Actuaries estimated Tuesday that insurers will have to pay out an average of 32 percent more for claims on individual health policies under the Affordable Care Act, a cost likely to be passed on to consumers. Originally Posted by anita germane
So people who are sick will now be able to get insurance, and therefore payouts will rise. Let me say that first part again, because to my mind, it's the most important piece of your news. People who are sick will now be able to get insurance.

Exactly what part of that do you have a problem with, Anita?
Gotyour6's Avatar
If you think healthcare is expensive now, wait till its free.
So people who are sick will now be able to get insurance, and therefore payouts will rise. Let me say that first part again, because to my mind, it's the most important piece of your news. People who are sick will now be able to get insurance.

Exactly what part of that do you have a problem with, Anita? Originally Posted by Doove
hey man...im just reporting the news..and im sitting back watching ya'll discuss it..because it find it interesting what ya'll gonna say about it..

I did not write the articles of the links i posted...

if you look closer doove you will see that you quoted the article of the link i posted....if you wanna know why they have an issue with it..you may wanna contact of the writer of that piece.....

..your slippin man..ijs...

nowhere where in this thread have i commented on it...

the link ... read it before you try to jump on me..


which starts out with this..
Study estimates Obamacare could raise individual claim costs 32 percent

then goes to this...

Actuaries groups offers sobering look at the rising costs for individual insurance coverage plans under Obama health law

In a report that could prove a big political headache for the administration, the Society of Actuaries estimated Tuesday that insurers will have to pay out an average of 32 percent more for claims on individual health policies under the Affordable Care Act, a cost likely to be passed on to consumers.

While some areas will see declines in medical claims costs, the report predicts the majority of states will see double-digit increases in their individual health insurance markets, where people purchase coverage directly from insurers rather than get coverage from employers.

By 2017, the estimated increase would be 62 percent for California, about 80 percent in Ohio and Wisconsin, more than 20 percent for Florida and 67 percent for Maryland. Much of the reason for the higher claims costs is that sicker people are expected to join the pool, the report said.

now..click the link if you wanna read the rest..the link is at the top of this particular post..there is even a lil map for you to look at..

JohnnyCap's Avatar
People who are sick will now be able to get insurance.

Exactly what part of that do you have a problem with, Anita? Originally Posted by Doove
I know you asked Anita, but I'm going to give my answer.

People who are sick need health care, not health insurance. Health insurance is a "middle-man" product that no one actually needs.

I risk losing my point above by saying I find it hard to believe that the sicknesses of the poor are driving the prices up exponentially more than the extravagances of the rich. I don't know, but I doubt it.

In any case, insurance is still an unnecessary middleman driving the price higher.