
When You Are Ready's Avatar
You are right Mina. However, they are on both sides of the fence. Just last Monday I had Stephanie and Kennenth stand me up in Biloxi.

Good luck, Nic. If they don't come see you, they are really missing a treat.
I saw that sweetie, and I'm sorry about your experience.
I have heard from a few gents, the consensus is March 1st or thereabouts. So, Hattiesburg get ready!
  • Coupe
  • 02-14-2012, 01:20 PM
You said:
Originally Posted by Mina Parker
Lots of dorks up tjere to but then again they are everywhere

I said:
Hey, I resemble that remark!

You said:
Ok maybe I should have said jackasses instead of dorks because in actuality, dorks in my book are fun Originally Posted by Mina Parker
Anyone else here think I have just been classified as a jackass. If I had feelings they would be hurt.
I'm happy to be one of Mina's dorks!
bsmith39401's Avatar
Dork=attends midnight showing of Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, etc.

Nerd=attends said midnight movie in costume;

Geek=attends said midnight movie in costume and makes family go in costume as well.
Bsmith, i am hereby classified as a dork myself then lol.
DallasRain's Avatar
lol--I am a nerd!

Mina you are a sexy dork