Any intel??

August Black's Avatar
Good to hear she followed up with you. If you decide to go through with trying to see her again definitely let us know how it’s turns out.
Saw her yesterday (Thurs morn). She said she was leaving that hotel that day. Coupon she gave me was for $15 off next visit- not 50% like others got previously. But, during next visit she will give coupon for more.
Sounds like she quickly realized that doing so many $50 hh visits didn’t make good economic sense for her..
alpha76544's Avatar
I set up an appointment with her Wed night for Thurs afternoon. I sent her a text 40 minutes prior to our agreed upon time and got no reply. Kept trying to reach her for about an hour and no response. Finally got a text about 2 hours after our appointment time and she said she had fallen asleep. I asked if we could get together and she said she needed at least an hour. I didn't have another hour to spare so I didn't partake.