tip for the guys

EmilyEzzell's Avatar
Emily, for the sake of Information Exchange, is that because of harsh edges? Doesn't filing make it all better?

I know this sounds like beauty salon talk, but curious minds want to know. Besides, lower testosterone levels with age bring out the feminine side. Pass the polish please darling. Originally Posted by OldGrump
My dear man, I have options for you http://s3-ak.buzzfeed.com/

Information Exchange is guiding my post. I'm interested in salon talk, testosterone, estrogen and preventing bbtony from popping a vein over this topic. tony, it's terrific you empathize with a ladies feelings regarding male nail care. I'm thinking you may have overly invested based on your reaction.

I think the feedback is showing men already know. If they don't, they just don't care for the delivery or the messenger. One or both. Not sure. You can't help everyone. You are doing what you can do. Power on
. . Originally Posted by bbtony


Lighten up, Francis.
fletch's Avatar
. Do you feel better about yourself now?

You see that's the only reason people post idiotic things like that. You try and drag others down to boost your own sense of self worth. I have lots of better ideas. Your methods are a lot like socialism. You want to make everyone identical by bringing them down.

No thanks, I'm still smiling and having fun.

It's like this: everyone knows YMMV. Now by showing up clean, well groomed, shaven, on time, polite and smiling, you are gonna get awesome mileage. I don't really give a crap if you show up filthy, smelling, and shit under your sharp unkempt nails in a pissy mood. You'll post a bad review and piss and moan about it and blame the girl. It happens here frequently.

I totally get the idea of P4P, but no amount of money can overcome a girls basic caveman sense of desire or attraction. The more attractive you make yourself, the more fun you gonna have. It's a sick cruel caveman world when you get down to the basics. So if you want to be physically revolting to the opposite sex, go for it.

I'm really happy getting the "its so good to see you again" experiences I get.

I'm starting to see now. Some of you do know. You just don't give a shit though. You think just because its P4P, the woman can turn it on like a switch. Not true, no matter what she says. She may be an accomplished faker, but what happened to me yesterday.... Could never be faked. We just went at each other. I showered after and I still smell like pussy today. Originally Posted by bbtony
dude from my comment 'a legend in your own mind' you got this shit? well i guess you got me all figured out, especially my 'socialistic methods' and my personal hygiene.

how do you know what i write in my reviews or in any reviews?, you don't have premium access...

look not trying to start shit with you but you really need to lighten up, keep in mind you are commenting on a hooker board, not eharmony....geeze.
I figured the BB thing meant BrimmingwithBullshit. But in all fairness what is new and postulated as enlightened and consequential to one may be water WAY under another's bridge. It's like thinking you invented sex in the backseat of a car or figured after several thousand years that courtesans don't know how to do their job and need to be informed how very "different" and "special" some of us are. As opposed to the great unwashed and insensitve masses that claw their way to a ladies door every day, reeking of sweat and foreign spices, covered in matted hair, with rough hands and breath that can peel paint. And the show dog out of a yard dog thing? Nice try. Knock it off already. Remember the bit about teaching a pig to sing?

Is this almost a drama threAD yet for Tony? Has he no WK's? Where's all that pussy chimin' in tellin' us he's all that and box of chocolates, making us mere shadows of hygienc manliness?

C'mon people, this could be a major sword fight shitstorm with a little participation!!
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 09-10-2013, 01:28 PM
Naw, chicks dig long, dirty nails and rough hands...shows 'em you're a hard worker.
I try not to shower before either, fearmoans or some shit like that, do some reading up on it.
They like the way it smells.
Naw, chicks dig long, dirty nails and rough hands.... Originally Posted by riday
Now THAT ^^^ is a revelation worthy of its own thread.

In related news, I will soon begin a series of threads wherein I posit that water is wet, fire is hot, and pimps are bad. Controversial stances, I know, but I'm willing to tackle the tough topics for the good of all mankind in general and fucktards and hooktards in particular. Stay tuned....
...Cheekiness like this in person almost always warrants a spanking in my book. Originally Posted by bbtony

.....I showered after and I still smell like pussy today. Originally Posted by bbtony
She may need to get that checked out.....my favorite flavor is not one that lasts longer than a shower and 12+ hours.
bored@home's Avatar
She may need to get that checked out.....my favorite flavor is not one that lasts longer than a shower and 12+ hours. Originally Posted by DDMcGee
Thank you!!! I read that this morning and cringed but did not want to be the one that called it out...
DD, I promise you the spanking you deserve.

Okay guys have fun, I'm going to the Rangers game. My Rangers relationship is truly a love/hate affair.
So do the Rangers let you coach from the stands? You got a seat right behind the dugout? You tell Huge Starfish how to up his game, when to trim his nails, maybe shower? You write it up for them, memo style, with bullet points?

Have fun! Drink a beer, LTFU!
Okay guys have fun, I'm going to the Rangers game. My Rangers relationship is truly a love/hate affair. Originally Posted by bbtony
Trim your nails first. A lot of baseball hobbyists don't know this, but there's a direct correlation between hand and foot hygiene and how full the concessionaire fills your beer cup. But, as always, YMMV.
A newbie telling the hobbiest how to conduct their business. Love me some guys that been around awhile and know how to handle themselves and me.
fletch's Avatar
If you are talking to me that's fucking hilarious. Those that know me around here are going to find it outrageous. One look at me and any sane woman knows I'm on my team and no one else's. I know no white maiden is going to come to my rescue, but the ladies that have seen me here are going to get a great ab workout laughing at this post. Cheekiness like this in person almost always warrants a spanking in my book. Originally Posted by bbtony
this comment is what prompted my response bbtony. got no beef with you but you seem to justify everything with how good you are in the sack, how great you please the women on the board, etc, etc etc = legend in your own mind.

edit - this also ads to my comment legend in your own mind ~ "She may be an accomplished faker, but what happened to me yesterday.... Could never be faked. We just went at each other. I showered after and I still smell like pussy today"

just a little advice....all women know how to 'fake...fake...fake' elaine from seinfeld made that clear to all of us. (just another joke ~ don't have a heart attack).

hope you had fun at the game.
uncle buck 50's Avatar
No bone to pick with you Tony, but when you've been here six weeks and try to teach us stuff we already know, I'd expect some animosity.

Those of us who have been around generally know to wash our own asses. Yes, I know there are exceptions.

Sorry your Rangers expedition didn't go well. It was a bitch from the recliner, too.
The secondary purpose of the Rangers game went better than planned. Prebuying playoff tickets tomorrow is going to be a tough pill to swallow after last season.