It's the end of the road for Hostess

4karlos's Avatar
The company went bankrupt already 10 years ago..I believe a republican was in charge of the country by then. Unions are not blame for the declining sales, but rather the shift in nutrition habits. Considering the rate of children diabetes and obesity in this country...I would say better late than never.
tracer's Avatar
The company went bankrupt already 10 years ago..I believe a republican was in charge of the country by then. Unions are not blame for the declining sales, but rather the shift in nutrition habits. Considering the rate of children diabetes and obesity in this country...I would say better late than never. Originally Posted by 4karlos
I have always wondered how people keep breathing with their heads buried either in the sand or up their own ass.

Lots of companies go bankrupt, restructure and live on. This one couldn't because of the union hold outs.
BigLouie's Avatar
While it is easy to blame the unions for Hostesses troubles the real issue is that as the population eats healthier foods snacks like Twinkies and Ding Dongs get left out. At one time a pretty much standard lunch for school was a baloney sandwich made out of Wonder Bread and a Twinkie. Not any more, instead of a Twinkie it's an apple or orange. It got to the point where the company needed give back from the unions and the unions could not or would not. As stated the company may go but the brands will live on. Happens all the time. I agree that Bimbo is the most likely candidate.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
pyramider's Avatar
Sara Lee could pick up the pieces/crumbs.
Unions=Greece Originally Posted by thetitcmdr
"Will I be eligible for unemployment benefits?
It depends on what state you are in and if you went on strike. For example, in some states, striking employees are not entitled to unemployment benefits."

Right before xmas. This is so fucked up.
It will come back. Going bankrupt again will allow all contracts to be scuttled or re worked. More than likely they will come back with no union and lower wages and become even more profitable. Captalism is about making money....He who has the capital makes the investment to make the money. If they aren't making money.....Then it will almost always be blamed on the employees and the wages the company has to pay. That would be the case even if they weren't union employees. Just makes for a good story in the media. They will move it off shore..i.e...Mexico....lower their cost to do business...i.e..wages....and become profitable again...........
I ate my weight several times over in them. Many a cupcake, snowball, and ding-dong, including the specialty orange cupcake. Special techniques like eating the frosting off a cupcake first, peeling the sponge-death-chemical cover off a snowball, and my masterpiece: freezing snowballs and eating them with a glass of cold milk.

Good fucking riddance.
I'm not sure why this company went under,I've heard an already bankrupt co. Bought them and could not make it so it closes it's doors. We are all greedy,union or not and would rather see a us name brand go belly up instead of giving in a little,why doesn't the government bail them out like gm and dodge? I did hear rumors bimbo may buy it out (like the name bimbo! Lol) as they did mrs bairds. I am a fan of hostess treats,specially Suzy q's and ding dongs, twinkles are third in my book. Good luck to all their employees.a
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Sara Lee could pick up the pieces/crumbs. Originally Posted by pyramider