Political Tribalism

Jacuzzme's Avatar
I think you might watch too much news. I don’t know or know anyone that knows a teenager that has had their dick cut off. Or half a dick. Lol Originally Posted by Charley3
By too much you mean none. I’m surrounded by medical professionals at home who are aghast with what the AAP has been putting out, like guidelines that recommend asking prepubescent kids their gender identity. It’s fucking sick. Bury your head in the sand if you’d like, but some are inclined to not.

I think Jacuzzme’s post is a perfect example of what media can do to people. Makes the fringes of society seem like they’re everywhere.
That statement couldn’t be more incorrect.
im sorry gang but i dont agree with a lot of what i read here . one thing i ve seen for the 40 years of being engrossed in the politics of our country is that the left likes to equivalize their positions to achieve a perspective that projects thoughts like ;

both parties are extreme
both parties are far right and far left where are the moderates
they both do it
both are evil and only care about getting elected
kind of like a push in blackjack, no one wins , no ones loses both are the same, the policies cancel out why even vote ?

i might have agreed 10 years ago when i was a democrat of over 30 years.
but now no way

looking at the conservative side

is it extreme to want fair elections
is it extreme to want government agencies to follow the law and treat all persons fairly
is it extreme to mentor your own children in the nature of sex at an age they feel is appropriate .
is it extreme to not want to let a baby die in abotched abortion or live birth
is it extreme to believe in religious liberty
is it extreme to have SCOTUs judges who believe in the constitution
is it extreme to believe in responsible government spending
is it extreme to believe in energy independence and an economy that works for everyone keeping inflation low , tax cuts for all, and an abundant life
is it extreme to believe in safe borders that keep out drugs and dealers
is it extreme to believe in the law that prosecutes those who break it
is it extreme to believe in a safe world with no wars
is it extreme to not tolerate corrupt politicians who sell our country for their on enrichment and work to root them out
is it extreme to want a fair national media that reports the news good and bad both sides
is it extreme believe in all the constitution states and EVERY amendment
is it extreme to believe in american exceptionalism , if not why does everyone want to come here

right now the left is the antithesis of these views

anyway the majority of these beliefs are a moderate view and actually were a view of the democrat party years ago but no longer

so if these are your beliefs you know where you belong and your not far anything your the moderate right and right where the middle is and right where the majority of the country is. Originally Posted by mrmxmr
Our political views are probably very similar. I also was a democrat that now generally votes GOP.

And I would agree with probably every one of your “conservative side” views. But let’s just look at the first one.
“Is it extreme to want fair elections?”
My response is of course not! What is extreme is believing Trump while being caught begging a governor needing xxx amount of votes. Also, excusing that little Jan 6th dust up is also trying to excuse the inexcusable. Blaming the voting machines! Blaming the poll workers! Refusing to accept his loss. Just trying to throw shit against the wall to see what sticks.

Now that the “I’m refusing to accept defeat” bandaid has been pulled off, expect it now on every election trump participates in. From either side.
  • El-mo
  • 07-11-2023, 08:43 AM
This thread is a great example of how the Overton window affects the way we see things. People are calling the democrats far left because they are so far apart from the modern Republican Party. The Democratic Party would be seen as center-right in any western-style democracy on earth. Joe Biden is a textbook moderate.
By too much you mean none. I’m surrounded by medical professionals at home who are aghast with what the AAP has been putting out, like guidelines that recommend asking prepubescent kids their gender identity. It’s fucking sick. Bury your head in the sand if you’d like, but some are inclined to not.

That statement couldn’t be more incorrect. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
You keep making my point. Pediatricians aren’t going to ask a prebubescent kid his sexual identity without parents consent and you know it. Again, about as common as a teenager having his dick wacked off.
You may have some rogue (extreme) gay or lesbian doctor do so but it isn’t the norm without parents wanting this type of questioning. Why they would is bizarre but whatever.
Again, watching (or reading) too much far right garbage. Getting worked up, then becoming a far right tribe member.
berryberry's Avatar
You keep making my point. Pediatricians aren’t going to ask a prebubescent kid his sexual identity without parents consent and you know it. Again, about as common as a teenager having his dick wacked off.
You may have some rogue (extreme) gay or lesbian doctor do so but it isn’t the norm without parents wanting this type of questioning. Why they would is bizarre but whatever.
Again, watching (or reading) too much far right garbage. Getting worked up, then becoming a far right tribe member. Originally Posted by Charley3
You obviously have not been paying attention to what leftist run states, schools or some medical organizations have been doing regards to this and purposely not telling parents. Don't bury your head to what is happening.

Alas, we can't share articles about all the instances here due to site rules

But for a start, look into the new California Bill That Would Punish Parents Who Don't 'Affirm' Their Child's Gender Identity
Jacuzzme's Avatar
You keep making my point. Pediatricians aren’t going to ask a prebubescent kid his sexual identity without parents consent and you know it. Originally Posted by Charley3
You don’t have the slightest clue what you’re talking about. They do exactly that, all the time. I dunno when the last time you took a k** into a pcp, but these days it’s amongst the first thing they ask when triaging them. Height, weight, BP, gender identity.
Again, about as common as a teenager having his dick wacked off.
While actual surgery isn’t as common as the woke crowd wishes it were, it absolutely happens and the statement was to make a point. Hundreds of thousands of k*** are put on the path to surgery, and the numbers grow every day. It starts with puberty blockers, then hormone pills, then “top” surgery, then “bottom” surgery. Psychiatrists and counselors, at least the vast majority, don’t even try to make k*** comfortable in their own bodies. They “affirm” them and set them in the path described above.
You may have some rogue (extreme) gay or lesbian doctor do so but it isn’t the norm without parents wanting this type of questioning. Why they would is bizarre but whatever.
Really? The AAP is by far the leading pediatric group in the country, these steps are what they currently recommend. It is straight out of the wpath playbook, who wants to trans as many k*** as possible.
Again, watching (or reading) too much far right garbage. Getting worked up, then becoming a far right tribe member.
Either that or I’m just some guy who’s against c**** abuse, which is what todays lgbtxyz movement advocates.

“Hundreds of thousands of k:ds are put on the path to surgery”.
Anyway…now that the two biggest political Tribalist on this board have joined in you can look at their paranoid propaganda as perfect examples of what I’m referring to.
Political tribalism is the topic. Let’s get back on it.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
That’s all you took from that?

The United States has seen an explosion in recent years in the number of chil**** who identify as a gender different from what they were designated at birth. Thousands of families like the Boyers are weighing profound choices in an emerging field of medicine as they pursue what is called gender-affirming care for their chil****.

Gender-affirming care covers a spectrum of interventions. It can entail adopting a ch***’s preferred name and pronouns and letting them dress in alignment with their gender identity – called social transitioning. It can incorporate therapy or other forms of psychological treatment. And, from around the start of adolescence, it can include medical interventions such as puberty blockers, hormones and, in some cases, surgery. In all of it, the aim is to support and affirm the ch***’s gender identity.


That’s just The US, the contagion is spreading like a $20 whore’s legs all over western and westernized nations.
berryberry's Avatar
That’s all you took from that?

The United States has seen an explosion in recent years in the number of chil**** who identify as a gender different from what they were designated at birth. Thousands of families like the Boyers are weighing profound choices in an emerging field of medicine as they pursue what is called gender-affirming care for their chil****.

Gender-affirming care covers a spectrum of interventions. It can entail adopting a ch***’s preferred name and pronouns and letting them dress in alignment with their gender identity – called social transitioning. It can incorporate therapy or other forms of psychological treatment. And, from around the start of adolescence, it can include medical interventions such as puberty blockers, hormones and, in some cases, surgery. In all of it, the aim is to support and affirm the ch***’s gender identity.


That’s just The US, the contagion is spreading like a $20 whore’s legs all over western and westernized nations. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
You are wasting your time. He will just bury his head in the sand once again and pretend none of this is real like he often does. Hell he probably will try to pretend this isn't true as well - all thanks to the leftists pushing their tranny agenda

Almost 40% of students at Brown University identify as LGBTQ+
The number of Brown U students identifying as LGBTQ has more than doubled over the past 13 years.

A recent poll conducted by Brown University's campus newspaper, the Daily Herald, found that nearly 40 percent of students identified as something other than "heterosexual."

The proportion of students at the university purporting to be members of the LGBTQ community is five times the national average, leading many to question whether there is a "social contagion" factor at play.

You are wasting your time. He will just bury his head in the sand once again and pretend none of this is real like he often does. Hell he probably will try to pretend this isn't true as well - all thanks to the leftists pushing their tranny agenda

Almost 40% of students at Brown University identify as LGBTQ+
The number of Brown U students identifying as LGBTQ has more than doubled over the past 13 years.

A recent poll conducted by Brown University's campus newspaper, the Daily Herald, found that nearly 40 percent of students identified as something other than "heterosexual."

The proportion of students at the university purporting to be members of the LGBTQ community is five times the national average, leading many to question whether there is a "social contagion" factor at play.

https://thepostmillennial.com/almost...tify-as-lgbtq? Originally Posted by berryberry
You’re right. He (and you) are wasting your time.
You two remind me of the distant relative you only see on holidays. He shows up and insists on talking politics with either a tribalistic far right or left view. I avoid those idiots.
I actually have 1 righty and 2 lefties that I avoid at holidays. All 3 are lonely people. Lol