Where's Fauci?

Creepy Pfizer CEO bragging to the globalists what he has been developing for them, long before he created the current poison shot.

Several years later with enhanced creep factor, pushing as previously identified on the board the IMAMORON shot in perpetuity

The globalist rat faced tyrant being confronted with his failed record

Slauchi is in Ukraine
Oilrig's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
maybe he is part of saving birsa in NYS

New York bans fowl shows and exhibitions indefinitely

mask that fowl n save a bird for dinner
Presj22's Avatar
Damn, you guys seem to have all the answers. Why don’t y’all run for public offices?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Damn, you guys seem to have all the answers. Why don’t y’all run for public offices? Originally Posted by Presj22
ahem Where's Fauci?
ahem Where's Fauci? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
I found Dr Fauci for you OSD.

Jake Tapper (CNN) had Dr Fauci on a few days ago. At the end of their conversation, Tapper asked Dr Fauci if he had any messages for the trolls of the Upstate NY eccie board. His response was hilarious:

"Well Jake", Fauci said, "tell those clowns I know they're all extremely jealous of my salary and my wealth. I also know they all think they're smarter than me, but I have news for them; they're not. I'm certain I've forgotten more than any of them have ever learned. In fact, I invite anyone who wants to put their credentials up against mine to do so."

"And one more thing Jake", Dr Fauci said, "if I'm allowed to say this on national TV. One of those clowns sent me a group photo of their penises. I think he said it was a group COCK pic. My reply to the clowns in the photograph is all of them should feel bad, some of them should ask a medical doctor if anything can be done, and a couple of them should really feel ashamed. I really doubt any of them have had sex in a very long time."
Tapper laughed and thanked Dr Fauci.
Tapper ended the segment by stating “CNN has not confirmed the photo and cannot independently verify the size (or lack thereof) of any of the exposed penises in the Cock pic”.
Damn, you guys seem to have all the answers. Why don’t y’all run for public offices? Originally Posted by Presj22
Keep eating from the globalist playback. When you finally wake up you will realize what you have been fed and become full of

offshoredrilling's Avatar
I found Dr Fauci for you OSD.

Jake Tapper (CNN) had Dr Fauci on a few days ago. At the end of their conversation, Tapper asked Dr Fauci if he had any messages for the trolls of the Upstate NY eccie board. His response was hilarious:

"Well Jake", Fauci said, "tell those clowns I know they're all extremely jealous of my salary and my wealth. I also know they all think they're smarter than me, but I have news for them; they're not. I'm certain I've forgotten more than any of them have ever learned. In fact, I invite anyone who wants to put their credentials up against mine to do so."

"And one more thing Jake", Dr Fauci said, "if I'm allowed to say this on national TV. One of those clowns sent me a group photo of their penises. I think he said it was a group COCK pic. My reply to the clowns in the photograph is all of them should feel bad, some of them should ask a medical doctor if anything can be done, and a couple of them should really feel ashamed. I really doubt any of them have had sex in a very long time."
Tapper laughed and thanked Dr Fauci.
Tapper ended the segment by stating “CNN has not confirmed the photo and cannot independently verify the size (or lack thereof) of any of the exposed penises in the Cock pic”. Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
when ya have nothing, make it up like CNN????
when ya have nothing, make it up like CNN???? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
I found Fauci for you. Is this...ahem...statement an admission that you're in the pic he spoke of?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I found Fauci for you. Is this...ahem...statement an admission that you're in the pic he spoke of? Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
then double down on FAKE news ????