Bob Costas; idiot, hack, fool, jerk, all of the above?

Costa's rant went well beyond talking about "insane gun violence" in America. He advocated taking constitutionally guaranteed rights away.

But you are obviously comfortable in lying about what Costa's said, as well as giving up your constitutional rights. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Whirly, welcome back to Paradise!
"Bob Costas advocates gun control during half time show."
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
If you believe headline writers, you might as well believe in fairies.

I watched the video. The quote in the video did not mention gun control as far as I could tell, let alone advocating or tightening it. It talked about gun culture. Different thing.

I wish people wouldn;t get their news from mere lying headlines.

It depresses me how low journalists have become.
Costa's rant went well beyond talking about "insane gun violence" in America. He advocated taking constitutionally guaranteed rights away. No he didn;t.

But you are obviously comfortable in lying about what Costa's said, as well as giving up your constitutional rights. You are the one lying about what he said, go and play with your buddy lying and crying - maybe you can both go along to a class to learn how to read and listen. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Nuff said
TheDaliLama's Avatar
If I had a gun I'd shoot Bob Costas.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Nuff said Originally Posted by essence
now we know why you voted for elDumbo, you are just a stupid donkey
now we know why you voted for elDumbo, you are just a stupid donkey Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
And your point is?

I suggest you start off by actually watching the video and concentrate on listening to what he says, put the vaseline down and stop masturbating to pics of IB ass-up face-down.
If I had a gun I'd shoot Bob Costas. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. Pour a gallon of gas on him and light 'em up.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Of course you "dunno know what he's advocating".......your too dumb-down to understand.

Intelligent and informed people around America understood what Costa's is what the liberal Christian Science Monitor said he said:
"Bob Costas advocates gun control during half time show." Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Go back to where you have been and get more therapy since it seems to be working. How do I know it's working? "Intelligent and informed people around America understood what Costa's is what the liberal Christian Science Monitor said he said" You have just used "intelligent," "informed," AND "liberal" in the same sentence. Good job! Though you may have thought that you had your tongue in your cheek when you typed it, your tongue was actually up my ass.
LexusLover's Avatar
I watched the video. Originally Posted by essence
Me too. And I listened to it as well. I do not recall hearing the words "gun control"!

What I did hear is a person advocating the "theme" of those who seek "gun control" and that is that guns kill people and that if people don't have guns, guns won't kill people. I think that is what is meant by the statement that had the player not had a gun he and his girlfriend would be alive today.

I think 99% of the "journalists" got it. Sorry you didn't, but you would rather key on two words and give Costa a pass because he didn't say ... "gun control."

I didn't actually hear or read any critics of what he said and when he said say:

"Horseshit," but that is what they were saying when they were criticizing him....they just were not repeating those inciteful words in the process. Like Costa!

IMO what Costa ought to be talking about, which he apparently refrains from doing for whatever personal reason he may have, is ... family and domestic violence. The problem with talking about it in an open forum, if he has not been involved in it, he has close family members and/or close friends and associates who have. They get defensive and offended, because he is talking about them. But if he keeps the liberal "gun control" theme, they are comfortable with that, because they don't shoot their girlfriends, wives, and children .. they just beat the crap out of them with their fists...or drown them...

"Peterson, 58, a former Bolingbrook police sergeant, is on trial in the 2004 bathtub drowning of his third wife, Kathleen Savio, 40. Savio's death, which came as the pair underwent a contentious fight over property in their divorce, initially was treated as an accident."

I guess Costa was "lucky" that a gun was involved... otherwise he would have to talk about controlling bath tubs....just anything but the real point.
I think these discussions suffer from a dreadful overload of assumptions, prejudice, illogicality, and prior history.

I know nothing about Costas, so was not pre judging him. Maybe he has said silly things before, so everybody comes to this video already hating him.

There is absolutely no doubt that the gun lobby in the US is out of step with the rest of the western world. I am not arguing with whether they are right or not, but they show the typical behaviour of group self justification and hatred of anybody who questions their beliefs. It does not lead to rational debate. Any questioning from 'outside' merely confirms their group-think.

But, coming in cold, I heard Costas talking about gun culture, not gun control.

How can anybody criticise somebody who says they want to reduce the pervasiveness of a gun culture?

If the constitution was being re written, and if there were no guns already out there, it would surely be phrased very differently.

My view is that the problem is practical rather than 'constitutional'.

a) how do we reduce the numer of illegal guns in circulation
b) how do we tighten up gun control to restrict it to law abidding citizens who only wish to have a gun for self defence and/or sport.

I find it funny that the simplistic posters see gun control as a yes/no question.

Do you want to do away with gun control? If you want some form of gun control, why say you are anti gun control?

The issue is the extent and nature of gun control, not whether it exists or not.

But, as I say, these debates are impossible in the US because the blind religious bigoted adherence by proponents from all sides of the spectrum.

Your cousins look on, not unfortunately in amusement.

ps. I have been jacked twice in US at gun point, once it lasted two hours with a gun at my head.

Carry on with the insult throwing.
Only the dimwits on the hard left would deny Costa's speech was a call for more gun control.....

Here is what the Atlanta Journal Constitution said:

"Costas calls for gun control on ‘Sunday Night Football’

And the Seattle Post Intelligencer:

"Bob Costas Calls for Increased Gun Control After Jovan Belcher Murder-Suicide"

And the uber-Conservative Mother Jones:
"Watch: Bob Costas Calls for Gun Control After NFL Murder-Suicide"
For you to deny otherwise shows your own stupidity.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The second amendment was not enacted so people could defend themselves from intruders or hunt. The second amendment was enacted so the people could protect themselves from government.
markroxny's Avatar
Bob Costas has a right to his opinion as per the FIRST AMENDMENT. My only issue with him is that he took his personal stance on guns on football airtime. He should have voiced his op-ed moment on yourtube or his own twitter or other venue. Giving his personal opinions on guns should not have been voiced on his employers dime in my opinion, unless they were ok with that.

Other than that, why get your panties in a twist about it. His opinion, you don't agree, ignore him, or send him a strongly worded email or letter. Simple.

Move along.
The second amendment was not enacted so people could defend themselves from intruders or hunt. The second amendment was enacted so the people could protect themselves from government. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Boy, that's right up your alley, huh? Yeah, I have yet to see any gun nut explain that whole "well-regulated militia" thing. It gets glossed over. Was Belcher acting as part of that "well-regulated" militia when he capped the mother of his 3 month old daughter and then himself? What well-regulated militia was that Asian kid at Virginia Tech a part of when he murdered over 30 people in about 15 minutes? Explain please.

Whirly, as usual, you are a fucking half-wit douchebag who is missing the point, along with several others.

90 firearm deaths a day in the US. It is insane. Every other civilized country in the world thinks we are nuts and it's hard to argue they aren't right.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Only in your world, Timmy, does defending the 2nd Amendment equate to defending murder. You are really reaching, there, dude.

Question: Why are there lower major crime rates in states that have concealed carry laws than those that don't?