Trump in another Landslide victory in2020

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
She lost those states. Elections aren’t a game of hand grenades. She was a huge favorite to win those states but lost every one of them. I can’t see how a “huge” supporter of Reagan votes for a guy like Obama. You must have had a lobotomy along the way. Originally Posted by bambino
Very simple. My 401k had lost 25% of its value in the last days of the Bush presidency. Couple that with a ticket of McCain/Palin and that convinced me a change was needed. Sarah Palin has to be the dumbest person to ever run for the office of VP. I couldn't imagine her being a "heartbeat away from the presidency". I would say that anyone voting for a ticket with Palin on it is in need of a lobotomy.
bambino's Avatar
Very simple. My 401k had lost 25% of its value in the last days of the Bush presidency. Couple that with a ticket of McCain/Palin and that convinced me a change was needed. Sarah Palin has to be the dumbest person to ever run for the office of VP. I couldn't imagine her being a "heartbeat away from the presidency". I would say that anyone voting for a ticket with Palin on it is in need of a lobotomy. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Yeah, what was wrong with Romney? Bottomline, a conservative doesn’t vote for a liberal. Twice. But you always side with the lefties. You try to play the centrist, but you’re not. It wasn’t Bush’s fault your 401k tanked. Lots of blame to go around. Wasn’t it Barney Franks idea to give everyone a mortgage?
NiceGuy53's Avatar
Agreed. Im not sure the country can take 4 more years of Trump. It would be as bad as 4 more years of me posting in here for 4 more years. I don't think people could handle it Originally Posted by themystic

You are probably right about that last part.
winn dixie's Avatar
All of us are in rare form tonight.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Yeah, what was wrong with Romney? Bottomline, a conservative doesn’t vote for a liberal. Twice. But you always side with the lefties. You try to play the centrist, but you’re not. It wasn’t Bush’s fault your 401k tanked. Lots of blame to go around. Wasn’t it Barney Franks idea to give everyone a mortgage? Originally Posted by bambino
In the first 4 years of Obama my 401k had gone up dramatically. Since retirement was in the near future and my 401k was a substantial part of my retirement plans, I was very thankful, whether Obama was responsible or not. So I thought it wise to give Obama another 4 years.

I never said I was a Conservative. I have some Conservative values and some Liberal values. You have absolutely no idea where my views are on issues. I don't like Trump. Many Conservatives don't like Trump. Not liking Trump does not automatically put you at the far left of the political spectrum.

No, it wasn't Bush's fault the market took a dive in 2008 but he was POTUS and as Harry Truman said "The buck stops here". Was it Jimmy Carter's fault that interest rates were about 20% in 1980 and Reagan took advantage of it by asking voters "Are you better off today than you were 4 years ago?"?
LexusLover's Avatar
You have absolutely no idea where my views are on issues.

I don't like Trump.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Yes, we do.

Pumping borrowed money down rat holes that other people have to pay back is not good economics.

Especially when the one doing it is using others' money to pay back his supporters.

"The Medicine Man's Smile"!
You can’t disagree with me because it hasn’t been equaled in modern times. I doubt any candidate will ever win 49 states again. Trumps win was memorable because nobody thought he would win. Even up to 7pm on election night. Turns out it really wasn’t close. Originally Posted by bambino
Nixon '72...60%vote & 49 states...never will understand why he went along with the Watergate cover up...he didn't know until after the break-in!!
If you win by 1 or a 1000, it doesn't matter, u still won!!!!
Trump had 304 electoral votes in 2016. Obama had 332 in 2012 and 365 in 2008. So if you call Trump's victory in 2016 a landslide, what do you call Obama's victories in 2008 and 2012? Super landslides? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Very unfortunate occurrences...
bambino's Avatar
In the first 4 years of Obama my 401k had gone up dramatically. Since retirement was in the near future and my 401k was a substantial part of my retirement plans, I was very thankful, whether Obama was responsible or not. So I thought it wise to give Obama another 4 years.

I never said I was a Conservative. I have some Conservative values and some Liberal values. You have absolutely no idea where my views are on issues. I don't like Trump. Many Conservatives don't like Trump. Not liking Trump does not automatically put you at the far left of the political spectrum.

No, it wasn't Bush's fault the market took a dive in 2008 but he was POTUS and as Harry Truman said "The buck stops here". Was it Jimmy Carter's fault that interest rates were about 20% in 1980 and Reagan took advantage of it by asking voters "Are you better off today than you were 4 years ago?"? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
When it comes to your posts in this forum we can certainly see you’re a Liberal. We can do one of your cherished polls here and you would grade out as a Liberal. So, since it seems like your 401k is a leading factor in how you vote, Trump seems to be your logical choice as of today. As for Carter, he was responsible for the complete malaise in our country during his time. But he did have help. The Democrats held wide majorities in both houses. So Reagan’s question, “Are you better off than 4 years ago” was an easy one to answer. Hence the historic drubbing Mondale took.
LexusLover's Avatar
Very unfortunate occurrences... Originally Posted by friendly fred
Not for "him" .... he got to sop up on the Gubiment some mo!

That's why he's smiling ... other people's money!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
When it comes to your posts in this forum we can certainly see you’re a Liberal. We can do one of your cherished polls here and you would grade out as a Liberal. So, since it seems like your 401k is a leading factor in how you vote, Trump seems to be your logical choice as of today. Originally Posted by bambino
My 401k has been reinvested and it does not matter whether the stock market goes up or down. I get the same monthly income from the money for the rest of my life. Now it does matter as to how much money might be left over after I die, but I don't really care about that.

Again, just because I don't like Trump does not automatically put me on the Liberal side of politics. Disliking the man's character has nothing to do with political views. I have taken 2 on-line "tests" which attempt to indicate whether a person is Liberal or Conservative. On one, I was slightly on the Liberal side. On the other, I was right down the middle. Depending on the issue in question, I find that assessment to be correct. Which is why I consider myself to be an Independent and I will vote for whom I consider to be the best candidate. Had Kasich been the Republican nominee in 2016 I would have, in all likelihood, voted for him.

I realize that is a difficult concept for most Trump supporters on this forum to comprehend -- not voting 100% by party line.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-18-2019, 07:10 AM
I can’t see how a “huge” supporter of Reagan votes for a guy like Obama. You must have had a lobotomy along the way. Originally Posted by bambino
The both doubled the national debt in 8 years!
bambino's Avatar
My 401k has been reinvested and it does not matter whether the stock market goes up or down. I get the same monthly income from the money for the rest of my life. Now it does matter as to how much money might be left over after I die, but I don't really care about that.

Again, just because I don't like Trump does not automatically put me on the Liberal side of politics. Disliking the man's character has nothing to do with political views. I have taken 2 on-line "tests" which attempt to indicate whether a person is Liberal or Conservative. On one, I was slightly on the Liberal side. On the other, I was right down the middle. Depending on the issue in question, I find that assessment to be correct. Which is why I consider myself to be an Independent and I will vote for whom I consider to be the best candidate. Had Kasich been the Republican nominee in 2016 I would have, in all likelihood, voted for him.

I realize that is a difficult concept for most Trump supporters on this forum to comprehend -- not voting 100% by party line. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
How about Clinton supporters? They vote party line. YR, TM and SC certainly vote straight ticket. Again, you bash the Right without mentioning the Left. I did vote for Clinton in his second term. The economy was good and he pivoted to the right. But he disgraced the office. Dole was a much better man. Should have voted for him. The 2020 election will probably pit a far left candidate to run against Trump. As Jim Webb learned, there’s no room in the Democratic Party for a centrist.
LexusLover's Avatar
The 2020 election will probably pit a far left candidate to run against Trump. As Jim Webb learned, there’s no room in the Democratic Party for a centrist. Originally Posted by bambino
That's because they are "poll watching" .... and eat their own.