p411 has turned over client and provider info to le

So how did they get everyone's email address?
GinaXXX's Avatar
The email list is not an accurate list of P411 emails. Which means that the list was compiled via other methods. Which methods, I'm not exactly sure.... but what I do know is that there had been a breech of the P411 database the list would have been accurate.

Ty Hun!! I had a guy call me from therenand gave me one room number and thenna guy in the hallway tried to act like him (i think) and brought me to wron room so i decided to leave.. Will be screening even more carefully now..
How sad somebody used that much negative energy for no reason
Lunytunz's Avatar
I find it interesting that the site goes down, then a few days later an email is sent out to several, if not hundreds, of providers and hobbiests. Gina, I do appreciate you trying to get to the bottom of things. However, the fact still remains that this email was sent out to a lot of people that have the same "interest". It appears that this is not a random spam message. This information had to be compiled from a source. I, too, deleted the email and did not respond. I am not too concerned, however there seems to have been a breach of security somewhere. Compiling information from various sources and "ads" would be a lot of work with minimal reward. Hackers and programmers are inherently lazy, however clever. Someone or something "mined" the data from a specific source. I hope p411 has not been compromised. I will be following this story closely. However, I am concerned, as I am sure others are. There are a lot of folks that are very "private" and this kind of breech is upsetting.
GinaXXX's Avatar
The email addresses didn't come from P411.... I know this because the list is not an accurate list of P411 members email addresses. There is no way for you to know that what I'm saying is true, but it IS true.

While I don't know exactly how the emails were gathered, I assure you that it would take all of 6 hours to get 200 clients emails if you put up an ad as a "20 year old blonde hottie" on BP.... and if you did that in Dallas, 100 of those clients would be P411 members.

Please also note that a similar "spoofed" alert was posted about P411 on the ripoff reports a couple of years ago. This is unfortunately not a new problem, it's something we've dealt with in different forms many times over the years.

I understand everyone's concern, I'm doing my best to be as transparent as possible.

Jannisary's Avatar
It would be interesting to do a correlation between people who got the spoofed email from P-411 and those who got the spoofed email when ECCIE was down last month. Then to also compare what other hobby related websites those people have used the same email addresses to join. Of course the person or persons may be using multiple ways to harvest email addresses.
bladtinzu's Avatar
Every time I see organized crime and investigation in an email my ass cheeks tighten up.. A lot.. Goddamn RICO isn't a joke...

But great to see it was a fake. Annoying but hey.... What can you do..
Mojojo's Avatar
The email is not real!! It was fake!
another topic on here under "Kansas city Alerts" says that le is doing a sting op and one girl posted saying she was even arrested. Client gave her a reference for some girl on p411. and this was just posted- today or yesterday. PLEASE GO READ THE POSTING!!!!
the kc vice even asked her if they could use her login information for the site she uses i guess in exchange for a deal. now even tho she didnt say anything and asked for her lawyer, she makes a really good point in saying that not everyone is that tough and its highly possible that a member gave up there login info meaning its very likey le could be what caused the site-p411 to crash and sent the emails as a set up.
i also know that around election time le activity increases as well so yes, please be careful- LOT OF WEIRD SHIT GOING ON IF YOU ASK ME!! JUST SAYIN'
And just to add- if somehow it is connected then it could be they added other email addresses to make you think it was something else happening.
Does anyone agree with me or see the pattern im starting to see???
It would be interesting to do a correlation between people who got the spoofed email from P-411 and those who got the spoofed email when ECCIE was down last month. Then to also compare what other hobby related websites those people have used the same email addresses to join. Of course the person or persons may be using multiple ways to harvest email addresses. Originally Posted by Jannisary
It would be interesting to do a correlation between people who got the spoofed email from P-411 and those who got the spoofed email when ECCIE was down last month. Then to also compare what other hobby related websites those people have used the same email addresses to join. Of course the person or persons may be using multiple ways to harvest email addresses. Originally Posted by Jannisary
Exactly, as I received neither. I keep my shit tight! And, I don't mess with other sites. It takes A LOT for me to even use sights. I have extremely paranoid standards! And, they work every single time! Now, I'm not innocent as I've used other sites before (but never revealing RL info on them except well P411 but oh well, again, they passed my 'paranoia' standardized testing):

EROS - Hell no
Craigslist - Been there, some scary stuff
BP - some gems there but not worth the risk
ECCIE - MODs can be a pain in the arsh but well-worth the trade off (jk MODs ) - pointed my ass through the end of 2013...kinda shit is that...ija (just a Q so don't point me anymore, it's a technical question - maybe an error you can kindly look into so I can get back to my 'Rudeness')
P411 - trade-off is RL info, but, oh well, don't use a fucking RL email address Excellent features for the hobbyist
RS2K - depends on the area, not highly used by fems
Datecheck - too redundant and I'm NOT providing RL info to them, not happening
Hobby email - Do not use RL info, although LE can find what the fuck they want to find
TER - they require too much work and no real benefit for me not here having ECCIE and P411
Streetwalkers - you are CRAY for doing that shit but some do it for the $
StripClubs - not happening/PROFESSIONAL scam artists - theee BEST in the world
AMPs - not worth the risk of an LE raid
MPs - ditto
Newbies on ECCIE - not chancing it!

GneissGuy's Avatar
There's been at least one purloined list of hobbyist e-mail addresses floating around for a while.

It's unclear where it came from, but it had quite a few "private" hobby e-mail addresses.

There's a few things to be learned here.

1) It's pretty easy to fake the return address on e-mail. It would be real easy to send out an e-mail with a return address of "barack.obama@whitehouse.g ov" or any other name you want.

Don't believe the e-mail actually came from where it says it did.

2) There's all kinds of ways for e-mails to "leak" out. Sometimes via hacking of some sort. Sometimes by someone making a mistake. Assume any e-mail you give to anyone in the hobby may get leaked out as a hobby e-mail at some time.

The computers, programs, e-mail systems, and web sites we use are not designed to protect our privacy. Even without malice, security and privacy for the end users is an afterthought.
I for one am very cautious and always questioning things to protect myself, but this just played out last week in the San Antonio alerts, and may clarify this situation:


Drama on an epic scale IMHO

As far as p411 being down, this is what Ive gathered:


Seems like separate incidences, but if somebody is as irate as the indicated in the first thread I guess its not that hard or far fetched to pay some hacker to blow somebody's server like we see in the tech issue thread.

What we as a community should remember.

1. We are all playing with fire being in this hobby plain and simple, in the end only you are capable of protecting you

2. Just like the real world this community has a very diverse selection of animals, some cute and cuddly, some dangerous and deadly and some that are so damn retarded and useless we either ignore them or sit back and laugh.

My personal request is that some of our resident lawyers please add your input to the validity of said threats that were brought forth in the first thread by the iRate Person.

And to ms Gina thank you for workin hard and Tryin to respond to all issues.