So, When Will The Latest Non Existant Caravan Arrive

themystic's Avatar

That first one wasn’t suppose to be here in March according to all of the smirking late night comedians and former Presidents.

Those things sure move fast.

Wouldn’t it be great if this next one, over 12,000 strong, started showing up at the Border around Tuesday night...........just in time for the State of the Union?

Ole Nancy could give us her best “deer caught in the headlights” look.

Carma’s a bitch. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Trump Rally...
Trump: Who’s going to pay for the wall??
Crowd: Mexico indirectly through the new USMCA replacement for NAFTA!!
Trump: Who??
Crowd: Mexico indirectly through the new ...
LexusLover's Avatar

That first one wasn’t suppose to be here in March according to all of the smirking late night comedians and former Presidents.

Ole Nancy could give us her best “deer caught in the headlights” look.

Carma’s a bitch. Originally Posted by Jackie S
There is one about 500 miles from the Texas border and that's less than a day, since they are being provided transportation ... but the "latest" one is forming and not into Mexico yet. That status was reported this morning. Trump ordered additional troops to the border in anticipation of the National Emergency being created by the "Most Powerful Person in the Country," Pisslosi, who hadn't hear the Virginia Governor's comments about killing babies ... according to her.
themystic's Avatar
There is one about 500 miles from the Texas border and that's less than a day, since they are being provided transportation ... but the "latest" one is forming and not into Mexico yet. That status was reported this morning. Trump ordered additional troops to the border in anticipation of the National Emergency being created by the "Most Powerful Person in the Country," Pisslosi, who hadn't hear the Virginia Governor's comments about killing babies ... according to her. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Trump Rally...
Trump: Who’s going to pay for the wall??
Crowd: Mexico indirectly through the new USMCA replacement for NAFTA!!
Trump: Who??
Crowd: Mexico indirectly through the new ...
LexusLover's Avatar
There is one about 500 miles from the Texas border and that's less than a day, since they are being provided transportation ... but the "latest" one is forming and not into Mexico yet. That status was reported this morning. Trump ordered additional troops to the border in anticipation of the National Emergency being created by the "Most Powerful Person in the Country," Pisslosi, who hadn't hear the Virginia Governor's comments about killing babies ... according to her. Originally Posted by LexusLover
"the "Most Powerful Person in the Country," Pisslosi," ...

.. was the one who passed ObaminableCare without understanding it.

She doesn't hear what she doesn't want to hear. She doesn't read what she doesn't want to read. Or is it ... she can't hear or read?

Just mouths off .... like ALL SocialistLiberalAntiTrumpers!
Are you scared Jackie?

Bunch of fucking women and children and families invading the border!

That is now what qualifies as an emergency in this country.

Not the freaking Trillion dollar debt per year but these yahoos?

Sounds like Trump has many chasing shiny objects while he spends this country into submission. Originally Posted by WTF
What kind of shitty parents send their children across the desert and feel so guilty about it they lie about gangs back home when they just want a shitty construction job?
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  • WTF
  • 02-03-2019, 02:19 PM
What kind of shitty parents send their children across the desert and feel so guilty about it they lie about gangs back home when they just want a shitty construction job? Originally Posted by friendly fred
Are you talking about the Palestinians working for the Jews?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-03-2019, 02:35 PM
18 to 45 year old men with dicks aren't "women and children". Originally Posted by I B Hankering

You are worried about a few hard working men coming here to work and not about cyber attacks on our elections?
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 02-03-2019, 04:26 PM
If there is a crisis how is a wall gonna help. Still, like I said before I hope it works. Once that cats out the bag you ain't gettin him back in there. The climate, healthcare,and maybe gun control all can now be fixed via crisis. Thank you trump.
I B Hankering's Avatar

You are worried about a few hard working men coming here to work and not about cyber attacks on our elections?
Originally Posted by WTF
Nancy and other dim-retards have the illegals counted on the census for the purpose of apportionment -- and that damn well has a direct impact on U.S. elections.

dim-retards have reinstituted the provisions of the stricken 3/5ths Clause in the Constitution where the rich, white masters, like Nancy and Feinstein, vote for their house servants and field hands because its illegal for illegals to vote -- just like pre-Civil War slaves.

BTW, "thousands" isn't "a few" in anybody's book except those who willfully dissemble -- like an "opinionated" author of a MSN article.
themystic's Avatar
Nancy and other dim-retards have the illegals counted on the census for the purpose of apportionment -- and that damn well has a direct impact on U.S. elections.

dim-retards have reinstituted the provisions of the stricken 3/5ths Clause in the Constitution where the rich, white masters, like Nancy and Feinstein, vote for their house servants and field hands because its illegal for illegals to vote -- just like pre-Civil War slaves.

BTW, "thousands" isn't "a few" in anybody's book except those who willfully dissemble -- like an "opinionated" author of a MSN article.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
He cant keep the country safe IB. This never happen when Obama was president
I B Hankering's Avatar
He cant keep the country safe IB. This never happen when Obama was president Originally Posted by themystic
There's plenty of evidence to prove you are lying again. It did happen on Odumbos' watch, and that little weasel didn't the problem on the border and Nancy and Chucky are the hypocritical liars that are blocking Trump's efforts to fix the border problem.
themystic's Avatar
There's plenty of evidence to prove you are lying again. It did happen on Odumbos' watch, and that little weasel didn't the problem on the border and Nancy and Chucky are the hypocritical liars that are blocking Trump's efforts to fix the border problem. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
you keep saying that but you have zero evidence. Your commander in chief is a liar and a fraud. and a coward
you keep saying that but you have zero evidence. Your commander in chief is a liar and a fraud. and a coward Originally Posted by themystic
Again you lie. If Odumbo had no crisis, why did he, Piglosi, Schmucker, and the other dimbos sound just like Trump a few years ago saying something needed to be done at the border? I B Trumps you again.
themystic's Avatar
Again you lie. If Odumbo had no crisis, why did he, Piglosi, Schmucker, and the other dimbos sound just like Trump a few years ago saying something needed to be done at the border? I B Trumps you again. Originally Posted by Lantern2814
So where's your proof?. You don't have any. You don't know your stuff as usual. Its really pretty simple. Trump cant keep America safe Think about it, ( assuming you are capable of an open mind )

1. Caravans are forming at the border because they don't respect the USA
2. Contraband and gang members are poring into the country
3. MS-13 and Muslims terrorist's are crossing daily
4. Human trafficking as at an all time high

These are what Trump himself is saying. I cant believe you support these policies and sat on your ass for 2 years without saying anything. Sad that you don't care about American citizens safety or their jobs being stole by Mexicans, You don't love America as much as I do
  • Tiny
  • 02-03-2019, 06:57 PM
yes, they could have passed bills on border security. they had 2 years to do this.

Trump agreed to let the process play out. Paul told him "we'll get your wall". that didn't happen and it didn't work out to well did it.

this has to do with former speaker Paul Ryan's deception on the border funding. He's is well known as an open borders advocate.

Paul Ryan never was serious about putting real meat on border security. this is about money. in his eyes, there's no money in border security. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Good answer. I figured the main reason Trump and Pelosi are so intransigent on this is because each wants to appeal to his/her political base. Otherwise neither would shut down the government over this. But why didn't Trump and the Republicans do this a year or two ago? Your explanation makes as much sense as anything.