What Is The Highest Charge Derek Chauvin Should Have Been Convicted Of?

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Not Guilty! He should have walked! With a freaking parade next day! Originally Posted by winn dixie


Nobody listened. And then came young, misled, rightwing, racist, extremist segregationists like you.


Statement by U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano on the Threat of Right-Wing Extremism


Release Date: April 15, 2009

The primary mission of this department is to prevent terrorist attacks on our nation. The document on right-wing extremism sent last week by this department’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis is one in an ongoing series of assessments to provide situational awareness to state, local and tribal law enforcement agencies on the phenomenon and trends of violent radicalization in the United States. I was briefed on the general topic, which is one that struck a nerve as someone personally involved in the Timothy McVeigh prosecution.

Nobody wanted to open their eyes. That's the only way a mirror works.

DHS Sees Resurgence in Rightwing Extremism


The report has drawn attention from several conservative bloggers and talk show hosts, who interpreted the report’s references to right-wing positions on abortion, immigration and gun control as defamatory in this context. The “document targets most conservatives and libertarians in the country,” according to The Liberty Papers blog.

The report, however, describes “extremists” more narrowly as those “that are primarily hate-oriented” and those that “reject federal authority,” not those who simply oppose abortion or immigration.

Let's see how sensitive this young man is. More, or less, than Waco?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If you say so. Or better said, if that bullshit says so. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

then prove those numbers wrong. if they are, should be easy, right?

eccieuser9500's Avatar
then prove those numbers wrong. if they are, should be easy, right?

BAHHAHAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

First tell me how hard it was for you to find that bullshit.

You didn't even provide a link. Shame shame!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-22-2021, 04:21 PM

Because a cop going against standard practices when dealing with an already subdued man that leads to death is a reason to celebrate?

Because you think the idea of a cop being an on-the-spot executioner saves on tax dollars for jails and courts?

If you do not explain why Chauvin's actions should be applauded, then some people might get the wrong idea that you think killing people who are not a threat should be applauded, depending upon who they are of course.

So to prevent misunderstanding please explain.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

Because a cop going against standard practices when dealing with an already subdued man that leads to death is a reason to celebrate?

Because you think the idea of a cop being an on-the-spot executioner saves on tax dollars for jails and courts?

If you do not explain why Chauvin's actions should be applauded, then some people might get the wrong idea that you think killing people who are not a threat should be applauded, depending upon who they are of course.

So to prevent misunderstanding please explain. Originally Posted by Old-T
Please make it clear, sir, that you are addressing the young extremist. By quoting him. Not the older one.

Lapdog's Avatar
Not Guilty! He should have walked! With a freaking parade next day! Originally Posted by winn dixie

Fortunately, justice prevailed instead. And rightfully so. A just verdict.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
First tell me how hard it was for you to find that bullshit.

You didn't even provide a link. Shame shame! Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

so you are admitting you can't refute the data.

thank you valued poster!
I believe he is guilty of involuntary manslaughter more than any other charge. I do not believe he intended to cause Mr. Floyd's death.

What he is really guilty of is using extremely poor judgement. I mean seriously -- the man was handcuffed and he kept his knee on his neck for 9 1/2 minutes while the man stated that he couldn't breathe. Who in the fuck does that? Wouldn't you try and assist this man to get his breath after the first or second "I can't breath?"

If you legitimately can answer no to that scenario then I am really glad we have never met in real life.

Please do not try to defend Mr. Chauvin's actions to me without providing an answer to that scenario first.

Mr. Chauvin's judgement in this case is on a par with Ted Cruz heading off to Cancun while the rest of you thin blooded Texicans were freezing your asses off. It may not have been worthy of a murder conviction and 40 some odd years behind bars. But it was a really stupid thing to do.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
so you are admitting you can't refute the data.

thank you valued poster! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Because you can't provide the source.

Thank you "pull-it-out-your-ass-like-wikipedia" poster.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
It may not have been worthy of a murder conviction and 40 some odd years behind bars. But it was a really stupid thing to do. Originally Posted by Jam3768

Like I said: Either he tried to get away with murder, or his dumbass didn't know it was wrong to kill another human being. He meant to kill him.

Yes, I said so.
Lapdog's Avatar
I believe he is guilty of involuntary manslaughter more than any other charge. I do not believe he intended to cause Mr. Floyd's death.

What he is really guilty of is using extremely poor judgement. I mean seriously -- the man was handcuffed and he kept his knee on his neck for 9 1/2 minutes while the man stated that he couldn't breathe. Who in the fuck does that? Wouldn't you try and assist this man to get his breath after the first or second "I can't breath?"

If you legitimately can answer no to that scenario then I am really glad we have never met in real life.

Please do not try to defend Mr. Chauvin's actions to me without providing an answer to that scenario first.

Mr. Chauvin's judgement in this case is on a par with Ted Cruz heading off to Cancun while the rest of you thin blooded Texicans were freezing your asses off. It may not have been worthy of a murder conviction and 40 some odd years behind bars. But it was a really stupid thing to do. Originally Posted by Jam3768

After the second "I can't breathe" is when Chauvin crossed the line to first degree murder, when he didn't allow a handcuffed Floyd to catch his breath and decided instead to go ahead and choke the life out of him. That's when he showed a hell of a lot more than just simply extremely poor judgement. That's when he became a murderer. Fuck him.

I have breathing problems of my own, and believe me, when you're out of breath the last thing you want to do is fight and resist anything. Even if I'm only just making up the bed when I run out of air, all I can do is sit on the nightstand for a couple of minutes and wait for it to pass. Fuck Chauvin. I hope he gets murdered in prison.
Again, Floyd was having trouble breathing before being put in the backseat and then again while in the backseat. Would any of you in Chauvin's shoes believed him while he was on the ground? No. Because you would think he is lying to get out of being arrested just like he did initially.

I have no idea what the police manual says about using a knee (or perhaps it was really his leg) to keep someone mobilized but there is no F'ing way there is any proof of that knee/leg's force.

As a worst case, Jam is correct with Manslaughter and that should have been more than half day/day debate.

BTW did anyone see the interview with the Alternate Juror tonight? Even that alternate said almost the same thing.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Like I said: Either he tried to get away with murder, or his dumbass didn't know it was wrong to kill another human being. He meant to kill him.

Yes, I said so. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

most people who intend to commit a crime don't usually do so in front of a crowd with everyone recording it.

I believe he is guilty of involuntary manslaughter more than any other charge. I do not believe he intended to cause Mr. Floyd's death.

What he is really guilty of is using extremely poor judgement. I mean seriously -- the man was handcuffed and he kept his knee on his neck for 9 1/2 minutes while the man stated that he couldn't breathe. Who in the fuck does that? Wouldn't you try and assist this man to get his breath after the first or second "I can't breath?"

If you legitimately can answer no to that scenario then I am really glad we have never met in real life.

Please do not try to defend Mr. Chauvin's actions to me without providing an answer to that scenario first.

Mr. Chauvin's judgement in this case is on a par with Ted Cruz heading off to Cancun while the rest of you thin blooded Texicans were freezing your asses off. It may not have been worthy of a murder conviction and 40 some odd years behind bars. But it was a really stupid thing to do. Originally Posted by Jam3768

exactly. involuntary manslaughter based on extremely poor judgement. and as i posted above i think the crowd was a factor. Chauvin probably got a big head about the crowd imploring him to let up and he didn't.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Because you can't provide the source.

Thank you "pull-it-out-your-ass-like-wikipedia" poster. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

i'l provide the source when you provide a source that refutes it.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Again, Floyd was having trouble breathing before being put in the backseat and then again while in the backseat. Would any of you in Chauvin's shoes believed him while he was on the ground? No. Because you would think he is lying to get out of being arrested just like he did initially.

I have no idea what the police manual says about using a knee (or perhaps it was really his leg) to keep someone mobilized but there is no F'ing way there is any proof of that knee/leg's force.

As a worst case, Jam is correct with Manslaughter and that should have been more than half day/day debate.

BTW did anyone see the interview with the Alternate Juror tonight? Even that alternate said almost the same thing. Originally Posted by DTickler

I made this same point in another post and the reason it is important to understand is as old as the story of the Boy Who Cried Wolf. George Floyd started saying "I can't breathe" before the 9 min. and 29 seconds even started. If you started counting the "I can't breath's" before he was ever prone on the ground, a "reasonable" person would be saying "Yeah, yeah, you can't breathe but you can't quit talking".

Even expert doctors agree that if you can talk, you can breathe. Unfortunately for both men, more for Floyd, to be sure, Chauvin didn't put 2 and 2 together that when Floyd stopped talking, maybe he couldn't breathe and should have re-acted but he didn't. I heard some people say he did it out of arrogance, just didn't give shit whether this man lived or died.

I tried to impart some to the defense attorneys closing statement when he described what was happening at that exact moment when the expert says "right there, that's when the life went out of him" and the defense attorney said at that very moment, Chauvin was distracted by somebody from behind him and we can clearly see this happened because at that moment, Chauvin pulled out his mace, a defensive action.

Does that excuse is action/ lack of proper action, no, it only goes to mitigate that it may have been something other than arrogance. Add to that the fact that Chauvin was told that EMT's would be there in 3 minutes. If they had, Floyd would be alive.

George Floyd died, in part by the action and inaction of Chauvin. I believe the drugs and his over all health contributed to his death but "contributing factors" are apparently not taken into consideration when assigning culpability in a murder charge. I think it should but that isn't the law.

Charge should have been unintentional manslaughter in my non legal scholarly opinion but that wouldn't satisfy the mob and in this day and time, satisfying the mob is more important that actual justice and we just may see this play out in a couple more upcoming cases of the female cop using her gun instead of her taser and the cop in Ohio, shooting a 16 year old girl who was about to plunge a knife into another teenage girl and some of our leaders and MSNBC pundits have suggested that the cop should just have let them fight like teenagers some times do.

The irony here, just a day or two before this incident, a 13 year old girl stabbed another 13 year old girl to death with a knife. This seems to be lost on all those suggesting that the cop should not have shot this girl about to stab another. I wonder what the parent of the the dead 13 year would say if asked if she wished a cop had been their to shoot and kill her daughters assailant before she pluged that knife into her.

The female cop is going to pay a price. Again, unintentional manslaughter at best but if the mob has their way, we could see 2nd degree murder.

If the Ohio cop is charged at all, I'll be stunned but then there was that tweet from King LeBron James with a picture of that cop saying "your next" so who knows what a jury would do after King James has spoken and the President and the Vice President and every Democrat in office calling for a murder charge.

We are heading for a reckoning in this country but it isn't going to be the one the Left wants.

How about we try an experiment in only a couple of cities, the worst ones like Chicago and Baltimore, St. Louis where the cops take a couple weeks off. A kind "surge" ( if you have ever seen the movie ) so we can get an idea of what "no police" will look like and then ask Rashida Taliab and AOC what they think of the results.