Providers: Ever go the other way?

Yea, I have. I'm still waiting for a guy to take me up on it lol
yaddayadda's Avatar
Ahhh the male ego....I had a woman I met, at one of the few socials I attended, send me a PM and she said "your the kind of guy I like to f**k."
How she knew I had a little dick, came quick and the count was always right, I don't know.......esp I guess.
There was a Provider on the old site who **ONLY** saw clients she approached:


There would sometimes be a review of her with no contact information and hobbyists would ask "Then how do I schedule with her?" and told they just had to wait for her to notice them.
A few years back I received a PM out of the blue inviting me for a special session. I usually don't see any provider that I haven't met at a social or at least a lot of PMs and flirting on the board, but I took the invitation and I am very glad I did.
DorkLover's Avatar
It is good for the ego to have a hot provider PM you. Just make it personal and not the generic "Hi Sweetie" that everyone else uses. Reference something I posted that made you notice me or think that we would have a good time together. It doesn't have to be a Freudian analysis of my posting style, but make me feel a little bit special.

I have booked several appointments based on PM or emails, and they have generally been very good.
It has happened, with some of the ladies on this thread - I am very blessed there. Maybe even a drunk pm - I think on a certain Irish holiday -wonder if she will ever schedule me?!?!?!

Definitely a major turn on, when they make it personal. And I saw Cathy that way.

To my other mutual crush, sherriff is on his way!

Please feel free to PM me. The more saucy the better.
Toolman54's Avatar
And so far, The Starter Of This Thread has received zero, zilch, nada PMs from any providers in his pathetic attempt to have his ego pumped up. (Play your favorite sympathy music now.)

I am kidding, of course, about the pathetic attempt at having my ego pumped up. (Feel free to roll your eyes or say, "Yeah, right.")
Ranchhand's Avatar
Ahh yes, I remember the other board well. I started a thread about providers seeing "older" gentlemen, as I am 64 now. I got a pm from a wonderful lady, that sadly I did not get too see, and oh how bad I wanted too, its just that the schedule didnt work out. Never heard from her again (My Loss). Yes it was a ego boost, especially for someone my age. You younger gentleman will probably always get the pm. Some of us older guys just sit around and dream.
I'm east of the Dallas area. Love it when I get PM's when someone is going to be in the area. Going down I30 anyone?
When I was a bit more active, I'd get them from time to time ... major turn on and yes I know it's an illusion, but it's my illusion dammit!! Always cool to hear from someone you haven't seen in a while, almost always gets me to see them again.
airlineguy12's Avatar
Never have got one dangit, sure would be nice and I bet I'd be walking on air all day if it ever happened!!
cptjohnstone's Avatar
There was a Provider on the old site who **ONLY** saw clients she approached:


There would sometimes be a review of her with no contact information and hobbyists would ask "Then how do I schedule with her?" and told they just had to wait for her to notice them. Originally Posted by HoneyRose
she hit on me and I send pic's via email and she says I know you, how?
turns out she lays out next to a pool on the golf course I play and live on for another week. Told her I was moving to OK to take care of my 86yo mother and she asked for my address, thinking she was coming over but she did not, saying I would tell some one?? who the hell am I going to tell???? I think she is living with one of the high dollar players at my club but I would not know him if I saw him

ps her reviews were better than fucking Cleopatra, it is late and I have had a few scotches+
so Cathie if you are on this board, I gave you a chance but will back in Dallas every couple of weeks, my golf is still free
DFK Hunter's Avatar
And so far, The Starter Of This Thread has received zero, zilch, nada PMs from any providers in his pathetic attempt to have his ego pumped up. Originally Posted by Toolman54
Well, I wouldn't feel so bad. Yours is the second thread on this question I've posted to and I haven't gotten any PMs either.

After I wrote my "Realtor" piece I wondered if that would create any provider interest, like; (hint, hint...)
"Hey Hunter, I have my old Cheerleader Uniform. Come over and I'll wear it for you.." Or,
"Hey Hunter, I have some stiletto pumps. Come over and I'll be your Realtor..." Or,
"Hey Hunter, I have a shower. Come over and I and practice my First Aid on you..." Or...

Since I finished it; Nuttin', zip, zilch, nada. I did have a provider tell me after I made the first contact, "Reading your stories I thought we'd be a good match..." But I sought her out.

The ideas of privacy may have become so ingrained that it's preventing approaches that would be welcomed.
Not to be argumentative, but I don't understand why guys post in hopes of drawing attention or contact from a provider. I understand why providers post ads or start threads saying they want opinions on which picture makes her tits look more enticing. But what ego boost is there for a guy to have a provider inviting you to p4p? "Hey, for $250/hr I will pretend to like you"

Now if they are offering free sessions because your intellectual posting is irresistible, that would be different. I am just guessing that is not going on very often.

can anyone explain or do some of you need to be moving to
Kendra Hart's Avatar
I've pm'ed a couple of guys after our visit to let them know that I had a wonderful time with them. Ive also pm'ed a guy after reading one of their threads because I thought we would mesh good but he never got around to seeing me so I haven't pm'ed anyone since. :-(