What exactly is BBW?

Exactly what is says...Their weight is proportionate to their height. In other words, a 5' 9" man, that is 250lbs will look like Danny Davito. A 6' 2" man at 250 lbs won't look as bad. Originally Posted by Jasser
Crap I can't beleive I used to look like Danny Devito. I just figured I used to be chubby
@Suzel Im sorry he told you that, that was more than messed up. Do not let him discourage you.
What do people mean when they say "height weight proportionate" ? Originally Posted by Suzel
Personally, I think about published height-weight charts. Generally, those inside the numbers are who I'd call "height-weight proportionate."
I am not no BBW! LMAO

Hey, but everyone has their own opinion on what size is BBW. Just look at me if I get to thick because of my height, some will say I'm a baby bbw. In return, I go on a diet and lower my rates. (You guys keep me in shape, with lower rate. lol)

Also most BBW (around the world) have normal rates because they are confident in them-selve and service. On the other hand I do know a few BBW's that keep their rates lower that the average provider to compete in this Dallas market.

Just FYI...
BBW is another one of those terms that had a definition and then the "political corectness police" came in and destroyed it. These days, any lady whom you think is overweight qualifies as a BBW, everyone forgot the second "B" in the acronym which stands for Beautiful. So I suppose everyone is beautiful and we can't judge otherwise. BS. BBW has been cast aside for more subtle words like, Thick, Large & Lovely, Big & Beautiful, Curvy, Little Meat on the Bones.

You want the size qualifications, well generally speaking...just goto Google, click on Images and then type in BBW. What you see is what you get.
DS you could'nt keep that secret to yourself?.. no one else even realized any of that.

rakuguy's Avatar
you know you are absolutely right nicole. and i sincerely apologize for my post. sounded funny to me at the time, but i realize it was inappropriate.

JPdM Originally Posted by Juan Pablo de Marco
for shame JPdM. for shame. well, at least you didn't say it was the "Rule of 500" or anything cruel like that. that would have been really bad.
Guest012211-3's Avatar
LOL, whatever. Rule of 100 is a joke...what if she is 22-19-59? Still fits the rule, but is that ideal?

PS, I know you nerds are checking my math, LOL I mean that in a loving way, really.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
LOL, whatever. Rule of 100 is a joke...what if she is 22-19-59? Still fits the rule, but is that ideal?

PS, I know you nerds are checking my math, LOL I mean that in a loving way, really. Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
Those dimensions bring to mind Al Capp's creation "The Shmoo".

if she dances and the band skips... she's a bbw.

if she steps on a quarter and a booger comes out of george washington's nose... she's a bbw.

JPdM Originally Posted by Juan Pablo de Marco
lol...you definitely made my morning for sure. Thats too funny!
Just like I say all of the time. "Different strokes for different folks. Everyone is entitled to an opinion...we might not all agree with each other but we're HUMAN!" Everyone has something gorgeous about themselves in my opinion.

LOL, whatever. Rule of 100 is a joke...what if she is 22-19-59? Still fits the rule, but is that ideal?

PS, I know you nerds are checking my math, LOL I mean that in a loving way, really. Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
This is what I got.... (it's a joke)

I know....

Nicole ....
LOL, whatever. Rule of 100 is a joke...what if she is 22-19-59? Still fits the rule, but is that ideal?

PS, I know you nerds are checking my math, LOL I mean that in a loving way, really. Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
Nicole thats alot of Booty!
Hmmmm...that "Shmoo" looks kinda hot if you ask me! Sorry, that's just the way my mind works sometimes!

rakuguy's Avatar
Rule of 100 is a joke...what if she is 22-19-59? Still fits the rule, but is that ideal?
Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
Only in remote regions of rural Mexico.

Here in the states she would be disqualified under Article 3, Section 7 under the proportionality exclusion provision.

She may however petition the board of regents for an honorary certificate suitable for framing.
TheGiftedOne's Avatar
I have never really seen the size (within reason of course) as a major factor in a woman being sexy. I have had some good and bad experiences with women of all ages, sizes, and shapes. It is more about how a woman acts and reacts that is important to me. It is that intangible sex appeal that transcends all sizes and shapes. I don't label them, I just dig 'em or I don't....

Off topic, but I must say Nicole you are stunning!