The blue pill question

If you do not have an aversion to needles, the old injection type medication is supposed to be great. A member here told me about it. He is in his mid 70’s. You might have to get pharmacy to order it, but I am sure there are doctors with will write the Rx.

When the blue pill stops working, I think its time.
nuglet's Avatar
Not to refute some of the good advice here about suspicious, cheap, online sources.
I was referred to, and use
100 mg tablets are about $2.50 each, (40 for $89) with shipping. Tadafil (the actual drug compound name.
One hassle, maybe.... they require Visa only. NO Amex or M/C. Shipping takes about 4-5 weeks, but is reliable. Arrives in a plain envelope with no special marking at all.
I know some of you fellas are gonna go " Oh yeah, BUT...." That's fine, I'm just giving you some personal experience with this outfit. I was referred to them by a close friend that has used them for quite a while with good results. Free info.. no refunds of $ paid for the advice.
Take a cruise to Cozumel. Lots of "the little blue oval" and "the little beige teardrop" available there, and the quality is supposedly US standards. If these guys get a bad rep, it spreads fast. Just walk in off the street and ask to speak with "un medico" and just say "you tango ED" and he'll write you the scrip. Can't import more than 90 at a time, but if you're using that many you either have a very serious problem or are having some very serious fun.

Oh, and a cruise is just plain fun. PM me for more info.
I wanna be involved in the trials when they develop the generic! Originally Posted by NipLover
Already available overseas. Google "Kamagra" or "Penagra".