Gingrich Goes Crazy

Fast Gunn's Avatar

I'll be your huckelberry. This country ain't stupid. Hand shake Fast Gun. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-21-2011, 07:03 PM
Looks like Fast Gunn going be getting him some free loving!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Free Loving is the best kind of loving there is.

And I know that my main man in the White House slugging it out in November will not let me or the country down!

. . . I see President Obama standing over his GOP candidate the way that Mohammad Ali stood over Sonny Liston in that historic fight!

You’re on! And even The Greatest of All Time won’t be able to save your man if Romney gets the nomination.

Looks like Fast Gunn going be getting him some free loving! Originally Posted by WTF
No Way!
Thank God he is standing up and saying such things. Hopefully now, we don't have to actually worry about him getting the nomination. He's a righ-wing lunatic, and a nasty piece of work. If Gingrich gets the nomination, it will be a blood bath, but Obama will win. If Romney gets the nomination, It's over for Obama. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
If Romney gets the nomination (and he will), it's closer....but it ain't over. Gonna be lots of Republicans staying home on election day if he's the's going to be very interesting to see what he does in terms of a VP running mate to try to get the right-wing crazies to turn out.
If Romney gets the nomination (and he will), it's closer....but it ain't over. Gonna be lots of Republicans staying home on election day if he's the's going to be very interesting to see what he does in terms of a VP running mate to try to get the right-wing crazies to turn out. Originally Posted by timpage
If I were him, I'd let the crazies stay home and pick a running mate that can deliver Hispanic and the South, Independent or women's vote in spades. Texas and Florida are 2/5ths of the "big" states and they are both heavily Hispanic, and along with the rest of the South which is going to vote Republican anyway, it's enough to put him over the top. Deliver Hispanics and the South, Independents or women's vote and he wins. It would be great if he can get two of the three. If he doesn't play to the hard right-wingers, who don't approve of him for religious or his more moderate position anyway, and he targets the groups I mentioned with a running mate and campaign focus, he'll win.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
The only thing I can afford to bet is multiple hand shakes, IE, a hand job.

One redeeming note.

Working in a clean room keeps my hands baby soft.
BigLouie's Avatar
Fast Gunn's Avatar
You might as well face it, Olivia, your man, Romney just does not have what it takes to lead a nation and Gingrich has too much baggage.

Just look at the parade of clowns the GOP has put on display.

Frankly, I keep expecting all of them to show up for their debate in a tiny clown car!

As for Texas, I think the Republicans could put a monkey on the ballot and still carry the state.

. . . You'd better just resign yourself to delivering on your bet, girl!

If I were him, I'd let the crazies stay home and pick a running mate that can deliver Hispanic and the South, Independent or women's vote in spades. Texas and Florida are 2/5ths of the "big" states and they are both heavily Hispanic, and along with the rest of the South which is going to vote Republican anyway, it's enough to put him over the top. Deliver Hispanics and the South, Independents or women's vote and he wins. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
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  • WTF
  • 12-22-2011, 06:10 PM
Mitt will pick ,U.S. Senator , Marco Rubio as his VP.

The election will turn on Ohio.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Hugo Chavez is calling Obama a clown, and Chavez, for once, is right. Obama is the clown who has demonstrated he never had what it takes to lead this country.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
What about Condi Rice? She's apparently making herself available for VP in sort of a wink-wink, nod-nod kinda thing.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
what if both of you lose the bet? It'd be a wash wouldn't it?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, the cat is out of the bag and now you have clearly shown the world what a blithering idiot you are. Not that there were many doubts before.

If your source of world information is a total buffoon like Hugo Chavez, no wonder your brain, if we can be charitable enough to call it that, has become a wasteland of slop you hear and repeat.

Chavez is a swine who lives to create problems, but I didn't think anyone in the US even paid attention to him.

. . . Do you have a poster of Chavez hanging in your room or did you build him an altar to worship?

Hugo Chavez is calling Obama a clown, and Chavez, for once, is right. Obama is the clown who has demonstrated he never had what it takes to lead this country. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I B Hankering's Avatar
Well, the cat is out of the bag and now you have clearly shown the world what a blithering idiot you are. Not that there were many doubts before.

If your source of world information is a total buffoon like Hugo Chavez, no wonder your brain, if we can be charitable enough to call it that, has become a wasteland of slop you hear and repeat.

Chavez is a swine who lives to create problems, but I didn't think anyone in the US even paid attention to him.

. . . Do you have a poster of Chavez hanging in your room or did you build him an altar to worship?

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and Chavez is right this time. Besides, it’s amusing to watch socialists cast aspersions at one another. Very entertaining indeed!

Didn't you know, Obama is Chavez’s twin brother by a different mother? And you’re the blithering idiot with all of your idolatrous praise for that narcissistic clown who is only temporarily residing in the White House. He is a national embarrassment, and rather than crawl into a hole and hide your shame, you’re buffoonish enough to keep admitting that you like and support that ego-centric jerk.

BTW, did you know most of the ladies on this board unwittingly have an Obama altar just like yours in the dresser drawer by their bed. The question is, does yours run on batteries or AC?