Why doesn't God visit us ?

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Can't wait to hear it. Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
Well it's just a theory but Umm..we can only assume that 4th dimensional beings do exist and outside of the space time continum (STC). We humans stuck within 3 dimensions cannot imagine anything beyond time... but there is a possibility (not necessarily probable) of beings beyond time...because if God existed within the Space Time Continum (STC) then how can he truly be God?

If you combine that possibility with the theory that God created spirit sons outside of the space time continum there's a strong possibility that these spirit sons created billions of space time continum's with life in them such as our earth and our universe...and the management of life within these universe's is at their mercy which can either be a good thing or a bad thing.

For us it appears overall that we have a mixed ruler allowing lots of pain, suffering, and the mental torture of not knowing what happens after death...but granting us some concessions and pleasures such as beautiful earth scenery and sun rises, good food, pleasure of sex, and the fruitages of family.. the thought of God existing alone without creating other smaller "god" figures to interact with is counter to intelligence Which is why I can theorize on him creating spirit creatures or sons that also have the ability to create. This further opens up the possibility that they created life hidden within these universe's or multi-verses that God knows nothing about because he's not chasing or following things he's allowed his spirit sons to create.

If that's not the case then it means as Albert Einstein said that God himself created us and for whatever reason decided to become impersonal to us....I'm not saying I'm necessarily right...but just a possible thought as to me there is no doubt that a designer and creator exists.

Ohh yeah I'm intellectual too...probably to the shock and dismay of the racists here who cant fathom a hip, ear to the street black man smarter than them. That's what happens though when you're stuck in the 1950's. Reminds me of some of these poor white Republicans in rural USA actually thinking that because of their skin color that they're smarter than Barack Obama.

They wont admit it but we know what it is. ;-)

Champagne Brown's Avatar
I'm trying to get the hell out this dimension, hate being in 3rd... that's my goal
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 02-10-2019, 06:39 AM
It's a good theory sc honestly better than expected. If upon death you slip into the 4th that could be cool, maybe.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I'm trying to get the hell out this dimension, hate being in 3rd... that's my goal
Originally Posted by Champagne Brown

I may be sharing some of my spiritual beliefs but let me explain...I'm also of the belief that we already live in the 3rd and 4th deminsions because we are living our souls life in the physical realm. In other words your soul is living in the dimensional vessel it was assigned (in this dimension) which is a human body. Once your physical body expires your soul (which has always existed) will go back to its original state or alternate dimension as a more powerful soul having undergone this physical experience. It's all about changing form. Just like melting a piece of ice...the ice will melt into water and when heated some more the water will then evaporate into a state that you cannot see. Its still there just in a different state or dimension. Which is similar to what we eventually experience with the body/ soul reality.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
It's a good theory sc honestly better than expected. If upon death you slip into the 4th that could be cool, maybe. Originally Posted by Trey
Some of this stuff I've internalized at an early age...but these days I meet with a group of people (all races and educational) backgrounds and we study Science and Religion. It's not a church its actually beyond church. But it stimulates me. I need more information to stay motivated in life...
Champagne Brown's Avatar
I may be sharing some of my spiritual beliefs but let me explain...I'm also of the belief that we already live in the 3rd and 4th deminsions because we are living our souls life in the physical realm. In other words your soul is living in the dimensional vessel it was assigned (in this dimension) which is a human body. Once your physical body expires your soul (which has always existed) will go back to its original state or alternate dimension as a more powerful soul having undergone this physical experience. It's all about changing form. Just like melting a piece of ice...the ice will melt into water and when heated some more the water will then evaporate into a state that you cannot see. Its still there just in a different state or dimension. Which is similar to what we eventually experience with the body/ soul reality. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Some of this stuff I've internalized at an early age...but these days I meet with a group of people (all races and educational) backgrounds and we study Science and Religion. It's not a church its actually beyond church. But it stimulates me. I need more information to stay motivated in life... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
We on the same page, and on the same level.. Ra Salute
Champagne Brown's Avatar
It's a good theory sc honestly better than expected. If upon death you slip into the 4th that could be cool, maybe. Originally Posted by Trey
4th should be way better than this shythole..

Balance should be restored soon..
Slitlikr's Avatar
Call it 4th dimension or whatever you want SC.

It's still the afterlife aka heaven, hell, etc. in the Christian world.
If there are 4 parallel dimensions, there are infantesimal dimensions.

One of many old, simplistic theories that even you can grasp.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Hell is a state of mind, when you're vibrating too low.. Heaven is when you're vibrating?

What is the tree of life?
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Call it 4th dimension or whatever you want SC.

It's still the afterlife aka heaven, hell, etc. in the Christian world.
If there are 4 parallel dimensions, there are infantesimal dimensions.

One of many old, simplistic theories that even you can grasp. Originally Posted by Slitlikr
Ohh lol you're one of those heaven and hell propagandists. I bet you think someone gonna be waiting at the pearly gates for you too huh? one thing you're right about...your theories are old and simplistic...buh-bye now.


A theory is not a fact. It's just an idea or guess.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
A theory is not a fact. It's just an idea or guess. Originally Posted by tbone2u
You need to be telling that elementary level stuff to your President...how dare you tell it to me. Trump is probably the dumbest most cowardly president of all time. He could use that advice. I will forgive you this time tb2. We all make mistakes sometimes...and hey man I still love you like a brother.
Slitlikr's Avatar
Ohh lol you're one of those heaven and hell propagandists. I bet you think someone gonna be waiting at the pearly gates for you too huh? one thing you're right about...your theories are old and simplistic...buh-bye now.


Lol Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

You and your boy beto are a little old to be so naive.
Russ38's Avatar
I swear I've seen God during some great sessions. Originally Posted by Slitlikr
I hear ya man....could’ve swore I seen that shit once while ass fucking a Sunday school teacher....