$100 REWARD...


Page IX. In October 2003, Ali Khameini issued an oral fatwa prohibiting production of any type of WMD.

I'm not taking a check from you whirytard......cash please....or paypal.....send me a PM to make the arrangements. Don't crawdaddy and don't be a welcher.

Tim Originally Posted by timpage


Page IX. In October 2003, Ali Khameini issued an oral fatwa prohibiting production of any type of WMD.

I'm not taking a check from you whirytard......cash please....or paypal.....send me a PM to make the arrangements. Don't crawdaddy and don't be a welcher.

Tim Originally Posted by timpage
Timmy get the bacon grease out, you are going to need it...


Who was present when it was said?

What venue did this oral fatawa occur at?

How did the authors of your link confirm the fatawa?

Iranian propaganda that you swallow like a good girl.

I could have posted that link....that isn't proof that a Fatwa was "issued". Originally Posted by Whirlaway
LOL. You crawdaddying welching asshole. So, you're going to require personal knowledge. Should have said that....after all, everything you post and say is vetted, based on personal knowledge, affidavits, etc, right?

There is nothing lower than somebody who welches on a bet. Jackass.
Timmy get the bacon grease out, you are going to need it...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnCFH7miLRw Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Iffy, why don't you fuck off back to your cave you braindead troglodyte?
Iffy, why don't you fuck off back to your cave you braindead troglodyte? Originally Posted by timpage
Perhaps BACON GREASE was a little extreme. Try some Raspberry Dickalicious... it should sooth you, it works for my ATF.


Who was present when it was said?

What venue did this oral fatawa occur at?

How did the authors of your link confirm the fatawa?

Iranian propaganda that you swallow like a good girl.

I could have posted that link....that isn't proof that a Fatwa was "issued". Originally Posted by Whirlaway
People like you are tiresome. Here's an entire article on it. Including links to Iran's website about their nuclear program, where they have an entire section on the Fatwa. This would not be hearsay, since it's straight from the Iranians themselves. If you're going to make bets and claims, it's best to know the answer beforehand.

People like you are tiresome. Here's an entire article on it. Including links to Iran's website about their nuclear program, where they have an entire section on the Fatwa. This would not be hearsay, since it's straight from the Iranians themselves. If you're going to make bets and claims, it's best to know the answer beforehand.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/...clear-weapons/ Originally Posted by WombRaider
Did Osama Bin Obama give you that link?
What would you accept as proof that a fatwa was "issued" in your law practice?

A document, a video, a signed statement, a contemporaneous report of the oral fatawa by someone who was present?

What a crap link, no citations, parroting some supposed oral statement. No reference to when/how/where/ under what circumstance, to what audience?

As a lawyer I would expect you to be more skeptical of this level of "proof".........you must not be a very successful attorney.

LOL. You crawdaddying welching asshole. So, you're going to require personal knowledge. Should have said that....after all, everything you post and say is vetted, based on personal knowledge, affidavits, etc, right?

There is nothing lower than somebody who welches on a bet. Jackass. Originally Posted by timpage
Did Osama Bin Obama give you that link? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Google is your friend.
Google is your friend. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Osumahecant is your friend.

I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean.
What would you accept as proof that a fatwa was "issued" in your law practice?

A document, a video, a signed statement, a contemporaneous report of the oral fatawa by someone who was present?

What a crap link, no citations, parroting some supposed oral statement. No reference to when/how/where/ under what circumstance, to what audience?

As a lawyer I would expect you to be more skeptical of this level of "proof".........you must not be a very successful attorney. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I provided you a direct link with the words, straight from the horses' mouth. You must not be literate.
The WP story doesn't provide any proof...it just regurgitates rumors.

And it links the 2003 "oral fatawa" to chemical weapons, NOT nuclear !

And the key sentence from the WP article:

"..But there is a fine line between a fatwa and mere statements made by the leader to the media..."

If a fatwa was issued; you would be able to produce it...in many different forms (recording, video, written statement, eye witness statements, contemporaneous reporting, etc.).

I provided you a direct link with the words, straight from the horses' mouth. You must not be literate. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Two points you dumbshit...

Firstly, this wasn't a wager/bet, it was a reward offered. Big difference, but you are too dumb to comprehend the distinctions.

Secondly, it speaks to just how fucked up your moral compass is if you think there is nothing "lower than somebody who welches on a bet".....even a 2nd grader knows better.


There is nothing lower than somebody who welches on a bet. Jackass. Originally Posted by timpage
What would you accept as proof that a fatwa was "issued" in your law practice?

A document, a video, a signed statement, a contemporaneous report of the oral fatawa by someone who was present?

What a crap link, no citations, parroting some supposed oral statement. No reference to when/how/where/ under what circumstance, to what audience?

As a lawyer I would expect you to be more skeptical of this level of "proof".........you must not be a very successful attorney. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Only you would be stupid enough to try to draw an analogy between a court of law and a whore board.

You posted up a challenge, shot your mouth off and when presented with multiple responses, you welch. I bet you try to cheat at poker too. Douchebag.