So Whi IS The Better Man?

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I am voting for H I M
TryWeakly's Avatar
Is H I M on first ?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The problem is that most politicians, Democrats and Republicans, have sold their souls. And some of the ones who were left, like Jeff Flake, were forced out of office because they didn't sell their souls.

I disagree. As some of us have discussed ad nauseum, we'll probably be better off if Republicans could keep at least the house or the Senate. Think about Bill Clinton's second term, when Republicans controlled Congress. That's the best period we've had in the last 30 years, in terms of governance at the federal level. I think Biden's instincts are a lot like Clinton's although admittedly he was pulled to the left during the primaries. He can work with Republicans.

If Republicans control the Senate during a Biden presidency, the national debt won't explode. And you won't see the filibuster done away with or the Supreme Court packed.

You might argue that those measures are justified given what's happened in the last 4 years. I'd argue that the filibuster adds stability, good sense and bipartisanship to American governance. And if Democrats end the filibuster and expand the court to 15 justices, then the next time Republicans control the presidency and Congress they'll continue to escalate this political arms race, which Harry Reid started in 2013 and Mitch McConnell escalated in 2016. Originally Posted by Tiny
please.. don't make Jeff Flake like he's some sort of choir boy. He definitely sold his soul, it wasn't to his constituency or to Trump, but to the swamp that is in washington d.c.

Jeff got out played, he didn't like it and that showed.

I question the value of the filibuster. it doesn't add stability to the system you seem to think. Hamilton's idea backfired.
  • Tiny
  • 10-18-2020, 11:27 AM
please.. don't make Jeff Flake like he's some sort of choir boy. He definitely sold his soul, it wasn't to his constituency or to Trump, but to the swamp that is in washington d.c.

Jeff got out played, he didn't like it and that showed. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I've lightened up on Trump because I realize what's at stake if there's a Democratic sweep in November. But damn Dilbert, you make it hard, real hard.

Flake's worse than a choirboy. He was a Mormon missionary, one of those people who dress up in ties and short sleeve white shirts and bicycle around town to talk to people about golden tablets and ancient Jews in central America.

Flake made his name taking up for the taxpayer, trying to stamp out foolish spending. He came up with the Wastebook" and "Jurassic Pork" reports. A couple of examples,

You say Flake sold out his constituency and President Trump, at the same time you accuse him of being a swamp creature. There's irony in that. He voted with Trump most of the time. Maybe he didn't bring as much pork home to Arizona because he was trying to get rid of the pork. He's the antithesis of a swamp creature. Trump on the other hand spent his business career buying off Democrats and Republicans and spends like a drunken sailor with no consideration of the national debt. He said last week he wants a bigger stimulus bill than what Nancy Pelosi proposed.

Trump didn't like Flake because Flake, unlike Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham, wouldn't kiss his ass. Flake IS a choirboy, and so he was particularly critical of Trump's womanizing. But who cares, Flake was on our side, and doing a lot better job than his colleagues.

Trump's pride and ego and narcissism are a plague on the Republican Party, and were on full display when he forced Flake out of the primaries. Again, while Flake was a Trump critic, he voted with him most of the time. Flake would have beaten the Democratic nominee, Christine Sinema, hands down in the general election. Instead we lost a seat in the Senate.

I question the value of the filibuster. it doesn't add stability to the system you seem to think. Hamilton's idea backfired. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I'm not masochistic like WTF and Budman and others in another thread who are trying to get each other to leave the board depending on who wins the election. So instead of a wager I'll make a simple statement. If we ever meet up in some strip club or some cathouse with LBFM's, I'll buy you a beer if by then you don't think the filibuster was a good idea. There's a greater than 50% chance Democrats are going to sweep the election and they'll be looking for blood. They'll need to end the filibuster to pack the Supreme Court and to allow the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico to become states. And there's a pretty good chance they'll do that. Maybe less than 50%, but pretty good.
  • oeb11
  • 10-18-2020, 11:31 AM
Tiny - You are correct regarding the lying DPST agenda - they plan to end representative democracy for a marxist DPST dictatorship.

OBLM and Antifa are their hitlerian brownshirts out to destabilize America with Violence., suppression of freedom of speech and voting.

The Second amendment is all that stands between a Free America nd slavery to the DPST marxist control freaks of the West Coast and NYShittyl

Civil War is coming.

Cache your ammo!
What's DPST?
  • Tiny
  • 10-18-2020, 11:41 AM
Tiny - You are correct regarding the lying DPST agenda - they plan to end representative democracy for a marxist DPST dictatorship.

OBLM and Antifa are their hitlerian brownshirts out to destabilize America with Violence., suppression of freedom of speech and voting.

The Second amendment is all that stands between a Free America nd slavery to the DPST marxist control freaks of the West Coast and NYShittyl

Civil War is coming.

Cache your ammo! Originally Posted by oeb11
I wouldn't go that far Oeb, although I believe there's a good chance that what Harry Reid started by exercising the "nuclear option" is about to escalate severely under Schumer, and make America a more divisive a place than it's ever been. We don't want to become like India, with people dying on the streets over elections.

Actually I ran across a good article in the Financial Times last week about a U. of Texas professor who believes the three ways forward for America are Secession, Civil War, or stagnation. You might find it of interest. I'll try to find it and post it.
I'm onboard with Balkanization. Then we can purge all the shitty leftist coastie limp wrists.
  • oeb11
  • 10-18-2020, 04:48 PM
Tiny - thank you - It would be good to read,

although - know that tu in the liberal city of austin is a liberal bastion with no freedom of speech or thought for its faculty or students.

No one there dares to dissent from the liberal groupthink.
They have even indoctrinated all the football players - who barely get an education to read or write there.

But - all the black football players drive cadillacs!

India - people dying over elections - already here in america - look at Seattle and the Capitol Hill murders, look at Kyle rittenhouse assaulted by anti-fa murderous thugs.

and - regardless of whether biden wins or loses - they DPST's will loose more violence on america in the name of destabilization in favor of their marxist dream.

Just watch whitmer calling out Trump for 'enabling" violence by antiFa - the nasty, hypocritical DPST Bitch! Calling out Trump for what they themselves - the DPST's - are doing - enabling the Violence in america!
  • oeb11
  • 10-18-2020, 04:51 PM
What's DPST? Originally Posted by GastonGlock

Acronym for Democrat - Progressive-Socialist-Totalitarian.

Describes their party perfectly!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
What's DPST? Originally Posted by GastonGlock
DPST (Democrat Progressive Socialist Totalitarian)

its a mouthful to say it.

its long form for commie or fascist or marxist or maoist.
  • Tiny
  • 10-18-2020, 07:22 PM
What's DPST? Originally Posted by GastonGlock
See here,

OK, actually the link is to a parody I wrote in jest. Oeb came up with the acronym, which Dilbert explained above.

DPST (Democrat Progressive Socialist Totalitarian)

its a mouthful to say it.

its long form for commie or fascist or marxist or maoist. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I prefer Pinko to Progressive.
JCM800's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 10-19-2020, 08:18 AM
Substitute biden's pic - and One has Truth!
Pull up the pants and get an education - DPST's!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yep,, Joeys and the hoe gonna save us all -- just insane