New ain't got nothing on Virginia!!

Even if you are completely correct on this issue, you have to admit a third trimester abortion would be a soul crushing experience for the mother if she saw the child killed. Originally Posted by friendly fred
If they showed every woman wishing to have an abortion, especially those considered convenience abortions, a ultra sound of exactly what was growing in them, the abortion rate would be cut drastically.

It has been reported that more and more women in their twenties and thirties are now realizing, through education, that what is inside them is NOT their body, and is in fact a growing human being.

Education is a great thing.
  • grean
  • 01-31-2019, 06:43 AM

Education is a great thing. Originally Posted by Jackie S
You want to legislate sex education after the fact and believe it will reduce abortions.

If people had proper sex ed, not the abstinence only bs, that would reduce abortions. However, conservatives demand that sex education be up to the parents and it's no one else's business. They want legislation keeping kids from proper sex ed.

But suddenly, after a girl gets pregnant, it's everyone's business to tell her what she can or can't do??
themystic's Avatar
You want to legislate sex education after the fact and believe it will reduce abortions.

If people had proper sex ed, not the abstinence only bs, that would reduce abortions. However, conservatives demand that sex education be up to the parents and it's no one else's business. They want legislation keeping kids from proper sex ed.

But suddenly, after a girl gets pregnant, it's everyone's business to tell her what she can or can't do?? Originally Posted by grean
Thank you grean. You have much more tact saying what I feel. The hypocrites on the right have more abortions than anyone. Stats show that 66 % of all abortions are those with right wing political views. A lot of people don't know that
themystic's Avatar
Even if you are completely correct on this issue, you have to admit a third trimester abortion would be a soul crushing experience for the mother if she saw the child killed. Originally Posted by friendly fred
I personally don't believe in abortion. But I also don't believe in the government, especially the religious fanatics, legislating morality. The Catholic Church doesn't have a very good track record when it comes to policies about treating live "fetuses "let alone unborn ones.
LexusLover's Avatar
So what have you actually done about abortion bb?. Originally Posted by themystic
What have you done about it, or do you still BB?
themystic's Avatar
What have you done about it, or do you still BB? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I haven't done anything about it. yeah I bb all the time, im not the one trying to stop it

If you ever have sex again be sure you check into these things
You want to legislate sex education after the fact and believe it will reduce abortions.

If people had proper sex ed, not the abstinence only bs, that would reduce abortions. However, conservatives demand that sex education be up to the parents and it's no one else's business. They want legislation keeping kids from proper sex ed.

But suddenly, after a girl gets pregnant, it's everyone's business to tell her what she can or can't do?? Originally Posted by grean
I agree that in today's society, with the miriad of birth control options available to everyone, an unwanted pregnancy should not even occur, making the whole abortion issue a moot point.

But, education will teach those women who do get pregnant that what is inside them is not part of their body, but in fact it is a distinct entity. People that believe a baby growing inside a woman's body is part of her body are just ignorant.

If, after being shown the facts of mammalian reproduction someone still believes that a growing baby inside a woman's body is part of her body. Then they are just fukin' stupid.
Stats show that 66 % of all abortions are those with right wing political views. A lot of people don't know that Originally Posted by themystic
I still don't know that

tried to find that statistic


can you provide information as to where you came up with that?
  • oeb11
  • 01-31-2019, 07:49 AM
Fake news generated by the Nazi Party Originally Posted by themystic

Classic DPST opposition to FACTS
Claim invisible Nazis did it.

Perhaps One cannot even read the test quoted.

That is just a blatant DPST support for unlimited abortion that the Right is complaining about.
Bet One supports back alley wire coat hanger abortions as cheaper alternatives.

  • grean
  • 01-31-2019, 08:23 AM
I agree that in today's society, with the miriad of birth control options available to everyone, an unwanted pregnancy should not even occur, making the whole abortion issue a moot point.

But, education will teach those women who do get pregnant that what is inside them is not part of their body, but in fact it is a distinct entity. People that believe a baby growing inside a woman's body is part of her body are just ignorant.

If, after being shown the facts of mammalian reproduction someone still believes that a growing baby inside a woman's body is part of her body. Then they are just fukin' stupid. Originally Posted by Jackie S

The fetus is a separate but completely dependant entity.

It's a matter competing rights after 20 weeks.

Giving birth is dangerous.

The maternal mortality rate in the US is going up! That's a totally different discussion but it makes a point

Some women view a pregnancy as a threat to their lives.

They're not wrong. If they don't want to risk it, they shouldn't have to risk it.

Even though most women don't die, it still is their rights against another entity's.

If another living person were connected to the other, what right does the dependent person have to affect the others health or their very right to live?

Why are fetuses special?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-31-2019, 08:37 AM
Even if you are completely correct on this issue, you have to admit a third trimester abortion would be a soul crushing experience for the mother if she saw the child killed. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Not your mother!
  • grean
  • 01-31-2019, 08:43 AM
Dead people have more rights over their bodies than pregnant women do.

If a person is in need of a heart transplant and there is a dead guy with a compatible heart 3 rooms down, the person who needs the heart to keep living is shit out of luck if the dead guy didn't concent to donating his organs.

Why is it a living and breathing woman somehow loses her rights when she is pregnant?
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  • WTF
  • 01-31-2019, 08:43 AM
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  • WTF
  • 01-31-2019, 08:49 AM
I still don't know that

tried to find that statistic


can you provide information as to where you came up with that? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Yes I agree...anecdotal evidence from this forum shows not near enough right wing nuts are aborted.
I was listening to Michael Berry yesterday, and he stated that in New York, abortions now outnumber live births.

I have done numerous searches and cannot confirm that.

Could that possibly be true.