An Open Letter to the Arkansas Forum

I actually have & they were granted amnesty for any reply sent to ST C concerning the matter
bladtinzu's Avatar
I’ve got to put my reply in reverse here because when this subject first reared it’s ugly head, I strongly defended the allegations against Happy. Originally Posted by megustalatina
White knight-ism has some downfalls

My take was that he had literally forced the situation and I felt strongly this was absolutely wrong. Originally Posted by megustalatina
Which was my bad as I did not explain it in vivid details due to restrictions on nuclear violations.

I have spoke to multiple providers since then that seem to recall the same conversations and events that has lead to this train wreck. Originally Posted by megustalatina
You are not the only one..

I’m ashamed of all of them for not stepping forward and PM’ing St.C the same stories that I was told. Originally Posted by megustalatina
Well with the information I have I do not blame them as it will drop a nuclear bomb all over the fucking state.

I counted Happy as a trusted cohort in a shadowy realm and I personally feel like I have now been stabbed in the back for it. I can’t count the lips that have been on my place that were on his place earlier, and it now scares the fuck out of me.
J my .o2 Originally Posted by megustalatina
As should every gent in the state and beyond where some of these ladies travel to. Actions this dipfuck did should be not only shunned by those of us in the hobby who play by the rules but taken to a very public place and waterboarded until the lies stop.
Finally we agree on something.
tuckahoe's Avatar
The harassment crew arrived on the scene, soon daring MrH to remove some pictures. MrH, who has been a major poster, becomes pretty much silent on the board. To me, there seems to be a connection concerning the arrival of the crew and the disappearance of MrH. I have no knowledge of whether accusations are true or not, but the scenario does not look good. Makes me wonder what the future of the AR board will be. I will just have to watch and see how it all plays out.
Hogfan69's Avatar
Your local modtard is reeling right now because of this discussion. Originally Posted by dearhunter
That was exactly one month ago. Why did you wait so long to address it?
Live & Learn.

On this topic, all I have is what i have "heard". So one way or another, I dunno. This has the impact that each of us allows it to have. (I'm very Zen today.)

AR allowed ECCIE to be Top Dog. Look back at all the "if they're not on ECCIE" posts; only trusted ECCIErs. AR both client & provider did this to yourselves. NEVER put all your eggs in one basket.

The first provider something happened to had the responsibility to raise hell. The 2nd, 3rd, 4th as well. Once you get to a point and a perp has nothing but reward ...then the ladies covered for him.

Let me say that again. The providers covered for him. I looked, there is no one name number or handle in the entire AR region on any board that matches any of the allegations leveled in any of these threads.



Not on any board anywhere, so the silence isn't just here. He's covered, protected, aided and abetted all across the community. Exactly how damn bad am I supposed to feel about that? Where is the responsibility?

No victim = No crime. Speak up or shut up.
dearhunter's Avatar
As I’ve read with interest many of the posts which have occurred in the past month, it would appear the “silence of MrHappy is deafening”. Real life – business and personal; however, have kept me off of the site when all of the innuendo and outright accusations were aimed at me. It’s difficult to speak of honor, honesty and integrity among a “den of thieves”, but I need to clear the air with some facts.

If you’ve had your head in the sand about what I’m referring to, it’s the thread – Moderator Abuse of Power – who polices the police? It begins with innuendo – “Even more importantly should a moderator have privileges that extend to coercion of service for verification? Who does the put upon turn to without fear of retaliation? What is right? What is wrong?” The thread eventually turned to outright accusations of me soliciting favors.

Apparently, I’ve been accused of abusing my powers as a moderator to verify new providers. Let's look at some facts. I’ve gone back through my records and found the providers who I’ve either submitted for verification or assisted with verifying since becoming a moderator. First of all, I’ve never received any free sessions nor been granted any other favors in exchange for verification. I’ll spare you the details of the list, but there are 13 providers whom I have submitted for verification since becoming a moderator. Of the 13 submitted and verified, 6, I’ve never seen; 5, I never saw until others had reviewed and recommended; and my review was the first for only 2. 1 of the providers was even in a totally different market where ECCIE isn’t very vibrant. One other provider was submitted for approval (again without me seeing her), but verification was removed after other information was discovered. Does this list sound like I’ve been playing favorites?

The bareback issue – I do not bareback in any hobby situation. Like most other hobbyist and probably providers, there are partners with whom there has been unprotected sex, but not here. The rumors and innuendo have been passed along to me even in my absence the past month, yet despite rumors of a campaign for providers to contact and present St Christopher with confidential evidence of my violation of a hobby principal, none has occurred.

Shorting a provider has also been mentioned as an accusation. Never would I do that as I understand it would be tantamount to “getting cut off” and blacklisted. Both before and since becoming a moderator, I thought I was a friend to all providers and have helped many of them on numerous occasions. There’s no doubt I’ve helped many make a lot of money in their profession – and not just directly. As I reflect back on my years of hobbying, I can think of only one instance that could be confused with “shorting a provider”. The unnamed provider was so drunk, she couldn’t function, even after we were both naked. I left, agreeing to come back when she was sober.

Frankly, the accusations made in general and against me, specifically, needed to be addressed and I wanted to make sure everyone knew the facts and where I stand. Originally Posted by MrHappy4u
You must not be aware of the fact that your profile page shows the last time you logged in.........these retards have been watching you watching them since this started.....your silence has been deafening to them.

Trust is a precious commodity.......once it is gone, it is next to impossible to get it back.

Where do you go from here? Do you use your modtard abilities to censor your detractors? Do you act like it never happened and force your local forum to live with it?

I don't know if you did any of the stupid shit you are accused of. I do know you put yourself in a position where the accusations have traction......then, sat in silence......waiting to see if there were any, you come forward with some belated indignation?

You would have been better served to climb on your war horse during the heat of battle.
FWIW I am not sure anyone believes you, MrH. The evidence that, while not provided directly to St C was provided loudly to all of us by multiple providers.

Mr. Chan said what needed to be said. The sleazy dealings are now out in the open, and, at least to many in this thread, your response appears to be too little, too late.
  • MrGiz
  • 02-07-2013, 12:18 AM
. . . The evidence that .... was provided loudly to all of us by multiple providers. . . . . Originally Posted by Rockydoc

When?* Who?* Where?* How Many?

P.S. - I've been taking notes; of who, to vehemently exclude from any jury, who might be deciding my fate, according to "rumored" evidence. . . without any "witnesses" to take the stand!

Somebody.... please help me understand this madness! Give me something to BELIEVE!!

Until someone.... anyone.... does.... don't expect me to help tie the noose!

(I have no dog in this hunt.... but I can hardly believe that I am the only one, questioning non-existing, public evidence!!)
bladtinzu's Avatar

When?* Who?* Where?* How Many?

P.S. - I've been taking notes; of who, to vehemently exclude from any jury, who might be deciding my fate, according to "rumored" evidence. . . without any "witnesses" to take the stand!

Somebody.... please help me understand this madness! Give me something to BELIEVE!!

Until someone.... anyone.... does.... don't expect me to help tie the noose!

(I have no dog in this hunt.... but I can hardly believe that I am the only one, questioning non-existing, public evidence!!) Originally Posted by MrGiz
Rumored? Not when certain parties involved inform you directly what happened and why they cannot come forward. And this was not a one lady thing either. 5 or 6 if memory serves me right. I can go through the texts and confirm if you really want me to as to the number.
  • MrGiz
  • 02-07-2013, 01:05 AM
Rumored? Not when certain parties involved inform you directly what happened and why they cannot come forward. . . . Originally Posted by bladtinzu
Why have "certain parties" only informed a "certain few"?

SO. . . . . "reserved , private , hidden" , accusations have been deemed worthy of "public" damnation?

I hope, at least a few of you understand where I am coming from!

Hey.... if you have a case..... present it. . . publically! * If not.... slink back....
bladtinzu's Avatar
Why have "certain parties" only informed a "certain few"?

SO. . . . . "reserved , private , hidden" , accusations have been deemed worthy of "public" damnation?

I hope, at least a few of you understand where I am coming from!

Hey.... if you have a case..... present it. . . publically! * If not.... slink back.... Originally Posted by MrGiz
Well if someone would lift the restriction on nuclear subjects for say a day or so (no outing of any sort) I could have a field day with it. But as of now I am playing by the rules as someone else should have but didn't.
bladtinzu's Avatar
You must not be aware of the fact that your profile page shows the last time you logged in.........these retards have been watching you watching them since this started.....your silence has been deafening to them.

Trust is a precious commodity.......once it is gone, it is next to impossible to get it back.

Where do you go from here? Do you use your modtard abilities to censor your detractors? Do you act like it never happened and force your local forum to live with it?

I don't know if you did any of the stupid shit you are accused of. I do know you put yourself in a position where the accusations have traction......then, sat in silence......waiting to see if there were any, you come forward with some belated indignation?

You would have been better served to climb on your war horse during the heat of battle. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Yeah camping out on the forum watching kind of seemed creepy to me. Guess you figured since no female would come forward after a month or so that you could come back and be business as usual with no questions asked and we would all sit around that campfire, roast marshmallows and sing kumbaya.
This has all been painful to watch for all concerned. I do not resent anyone who does not wish their name attached to scandal, even in a forum where scandalous behavior to a point is encouraged.
The issue has gone past guilt or innocence and now is in the court of public opinion. Can a moderator be effective without the confidence of the community he serves? Is it the right of the users of this board to know the character of a moderator sufficiently well that when this sort of accusation is made, the majority call foul because they know he could not do it? If one respected provider or hobbyist spoke in defense, it could change the whole game. If one person can speak and say,"I absolutely do not believe anything said is true," it would shed a little light even if it changed no minds. A defense of someone you believe innocent should carry no risk at all, and speak well of one who defends a friend. Character witnesses are acceptable in law, why not here? I am not afraid to question my doubt if I get a straw to grasp.
  • MrGiz
  • 02-07-2013, 01:52 AM
. . . . The issue has gone past guilt or innocence and now is in the court of public opinion.. . . Huh?

If one respected provider or hobbyist spoke in defense, it could change the whole game. . . . BINGO!! Originally Posted by Mr.Chan
Has there been "one provider" speak in offense.... "first hand"?