Calling all Ex-Wildflowers

Kendall? Pricilla?
Ah yes it was Vanessa not Vivian, the mind and the wiener play tricks on you the older you get!! I made many visits to the cottage and enjoyed it every time.
Mia, Maria??
For those of us boob lovers, I'd like to re-unite with Alejandra or Hope.
dearhunter's Avatar
Ahhhhhhh for the old days before BT........we were spoiled.......sigh
Thanks guys for helping bring back the mammeries, I mean, memories. Kendal I don't know. Pricilla last I heard, years ago, had settled down with an ex-client. Mia, Maria, and Alejandra I also haven't heard. An eccie guy contacted me a few months ago about a lady advertising Rub Downs on BP, thinking it was Alejandra. I called the lady, gingerly and politely introduced myself so as not to scare her, and popped the question. She sounded very nice, but, nope not her. Reese was in contact with Hope, now married and living in another state. Thanks guys.
The Wildflower Group
Jess Kelly?
1bubba1's Avatar
Kat/ Red hair
Oh my, One great one!!!
Just one more time/
The first time I used Wildflowers, Billy set me up with an attractive young blonde named Ally. A natural sweetheart saw her a couple of times, one of the many memorable wildflowers.
DOLLMAINE!! AVA BAKER!!!! I loved them before I knew this site and it's predecessors!
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Hope or Candace Anderson could possibly bring me out of retirement.
Ok, here's what I know on the last couple of requests:Jesse Kelley-Reese told me Jesse called her last year. It touk her a few questions to make sure it really was her. They had a nice conversation, Jesse is not in Houston, and out of the biz. Kat, no idea. Ally, last I heard she was out of biz. Story behind Ally, she came to us from applying to a scam artist working out of a trailer, using the guise of an escort service to get free sex from the girls. She was just beautiful, full of fun, engaging personality. We liked her so much, we named her after one of our good friends, the Indy Allison. Dollmaine, when she was with us, I believe she was from Beaumont, or somewhere in that direction, no idea. Hope, married, retired, living in another state. Yea, all were just super, wonderful ladies. Not just as providers, but as people, that's why I'd like to share a cup of coffee with them one last time and know that they're ok.
Hold the presses!!!!! An answer to a search has just come up. I pm'd Guilty Pleasures about her thread "Where are all the girls?". It turns out, she is the former Kat Walker!!!! We'll be having coffee and a photo shoot tomorrow for her ShowCase. What a coincidence after 1bubba1's asking about Kat. I've relayed your request Mr. Bubba, pm her, she'd love to see you again!! No fee for me, just making a friendly connection!
Thanks guys.
The Wildflower Group
1bubba1's Avatar
Billy, Differnet kat. The one in question was full body, sexy red hair. E next to car wash upstairs
Oh, well. That's why I worked into giving the ladies 2 names, since there were so many Caroline, Mia, etc floating around. Sorry, but man, Kat and I just hooted and howled for 10 minutes when I just called her and I didn't know who she was until she told me. The world is getting smaller.
Sorry, if this keeps going, maybe your Kat will turn up.