meanwhile in Rochester .. peaceful portests .. NOT

offshoredrilling's Avatar
rats I lost raw live TV8 cam just as protesters attacked RPD

Protesters made the 1st strike using fireworks rockets at rather than up

then TV 10 had one but can not get ether to work fuck

the way it went down I think cam guy was attacked right after RPD was
fuck dang nab it
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
not much on TV 10 13 or 8
1180WHAM radio is the only news that even talked about it, nothing on site

But on WHEC TV10 is a story the 3 bars hit are kissing BLM ass n bending over to take it there ass dumb fucks

WHAM TV 13 a story Sheriff panning on going in Even if Mayor Lovely will be pissed
with other local PD and from another county

ya TV 8 Rocfirst is a wimp mostly even if a Fox station

sll TV live raw cams still dead for view over web , yet I'm trying to get TV10 raw live cam, LOL not linking

and the rocking has started for tonight's riots

ROC D&C news paper is useless mostly. other the obits. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

if these pussy assholes think this will spare them they are idiots. they'd be better off hiring some ex-mil badasses and making it plain they won't tolerate this lawless shit.

what they are doing by pussying out is making themselves targets for extortion. the BLM thugs will be by to take their cut for "protection".
offshoredrilling's Avatar
well gave up and went to bed
dang it
so watched clips in news story's this morning
I took note of clips of times I did have raw footage last night
not a one showed the few muggings by Ahem peaceful protester unprovoked. just mug em for the fun of it
most of the mugged white, but a few that looked Hispanic and black
if not news workers, yet look out of place not into it
well they be equal opportunity muggers them Ahem peaceful protesters

Why I like the raw news cams ^^^^ see what cut out,. boring to watch but worth it

NYS troopers helped out RPD
Monroe County Sheriff, not sure but looks to have be told stay the fuck out of the city

6 months later nothing from city NYS or the County Medical Examiner
till the shit hits the fan

A few on ROC city legislation side calling for independent evocations into all of it
And City of ROC is all Dem, so not all Dem's buying into this bullshit was it cover up or rush job hang the cops to give in

TV News stories make it sound as cops attacked 1st, Clearly a LIE watching the raw footage
yet on 1180WHAM radio even a X TV reporter that's a Dem says protesters attacked 1st
Be careful girl ya not going to get reelected that way and may not be safe
Grace Preston's Avatar

the might of white is always right
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Well if that doesn't say it all......
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Well if that doesn't say it all...... Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Hi girl, my posts ok in this ????
also see my last post repeated with info added in sandbox Upset ny please
offshoredrilling's Avatar
its starting early today have nothing more other than now

I can not find out who, what where, but a black owned business was hit by arson
so I'm not sure if related yet
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Well if that doesn't say it all...... Originally Posted by Grace Preston

what does this tell you?

if you ain't white you ain't right
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

i am watching you ..

i don't care what you watch

notice this asshole's t-shirt?


not today ..

offshoredrilling's Avatar
good part, 2 of 3 Monroe County jails next to attached to that building
finger prints taken I think is in Public Safety Building
bad part in NYS so bet they got appearance tickets

that is the building the riots keep trying to just get to
but the side they trying is NYS, Monroe Cty and city court
I almost want to say let em in, but leave a path only to a jail Cell
you can go from building to building in that maze
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
got to put this in here somewhere. seems some asshole gots himself a hotfoot ..


honk honk Originally Posted by Plastic Man
offshoredrilling's Avatar
LOL that is funny

back in East Portland ops Rochester NY
last night well it was a peaceful protest
could not get live raw cams to work so not sure if any BS in the back ground not in the news
Church Elders from one church stood between protester and officers
Mayor Lovely ask for senior citizens, one church did, and I was surprised it worked
numbers was down, 200. 2k, 2k, over 2k last night 1k

problems I see
protester start shit anyways. Older trapped between
how many nights can they get older folks to do this
and Duh C19 older folks most at risk if get
its like Gov Andy called Mayor Lovely "hay ROC still got to many older folks. this could kill some off.

will the ones that did not show, show up and start shit
will the no shows go do something other, mmmm hay cops busy lets go looting

time will tell
offshoredrilling's Avatar
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  • oeb11
  • 09-07-2020, 12:41 PM
hh/Yr - contact mm - moles protest naked too!
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