Happy Birthday Kat

Happy birthday girl! May all go well for you!
Happy Birthday Chic!!
W O W !!
I understand you got a Surprise..... for your birthday!
Complete Opposite of what you were expecting? lol
How the heck did 'that' happen with todays technology?

The couples choice for the name is just BEAUTIFUL!!
Wishing you a speedy recovery!
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar

And, oh yeah!! I really DID get a surprise... A BABY GIRL! lol MACEY GRACE Sounds like "Amazing Grace" if you say it a few times. Fortunately, the happy couple & I weren't stuck on having a boy since we obviously had no choice. I have to say, she is a GORGEOUS baby, too. I'm so proud! *and that's not just a mama talkin'*

8 lbs 2 oz & 20" w/ a perfect head covered in hair... an 8/9 Apgar scale rating & PERFECT

Short labor... no tearing, no stitches *so no EXTRA stitch either* All natural so Baby MG was wide-eyed & alert coming into this world like a shot from a gun... LITERALLY! lol The doc really CAUGHT this one! It was kinda funny.

I feel so blessed to have had some rough times coming to my decision in that it effected some life-changing events for more people than myself that were all positive. Things happen for a reason, I've always said, and this was certainly no "accident" in the true sense of the word. Maybe not my plan... but a greater plan.

Love you...
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
a baby GIRL? wow that is a surprise. and huge little girl!

My hat's off to you for pulling that off w/o drugs & tearing.
Congrats !!!!!!!!!!!!! Baby girls are the best !!!!! I hope you have a speedy recovery !
I'm late, but happy b day
Ms Francisca's Avatar
Happy B-Day!