world map of average penis size

OriginalLHB's Avatar
Wow, talk about an ego boost. Now if I only had some money, a decent personality, and could get my IQ above 100, I'd be all set.
pmdelites travel plans always include research on the average penis size of the guys in his chosen destination.
pmdelites's Avatar
only cos i ask the women. i dont do hands on research for the stats. :^)
LazurusLong's Avatar
When did TGO move to South America and screw up the entire US statistics?
Where's the Mars demographics? Some of us are from there...not me, of course but HD and Johnny Ringo are.
pmdelites's Avatar
maybe this explains why i keep getting spam like the following [mostly in my RL email cos that address is on a bunch of webpages of groups/clubs i am involved with]

oh, me and a gazillion other guys get it? damn, i thought i was special!! :^)

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