license to discriminate....

JCM800's Avatar
A food place in Houston solved their problem with openly gay people in their establishment simply by playing Christian music and placing symbols of their faith throughout the restaurant. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
seems like that would keep just about everyone out.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Why are the "tolerant" so intolerant of traditional beliefs?
lustylad's Avatar
...they did not have to be exposed to public displays of affection between same sex couples.... Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Eeew, don't you hate that? Makes me lose my appetite every time! Barfing customers aren't good for business either!

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-23-2014, 12:52 PM
Why are the "tolerant" so intolerant of traditional beliefs? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Quit pretending that intolerance is the purview of and particular group. There are tolerant and intolerant folks on every side of the political spectrum--well, almost every one--just you only see the intolerant ones on the left, and they only see the intolerant ones on the right.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Seems to me a good business strategy is to not discriminate. Let the racists and sexists go out of business, while those who understand that the only color that matters is green, and the only orientation issue is which way Ben faces in a stack, buy the nice things.
BigLouie's Avatar
The legislature of Arizona is going to learn a hard lesson when business start using the law IF it is signed into law and people start using this as an excuse to deny service to Native Americans, African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, people with disabilities because they don't want to put in facilities for them. Of course they will say that this is not what the law was intended for but there are plenty of examples of laws being used for purposes they were not intended for.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Then businesses that do cater to people of color and those with disabilities will thrive, while the others wither. There aren't enough racists left to support an economy. You are worried about nothing. This problem will take care of itself. Personally, I'd prefer to see businesses identify themselves as hostile to certain groups. I'd know to not spend my money there.
Does anyone realize this is just another reason to offshore jobs? Go to India, Philippines, China, etc and as an employer you don't have to put up with this.
2 dogs....
how do they feel about p.d.a.'s between a man and a woman....i've seen quite a few that have put me right off my dinner....
it sounds like a place that would attract those with strong family values and religious your basic mexican/hispanic family....i wonder how many of his patrons are "illegals"....

A food place in Houston solved their problem with openly gay people in their establishment simply by playing Christian music and placing symbols of their faith throughout the restaurant. They stopped coming and families returned with their children because they did not have to be exposed to public displays of affection between same sex couples. They did not need a law nor did they need to discriminate. They allowed the patrons to be the ones that discriminated.

Funny how that works. A business owner cannot discriminate but the customer can. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Quit pretending that intolerance is the purview of and particular group. There are tolerant and intolerant folks on every side of the political spectrum--well, almost every one--just you only see the intolerant ones on the left, and they only see the intolerant ones on the right. Originally Posted by Old-T

Admit this, it is the left that claimes to be so tolerant but their actions say otherwise. That is hypocrisy and the left owns that. The right claims to blieve in family and traditional values. When someone fails to live up to that ideal the right does not protect them like the left does.

It is the hypocrisy that the media elite don't call the left out on that rankles. They will say that people should not own guns but then get caught with a gun or armed private security. Hypocrisy. Same thing when they say that the right is racist but get caught in a minstrel show or saying something on video.
Does anyone realize this is just another reason to offshore jobs? Go to India, Philippines, China, etc and as an employer you don't have to put up with this. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Nut fly wants his town to look like Detroit.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Admit this, it is the left that claimes to be so tolerant but their actions say otherwise. That is hypocrisy and the left owns that. The right claims to blieve in family and traditional values. When someone fails to live up to that ideal the right does not protect them like the left does.

It is the hypocrisy that the media elite don't call the left out on that rankles. They will say that people should not own guns but then get caught with a gun or armed private security. Hypocrisy. Same thing when they say that the right is racist but get caught in a minstrel show or saying something on video. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I'll admit that making it left vs. right detracts from the true issue and dumbs it down into a 99 cent mass produced piece of shit the sheeple eat without thinking.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-24-2014, 07:07 AM
Admit this, it is the left that claimes to be so tolerant but their actions say otherwise. That is hypocrisy and the left owns that. The right claims to blieve in family and traditional values. When someone fails to live up to that ideal the right does not protect them like the left does.

It is the hypocrisy that the media elite don't call the left out on that rankles. They will say that people should not own guns but then get caught with a gun or armed private security. Hypocrisy. Same thing when they say that the right is racist but get caught in a minstrel show or saying something on video. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Will you ever wake up and open BOTH eyes?

Yes, of course you have some hypocrites on the left. I never said there weren't such people. Just as there are RW Thumpers who call down hell-fire on gays and prostitutes--but get caught with the same. There are right wing hypocrites who claim to be loving and tolerant but will slam the door in the face of someone who looks or believes differently. You just don't/can't see that side of the hypocrisy spectrum because it is too close to the political spectrum you believe.

Hypocrisy is alive and well in all parts of the spectrum.

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-24-2014, 07:08 AM
I'll admit that making it left vs. right detracts from the true issue and dumbs it down into a 99 cent mass produced piece of shit the sheeple eat without thinking. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Sounds about correct to me.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Then businesses that do cater to people of color and those with disabilities will thrive, while the others wither. There aren't enough racists left to support an economy. You are worried about nothing. This problem will take care of itself. Personally, I'd prefer to see businesses identify themselves as hostile to certain groups. I'd know to not spend my money there. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I agree with COG on this post, and this is why freedom works for everyone, rather than heavy handed government rules. I always rented offices to faggots - they tend to have more money since they often don't have children, and pay their rent on time. If one or two guys don't want to rent some fag space, or sell him a birthday cake shaped like TimmyBoy sucking CJ17's dick, some other guy will. If a mechanic doesn't want to fix a fudge packers Packard, some other guy will. These things take care of themselves, just like Adam Smith pointed out to you liberal idiots a long time ago.