Broaden the directive & abolish the Spider hole

Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Though the directive seemed promising enough not enough people were included in it: it was especially disappointing that people like BDS and notanewbie were not included in it. Therefore it ought to be broadened in its scope as well as extended for the full life of this site.

What good promise was made by creating the directive was invalidated, however, by the creation of the Spider Hole, which not only abets and encourages the abuse by the lower common denominator participants in this forum, but even worsens the problem, by incitiing non-Houston morons into the kind of behavior that gave Houston its bad reputation; which out-of-town morons then re-export the stupidity back to open forums.

Activity on eccie is less than it was when it was new. Why is that? If the so-called Saint-Chris and his cronies would expand their horizons beyond the small bands of hoodlums who have trashed it, this wouldn't be the case. Originally Posted by Raphael

While I am in somewhat agreement with your first paragraph of statements (more should have initially been included).... Some of the people involved in the Directive created the Spider Hole as a place to still interact with the people within the directive who have helped many move past their extreme hatred and venom towards each other.... it is a private clubhouse forum.... the agreement of which was made SOLEY to allow free(ish) speech to those deemed "worthy" enough to be allowed within its ranks.... the very definition handed out by the Mods of that site will tell you as much.... Just as in any other private clubhouse forum, if you dislike, or outright detest what goes on within it, you are always free to ask the Moderators of the site to no longer include you as a member of that site... That much I think is easy....

Raf.... I think the issue you may have is message boards in general.... they have a tendency to breed "keyboard tough-guys".... and as ANY online community grows you will tend to have more and more of such instances.... and even given board guidelines, there are grey areas, and ways of completely dancing around breaking said guidelines..... that and people are free to voice their opinions, and in MANY cases there are disagreements within those opinions.... which in some cases lead to people showing their asses because of it......

But I think in LARGE part the directive has helped soothe the boards here in Houston.... MUCH less drama and back and forth than ever...... however... if you want to talk about traffic and posting numbers, they go WAY down with the lack of drama..... those are facts...... Sofia, if NOTHING else.... gets a shit-ton of posts when she is being overly controversial....... whether they be good or bad.... lots of views... LOTS of posts.......

I do commend you on your continued push for what you believe to be right...... Much like others, I am interested in ideas you have to help quell what you feel is the major issue (ones that do not involved the out-right banning of people because the owners will almost certainly not be in favor of that.... nor would the Mods)....... Constructive critisism is always a good thing.... and if you are not trying to improve your product or community then you are certainly doomed to see it fail..... I don't think anyone wants to see it fail.....

offshoredrilling's Avatar
is this thread ok per the "directive"? From the very little I know of it, it would not be ok. Sorry as I am not in Texas. And only know bits of it from another forum. And no mods have answered my "?'s"

one of his current top six to be banned!
from upstate ny WTF
Mojojo's Avatar
JaD pretty much summed it up. Raphael the spider hole is a choice dude personally I don't see anything wrong with it since you have the choice to opt out of it.

is this thread ok per the "directive"? From the very little I know of it, it would not be ok. Sorry as I am not in Texas. And only know bits of it from another forum. And no mods have answered my "?'s" Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
OFS hope this answers your question bro..

.... Some of the people involved in the Directive created the Spider Hole as a place to still interact with the people within the directive who have helped many move past their extreme hatred and venom towards each other.... it is a private clubhouse forum.... the agreement of which was made SOLEY to allow free(ish) speech to those deemed "worthy" enough to be allowed within its ranks.... the very definition handed out by the Mods of that site will tell you as much.... Just as in any other private clubhouse forum, if you dislike, or outright detest what goes on within it, you are always free to ask the Moderators of the site to no longer include you as a member of that site... That much I think is easy.... Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude