Is Obama a Marxist?

I have done that before and about the time you think they just might understand you come to the realization that it is impossible for them to comprehend more than a line or two at a time. Prime reason they love to cut and paste the thoughts of somebody that remained lucid enough to actually put into words their rambling collection of thoughts. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Why would ANYONE assume that a person who writes run-on sentences and disdains punctuation would be capable of discerning "copy and pastes"?

I write well enough not to have to do that, moron.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
My point exactly,
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-05-2012, 02:49 PM
Obama is damn near to the right of Ronald Reagan. If that makes him a Marxist, then so be it.
joe bloe's Avatar
Why would ANYONE assume that a person who writes run-on sentences and disdains punctuation would be capable of discerning "copy and pastes"?

I write well enough not to have to do that, moron. Originally Posted by Little Stevie
You were able to refrain from name calling for exactly one post. Congratulations!
NOBama even says he agrees with the communist philosophy in his books! Dear God, why do liberals not want to accept that?
Obama is damn near to the right of Ronald Reagan. If that makes him a Marxist, then so be it. Originally Posted by Doove
joe bloe's Avatar
Obama is not a Marxist.

He sees what I see - America's headlong leap toward Mussolini's definition of "Fascism".

You mistake his trying to work within the system to change the system for Marxism.

There is absolutely not one fact or shred of evidence any one of you can produce that proves tax breaks create jobs or that the so-called "job-creators" care about creating American jobs.

In addition, the average worker's wage split from the upward trend of the so-called 1% during the late 70's irreversibly hardened its FLATLINE from that point forward taking its cue from "Trickle Down Economics". Only the wealthiest 5% of the population continued to grow its wealth from that point forward.

You simpletons are too blinded by racism, rhetoric and stupidity to draw the irrefutable conclusions that leap out from 40 years of history. Originally Posted by Little Stevie
I'm dissapointed. Your defence against the mountain of facts that point to Obama's Marxism is feable at best.

You say America is making a headlong leap towards fascism, implying that fascism is unrestrained conservatism. Fascism is by definition, the control of private businesses by the government; that sounds like Obama to me. Mussolini was a life long socialist. The difference between socialism and fascism is only in degree.

Do you think that Obama is trying to fight government control of private businesses? Since Obama was inaugurated, the federal government has taken control of GM, Chrysler, FNMA, FHLMC and has taken partial ownership in several of the largest banks. By aggressively using the EPA, Obama is effectively implementing cap and trade without legal authority. In defiance of a federal judge's ruling, Obama placed a moratorium on deep water drilling. Given all of these instances of government seizing control of private sector businesses, how can you argue that Obama is fighting fascism?

Obama is a communist.
I'm dissapointed. Your defence against the mountain of facts that point to Obama's Marxism is feable at best.

You say America is making a headlong leap towards fascism, implying that fascism is unrestrained conservatism. Fascism is by definition, the control of private businesses by the government; that sounds like Obama to me. Mussolini was a life long socialist. The difference between socialism and fascism is only in degree.

Do you think that Obama is trying to fight government control of private businesses? Since Obama was inaugurated, the federal government has taken control of GM, Chrysler, FNMA, FHLMC and has taken partial ownership in several of the largest banks. By aggressively using the EPA, Obama is effectively implementing cap and trade without legal authority. In defiance of a federal judge's ruling, Obama placed a moratorium on deep water drilling. Given all of these instances of government seizing control of private sector businesses, how can you argue that Obama is fighting fascism?

Obama is a communist. Originally Posted by joe bloe

How many errors can you make in one post? Fascism is NOT the control of business by government. THAT would be more like communism, sport. Feeble did you mean to say? LOL I accept your British spelling of "defence" but not your stupidity and failure to define Fascism. According to Mussolini's definition (which I referenced) Fascism is the PARTNERSHIP/MARRIAGE of Government and Industry formed to exploit the people.

That is exactly what we have with K Street, their Lobbyists and the dearth of billionaires buying politicians to DECREASE regulations that Obama advocated. He creatd the Consumer Protection Agency, advocated passage of the Clean Air Act and many other things their paid-for legislators, their paid-for lobbyists and their handlers like the Koch Brothers, Exxon-Mobil, the Banksters and Wall Street FOUGHT! There was no collaboration there!

And...if Obama is a communist, then why are GM and others paying back their loans and regaining control of their corporations, MORON?

Initiating "cap and trade"? LMAO! How about wanting BP to develop a blowout preventer that works BEFORE being allowed to drill again? Yeah, you "Destroy the Planet as long as it is Profitable" folks have it all figured out, don't you?

BTW, the name-calling in the thread was started when you and others foolishly and incorrectly called Obama a Communist and a Marxist.
joe bloe's Avatar
How many errors can you make in one post? Fascism is NOT the control of business by government. THAT would be more like communism, sport. Feeble did you mean to say? LOL I accept your British spelling of "defence" but not your stupidity and failure to define Fascism. According to Mussolini's definition (which I referenced) Fascism is the PARTNERSHIP/MARRIAGE of Government and Industry formed to exploit the people.

That is exactly what we have with K Street, their Lobbyists and the dearth of billionaires buying politicians to DECREASE regulations that Obama advocated. He creatd the Consumer Protection Agency, advocated passage of the Clean Air Act and many other things their paid-for legislators, their paid-for lobbyists and their handlers like the Koch Brothers, Exxon-Mobil, the Banksters and Wall Street FOUGHT! There was no collaboration there!

And...if Obama is a communist, then why are GM and others paying back their loans and regaining control of their corporations, MORON?

Initiating "cap and trade"? LMAO! How about wanting BP to develop a blowout preventer that works BEFORE being allowed to drill again? Yeah, you "Destroy the Planet as long as it is Profitable" folks have it all figured out, don't you?

BTW, the name-calling in the thread was started when you and others foolishly and incorrectly called Obama a Communist and a Marxist. Originally Posted by Little Stevie
GM and Chrylser have "paid back" government loans by using TARP money the federal government gave them illegally. It's a shell game. GM and Chrylser are zombie companies. They weren't allowed to renegotiate unsustainable union contracts because of Obama's illegal interference in bankruptsy proceedings. Obama did not have legal authority to intervene in GM and Chrysler's bankruptcies; federal bankruptsy laws applied. By intervening, Obama was able to steal several billion dollars in equity from corporate bond holders who had first lien status, and illegally gave billions in equity the UAW. Obama was able to get away with stealing from the corporate bond holders partly because most of the debt was held by big banks which the federal government controls. Without continued federal government bailouts, GM and Chrysler will fail again. They are about as sustainable as Solyndra.

Fascism by definition does involve government controlling private sector businesses. In addition, fascist governments severely restrict personal freedom. Fascism is the opposite of what conservatives advocate. Conservatives want minimal government involvement in the private sector. Conservatives want a limited, relatively weak federal government, restrained in it's actions by the enumerated powers in the Constitution.

Obama is a communist.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-05-2012, 04:52 PM
If the allegation is so absurd, refute it. Try making an argument against the allegation that Obama is a Marxist. Based on the information available about Obama, the belief that he is a leftist radical (Marxist) is the only reasonable conclusion. Originally Posted by joe bloe
And based on the information available about you, the belief that you're an America hating, racist whack-job is the only reasonable conclusion.

If that sounds absurd, prove me wrong.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-05-2012, 05:05 PM

Fascism by definition does involve government controlling private sector businesses. In addition, fascist governments severely restrict personal freedom.Yes the GOP has a bunch of church loons who want to restict our personal freedoms Fascism is the opposite of what conservatives advocate. Conservatives want minimal government involvement in the private sector. Conservatives want a limited, relatively weak federal government, restrained in it's actions by the enumerated powers in the Constitution.

. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Well then you might want to tell who ever is in charge of the GOP that they have not been conserative in nature since Ike.
joe bloe's Avatar
And based on the information available about you, the belief that you're an America hating, racist whack-job is the only reasonable conclusion.

If that sounds absurd, prove me wrong. Originally Posted by Doove
I love America; that's subjective and can't be proved or disproved.

I don't prejudge individuals based on race. I would choose Allen West for president over most white Republican politicians I can think of. All races contain a full range of good and evil, smart and stupid. I do believe that IQ does vary from one race to another. I also believe that the average black is more gifted athletically than the average white; does that make me a racist? Orientals have the highest average IQ at 102, whites are 100, and blacks are 85. These are averages. Some blacks are geniuses and some whites are retarded. If honestly stating a fact, grounded in imperical data, makes me a racist by your definition, then so be it. I honestly don't care. We've become so intimidated by political correctness that many of us don't state our honest opinions on racial questions for fear of being shunned.

Being regarded as a "whack-job" by someone like you is badge of honor.
joe bloe's Avatar
Well then you might want to tell who ever is in charge of the GOP that they have not been conserative in nature since Ike. Originally Posted by WTF
The GOP is not nearly as conservative as they should be, but they are better than the Democrats. Harry Browne, a Libertarian, once said that when the Republicans are in charge instead of the Democrats, it just means we go Hell more slowly; I agree.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-05-2012, 05:41 PM
I love America; that's subjective and can't be proved or disproved. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Pretty weak defense.

If honestly stating a fact grounded in imperical data makes me a racist, by your definition, then so be it. I honestly don't care.
Stating a fact you found off wikileaks doesn't make you a racist. But it doesn't prove you're not a racist, either. Again, very weak.

Being regarded as a "whack-job" by someone like you is badge of honor.
So you're proud of being a whack-job. I'm ok with that.
joe bloe's Avatar
Pretty weak defense.

Stating a fact you found off wikileaks doesn't make you a racist. But it doesn't prove you're not a racist, either. Again, very weak.

So you're proud of being a whack-job. I'm ok with that. Originally Posted by Doove

I do love America. I love chocolate cake too; I can't prove that either.

Actually, I was stating a fact (regarding IQ) I got from reading Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein's book "The Bell Curve". They scientifically documented differences in IQ based on race. For what it's worth, they're both Harvard educated Phd's. You should read the book. They make a convincing case.

Once again, being considered a whack-job by someone like you is an honor. Scientologists probably think non-Scientologists are whack-jobs.