Where do you put your hobby phone?

Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
I have been using google voice for a while now. You use your own cell phone. I send all calls to voice mail when not expecting hobby calls.

You have to be able to cover your tracks if she checks the individual calls on your cell and finds that number multiple times. My AT&T bill shows only the google number. I have a side business and have set the voice mail greeting to cover my ass.

I may have an extra google voice invite if someone really wants to use it. It works well for me. Originally Posted by cheatercheater

+1. No extra phone needed anymore if you set it up properly. Google voice doesn't require invites anymore and it's free.
+1. No extra phone needed anymore if you set it up properly. Google voice doesn't require invites anymore and it's free. Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife
I really don't know anything about Google Voice. If I understand correctly, how would you explain all the calls to Google on your record? Still seems like the extra SIM card provides the most security.

Can you get texts using google voice?
warlock's Avatar
Boost mobile phone at Wal Mart, $50 a month unlimited or you can pay as you go. Access to emails, text messages, gps, and no long distance fees, and best of all, you can do it all anonymously. No worry about phone bills or having to use a name to register and turn on service. Found it in the parking lot or on the golf course is always a good way to explain it if discovered. Absolutely no 'civilian life' info or contacts on that phone either, nothing that could be traced back to me. Keep it hid in the garage, easy to grab on the way out. Just one of many charger cords in the glove box to re-charge. As many phones as one has over the years, it's easy to have a few extra chargers laying around. If you hobby, a dedicated hobby phone is essential.
OneFunGuyInDallas's Avatar
Google voice is the way to go I have it and love it ..I also break the mold a little bit because I use the same phone for both Hobby and my regular phone.. I have a dual Sim phone which you can keep one number completely hidden... For me this is the way to go because i tend to loose little bitty SIM cards and the alternative of hiding my hobby phone would end with me hiding the damn thing so good i would never find it and after awhile when you have 10 hidden phones you are increasing your likelihood of getting caught... lol
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
I really don't know anything about Google Voice. If I understand correctly, how would you explain all the calls to Google on your record? Still seems like the extra SIM card provides the most security.

HM Originally Posted by HugginMan
If you set things up properly, there is no record. Google Voice comes with its own number. That number only forwards to your real number (phone) if you allow it to. Otherwise, it routes to a free voice mail service connected to an email service. You're alerted to all incoming calls but none of them ring your phone. You can review them and return them as time and discretion permits.

For those who post 1000 word reviews without punctuation or paragraphs, forget it. Google Voice is beyond your ability. Otherwise, you should look into it.

If anyone has specific questions (i.e., you've already read the instructions), feel free to PM me.
SirThomasTew's Avatar
I place the phone in plain sight, but the SIM card is never in the same zip code unless I'm in play and in theater. An extra phone is always easy to explain away, but a functional hobby phone might as well be in the trunk firmly ensconced in a big titted blond's cleavage and covered in my DNA because all hell is going to break loose if any part of that confluence occurs.
Google voice rocks. So many options I haven't even learned them all yet.
seventonine's Avatar
For Google Voice, you need to create a gmail account. This can be done without disclosing personal information.

When creating your Google Voice number, the system allows you to chose a phone number.

After the number is assigned, there are all sorts of options for notifications, transcription of voice mails to text messages, re-directing calls to different phone #s.

The attached image provides the basic layout & the types of things you see (some parts of the image cut out to remove my acct info):
Attached Images File Type: gif Gmail Voice.gif (38.9 KB, 136 views)
I use google voice on my cell, just be careful in setting it up so it won't default as voice mail.
I hate to be the wet blanket here, but geez, can't you guys discuss this in private (Men's Lounge) and not out here in public where our prying SO's can learn all our dirty little secrets?

(Yeah, yeah, I know, the thread wuz started by a gurl, who ain't allowed in the Men's Lounge, but you get my point...)
LeftySmith's Avatar
When I am at home I just leave it in the oven.
OldGrump's Avatar
Google voice allows texts. If you originate a text, you must do so from a computer. Once you receive a text, GV assigns a number to that source and you can then text freely.

Depending on the phone, you'll have to figure out how to keep your contacts separate.

Watch your call and text history closely.

It is more labor intensive than a second phone but doesn't have the cost or need for explanations.
rylstone's Avatar
I got it, Lefty!
since I'm a noob if you are single is there a need for a hobby phone?