Messed with the wrong store clerk!

I wonder if Channel 2 will cover the clerk's death? Originally Posted by pyramider
I shared that link with my brother (and since I'm the baby boy of the clan who never gets into trouble) he clowned on me and said I was slipping on my street game. He basically said they aren't real tear drop killas just thieves. To begin with real killas wouldn't have engaged in a fight and 2ndly wouldn't have left their homie behind without drawing down. His conclusion while anything is possible it's likely these clowns won't return.
I wonder if Channel 2 will cover the clerk's death? Originally Posted by pyramider
He is a hero now!

Getting all sorts of FB friends etc...
Randall Creed's Avatar
If I didn't know any better, it sounds like you all are rooting for the thugs to come back on him.

Sure, he might've gone over the top with those kicks at the end, but for the most part, they got what they deserved.
The clerk fought recently for Legacy in town as an amateur and lost
universalenergy's Avatar
Thugs are cowards. They will not be back. They showed there true colors.
When you stand up to these punks they all run.
Punk ass cowards.

I wonder if Channel 2 will cover the clerk's death? Originally Posted by pyramider