How about a meet n greet in public venue??

LakeMist's Avatar
Could do a vineyard by there. Or a decent karaoke bar. That would be fun, or funny depending who sang. Or find a venue to rent out a space affordably. Maybe throw in a slight cover to offest. (Remember paying $2 for a solo cup at a kegger in high school? Maybe showing my age there. Lol. Big hair and hairspray. Lol
Funny ... cute ... sounds good though ..... (but wish it could be Waco or Temple )... :/
I'm interested in the M&G
Strangedays's Avatar
I'd give it a try
My dad owns the bar in Troy and nothing but elderly & odd couples meet there! His beer is cheap and it's a hole in the wall or we can go to peanuts bar outside of temple! There's several discrete places! If push comes to shove we can go meet somewhere like pizza wings and things in temple
LakeMist's Avatar
I want in!
Guest062716's Avatar
My dad owns the bar in Troy and nothing but elderly & odd couples meet there! His beer is cheap and it's a hole in the wall or we can go to peanuts bar outside of temple! There's several discrete places! If push comes to shove we can go meet somewhere like pizza wings and things in temple Originally Posted by JR_AIRFORCE

Troy is 28 miles from Killeen and Waco and 8 miles from Temple. (Sorry B/CS, it is 78 miles away)

The location sounds optimal for the majority of those expressing an interest in attending, both in terms of distance and in terms of knowing the management.

It would seem the issue is that someone needs to pick up the baton and run with organizing this, if the event is to occur.

JustTheresa has stepped aside as Meet and Greet hostess (still hosting Poke Her games). So someone has to take the lead.

I am not offering, LOL, but having organized a few, here is what someone needs to do:

1. Step up and declare yourself event organizer. (Please be aware of the ECCIE guidelines regarding meet and greets. They are NOT sponsored by ECCIE and you are limited in your posting once the organizer lists an actual date of the event in a post).

2. Tell people the general location (city), the general week or month, the general time (daytime, evening) and what kind of event it will be (no host, pay as you go) you are considering.

3. Tell people what info you want sent to you in a PM or to your hobby email account. (This entails figuring out how you will vet individuals – what to do with ladies who want to attend who are not VP? How do you figure out about hobbyists that do not post or have reviews, yet want to attend? What to do with “crazy Guy” who is known to cause trouble if he wants to attend?)
It may sound simple, but the plain fact is that security is important when pulling one of these events together. Members have legitimate concerns that guests at any function they meet will be active members with good credentials.

Whoever decides to step up, is free to contact me for advice. However, I am not volunteering to host or organize this.

Good luck.

Strangedays's Avatar
Good solid advice as always Sarge.
I'm in !!!! I really like the Troy bar idea !!!! I would be happy to organize but im still new to Eccie , so I better not . I don't want people to .... NOT COME ,, because a newbie organized it . . . But I can help . . . Anything I can go to help ... just text me ... 254-652-8496 ... please . Thanks Ladies and Gents... .... Love , Naughty Jill . . .
knotty man's Avatar
i love meat & greeks !!!
Knotty ... You are so bad !!!!! Bad boy !!!! ( lol smh, )