NYC Cocktail Bar

I stayed in Upper Eastside when I was there in April. Snafu was my fave.
The Gramercy Park Hotel! The Rose Bar is very trendy as is the Jade Bar...both are beautiful spaces and if you forget to make reservations and show up after 9, you can head to the rooftop which is equally lovely.
LMAO at everything TTH said in the smoking thread Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Yep, as the song goes…If you stand for nothing, you’ll fall for anything.

I am reminded of Charles Durning in “The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas”…
Ooh I love to dance a little sidestep, now they see me now they don't- I've come and gone and, ooh I love to sweep around the wide step, cut a little swathe and lead the people on."

I can just see him dancing back and forth. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
@ Both Atl & RK:

I think your knee-jerk reaction to TTH is to disagree with everything he posts since you are conservatives and he is a liberal. TTH could post that Tea Party should elect the next President, and both of you would disagree with his position.

[BTW, TTH was correct in his analysis. The primary thrust of that thread (and it wasn't a "smoking" thread, but started with AZ) hung on constitutional issues and how invasive government should be. This thread merely asked for cocktail bar references in NYC. No constitutional issues were raised. Merely entertainment.]
Rudyard K's Avatar
@ Both Atl & RK:

I think your knee-jerk reaction to TTH is to disagree with everything he posts since you are conservatives and he is a liberal. TTH could post that Tea Party should elect the next President, and both of you would disagree with his position. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
There is much he says that I have no opinion on...and post nothing. It would be factual that where I have an opinion, I can't think of a time that my opinion aligns with his. I'm not sure why that might be percieved as bad. But, what I do see is a knee jerk reaction by you...and him in many try and place a label on people (i.e. conservative or liberal...tea party...etc.) rather than discuss the facts of what is being presented.

[BTW, TTH was correct in his analysis. The primary thrust of that thread (and it wasn't a "smoking" thread, but started with AZ) hung on constitutional issues and how invasive government should be. This thread merely asked for cocktail bar references in NYC. No constitutional issues were raised. Merely entertainment.] Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Amazing, in one sentence you think you can sum up a pages long thread into your view of what the thread was or was not about. Parsing words does not change the facts. If you lack the ability to comprehend all the subleties that were discussed in the other be it. But don't assume the rest of us lack that same ability.
atlcomedy's Avatar
@ Both Atl & RK:

I think your knee-jerk reaction to TTH is to disagree with everything he posts since you are conservatives and he is a liberal. TTH could post that Tea Party should elect the next President, and both of you would disagree with his position.

[BTW, TTH was correct in his analysis. The primary thrust of that thread (and it wasn't a "smoking" thread, but started with AZ) hung on constitutional issues and how invasive government should be. This thread merely asked for cocktail bar references in NYC. No constitutional issues were raised. Merely entertainment.] Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I don't agree with you Charles. I try not to label people. In fact I've never labeled myself a conservative. If I've labeled myself anything it is a pragmatic libertarian.

I'm paraphrasing here but the biggest contradiction TTH made was not about policy so much as saying he had serious medical issues personally with smoke/secondhand smoke. Now in this thread he talks about going to a cigar bar. (I'm guessing chasing the almightly dollar with a client)

If you really have a medical problem and you value your health, why don't you suggest your party go elsewhere? Why don't you take a pass on the meeting, etc.?

As for points 2-5 of TTH's reply...I think many of us could argue both sides of the issue effectively...
Amazing, in one sentence you think you can sum up a pages long thread into your view of what the thread was or was not about. Parsing words does not change the facts. If you lack the ability to comprehend all the subleties that were discussed in the other be it. But don't assume the rest of us lack that same ability. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
The thread was entitled "If the feds won't do it" and started with the new Arizona law. It devolved into a discussion of whether or not government had the right to regulate certain industries, including restaurants. In that respect the discussion of the regulation of smoking arose.

I do not lack the ability to comprehend the subtleties, but I do recognize knee-jerk reaction when I see it. RK, your knee-jerk reaction to every issue on this board is to take an ultra-conservative position, even to the extent of defending BP in the Gulf Oil Spill. Your position is that: (1) BP should be free of regulation so that it can make as much money for its investors as possible (which you tout as a corporation's primary goal and responsibility), and (2) BP will be sufficiently regulated by the market, and there is no need for government regulation.

I don't assume you lack the ability. You obviously have the ability to comprehend subtleties. You just fail to exercise that ability. You are more interested in promoting your positions than using your analytic talents. So, you come across has an uneducated person who is biased because you are not at least minimally objective in your viewpoints.

I'm paraphrasing here but the biggest contradiction TTH made was not about policy so much as saying he had serious medical issues personally with smoke/secondhand smoke. Now in this thread he talks about going to a cigar bar. (I'm guessing chasing the almightly dollar with a client)

If you really have a medical problem and you value your health, why don't you suggest your party go elsewhere? Why don't you take a pass on the meeting, etc.? Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I don't recall TTH talking about a medical issue, but I'll give you that. Even if it is true, I'm not sure either post identified that he went to the cigar store at the same time in his life as the medical condition was extant. (Your backhanded reference to going while chasing the almighty dollar with a client was scurrilous and unworthy of you. We all have to make a living, and TTH is licensed in TX, not NYC.) I wouldn't necessarily assume (as you did) that TTH went to the cigar store while he had the medical condition.

And, again, I don't recall him asserting the medical condition.
TBONE's Avatar
  • 07-15-2010, 09:05 AM
Thread is about cocktail bars in NYC...not about smoking or politics.

To early for this

runswithscissors's Avatar
Carmines at 200 West 44th Street (there is more than 1 location, this is my favorite). They serve the largest martini's I've ever seen and, if I remember correctly (very hard to do after 1 of their martini's) they are $12 each....unheard of, particularly for NYC! Give it a try :-) Originally Posted by Charlie Drake
I most definately forget about Carmine's. Great drinks and yes, the 44st street location is the best. Easy access midtown.

On a different note, the Hotel Metro has a cool little rooftop bar that looks over to Maceys and the Empire State Building. Cute liitle boutique hotel right in midtown. They make great Manhattans, naturally; Very cool at night.
I've never really gone to Carmine's to go drinking (well, except for the time we wound up doing a boat race...), so I can't opine about their cocktails. But it's an eminently skippable place food-wise. It's a very touristy place known only for its gigantic, "family-style" portions. The quality, however, is very weak, and since there are ten thousand excellent Italian restaurants in NYC, you can do far better.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I said that asthma is be a serious medical issue. Some people who have it can control theirs with meds, some can't. Mine is very well controlled with meds. Not everyone's can be, however. Some with asthma can suffer life threatening attacks from bronchial spasms brought on by allergens. Others suffer no ill affects when exposed to allergens when properly medicated. Everyone's case is different. So there is nothing inconsistent in what I've posted.
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 07-15-2010, 06:47 PM
I've never really gone to Carmine's to go drinking (well, except for the time we wound up doing a boat race...), so I can't opine about their cocktails. But it's an eminently skippable place food-wise. It's a very touristy place known only for its gigantic, "family-style" portions. The quality, however, is very weak, and since there are ten thousand excellent Italian restaurants in NYC, you can do far better. Originally Posted by Six of Jericho
Well the reason that I was taken to Carmine's was the bar which had a humidor where many celebrities stored cigars for when they came to New York. The bar area had a state of the art ventilation system that sucked all the smoke straight up though the ceiling. Great ports, brandies and other after dinner drinks that go with cigars. Very few tables in that area though, and it created a little bit of a fishbowl atmosphere.

Out side in the restaurant, groups of tours ate family style and did not know what they were missing at any of a thousand other Italian restaurants they could have chosen.

The owners looking for a place to retire opened a restaurant outside or San Antonio by the same name but it never caught on.
Did not know that about the bar at Carmine's! Interesting.