Some people are just ugly (fat)! oops not nice

Are you going to hug us all Monkmonk.......giggling.

We love hugs
How about a group bikini mud wrestling match?! Mmm..that's what I'M talkin' bout!!

..he he he...

Italiana Princess
How about a group bikini mud wrestling match?! Mmm..that's what I'M talkin' bout!!

..he he he...

Italiana Princess Originally Posted by ItalianaPrincess

I am certain that monkmonk would be more than happy to referee. Winner or loser, everyone gets hugs!

The work of a sexual philanthropist is never done.
I can be available on short notice if bikini mud wrestling breaks out.

I am also willing to wrestle but don't own a bikini. Can we do nude mud wrestling instead?
You have to be careful what you call people. Fate has a nasty way of biting you in the ass; especially as you grow older.

It's phenomenol to be in your 20's. Your self-confidence and metabolism are high (eat & drink as much as you want!) and you snort and sneer at all of the old(er) people that aren't as skinny or energetic as you, thinking their must be something "wrong" with them, your employment isn't very serious (not like you're running a company, hiring or firing people or responsible for much more than loading the copy machine with fresh paper and slapping your employer's hand away from your ass!), life hasn't gotten too serious (so long as everybody loves you on Facebook and your bf or gf remembers your name life is grand!) and if you have children they're not doing much more than loading up a diaper with partially digested protein or needing a bottle.

When you enter your 30's things (nothing brave or noble about no longer being a wide-eyed twenty-something) life is getting somewhat serious but you just switch to Bud Lite, cut out Taco Bell runs and decide whether a finger down your throat is easier than an hour every other day on the treadmill. Your job's gotten tougher because now it's a career and you're surrounded by younger people that have started calling you Sir or Maam and they know that you're a generation too late to go out with them after work. Suddenly it's not as easy to be flippant about your job since you have a car note, perhaps a mortgage, credit card debt, and if you're not married or in a serious relationship the people around you whisper "tsk tsk" and start looking about for another single person to set you up on a blind date.

The 40's have your metabolism in the crosshairs, suddenly the jeans you wore in your 20's can't even be zipped let alone snapped shut without you looking like the Pillsbury Muffin man ready to explode and the department store clerks are politely escorting you out of the sections stocked with clothes for "trim" people and into Ladies Wear or Big and Tall. You're boss is an ass, your kids roll their eyes and walk away and you wonder if your spouse is getting some from another source. Going thru the McDonalds drive thru is now a thinking sport as you calculate whether a burger is too much fat or if the McGrill will be enough.

By the time you enter your 50's you're in upper management and work way too much. You spend way too much time at your desk and your knees ache from the extra weight. The gym is a great idea but by the time you leave the office at 7PM and drive home it's 8 and you're exhausted. The kids are now teenagers and can't wait to get the hell out of the house and live away from home at college, which looms in your financial future like a sword over your head. They're not smart enough for scholarships so you're setting all the money aside you can to pay tuition, room and board and praying for at least a C average on the report cards and a buddy that'll take them in and let them load paper in the copy machine after they graduate. Your La Z Boy reclioner feels too damn good to leave as you settle in with a beer to watch a couple of hours of TV before dropping into bed exhausted and dreading another day full of your employee-morons, financial spreadsheets, meetings, a lunch from the only restaurant in your building run by the old Chinese couple and the younger people in the lunch room are commenting about "Some people are just ugly (fat)!
I have no idea what this thread is referring to but txcwby6, Bravo!
Hobbyfun's Avatar
txcwby6 you almost pegged my life to a tee, you forgot about the young people back stabbing you in the office, the wife bitching about everything and the way men develop selective hearing just to drowned out the kids and wife, we don't need hearing aids we just need a little peace and quite.

And after 50 who cares about ugly and (fat) it's all mind over matter,
" I Don't Mind Because They Don't Matter"
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I have no idea what this thread is referring to but txcwby6, Bravo! Originally Posted by Dharma

Pure, fucking genius....both of you...

I LOVED my 20's; especially college and graduate school. Looking back it was the lack of responsibilities (other than grades that'd get me to the next educational level) and no need to worry about housing and meals (God bless my parents!) that made it so great. I worked to pay for books, gas (.32/gallon back then!) and to have $ for dates but it was pretty idyllic.

By the time I had my first full-time job I was closer to 30 than 20 and had professional goals in my plans so I didn't go out and get drunk nearly as much as my college buddies who'd been working for almost 4 years before I joined the ranks of the employed. Once I got into the regular grind, which wasn't bad because I was making a nice salary with a Fortune 100 corporation, it became a matter of finding time to relax and date. That was ok too, because I wasn't very impressed with the low wattage brain power of little hotties at the few clubs I entered and soon turned my attention to the women that had the same educational credentials and goals I had (I didn't see the attraction re little girls that wanted nothing more than to dance, drink beer till they puked, get fucked by a Hunk or marry someone more interested in their so called "perfect boobs" than brains). I picked up a couple just to fuck and that seemed fine with them but it left me with less than a good feeling other than having gotten some. The other edge of the "educational credentials" sword is that most of the women I found attractive (good-looking, educated, aggressive re their jobs, opinions and libidos) had work schedules just as demanding as mine and were willing to sacrifice their personal life to advance (I was guilty of that too) so matching up meant some pretty serious compromises re dating, scheduling a wedding & honeymoon, when we saw one another at the house, finding time to crank out, raise and educate 2 beautiful daughters, have vacations, etc...

I thought money and a solid career were the perfect panacea but I gave up lots of time that other people filled with concerts, dancing, skiing at the lake, dating, fucking, etc...and my overall health took a bit hit too. I'm overweight (a/k/a fat & ugly) and struggling to take it off while meeting my job responsibilities, planning on setting aside enough money to pay for all of the grandkids college education and overseeing retirement accounts while constructing a home in the mountains. Charitable events, Friday date nights, grandkids and quiet dinners out with family are my norm these days and it's a good life. So if I have to shop in Big & Tall that's cool.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
.....I thought money and a solid career were the perfect panacea but I gave up lots of time that other people filled with concerts, dancing, skiing at the lake, dating, fucking, etc...and my overall health took a bit hit too. I'm overweight (a/k/a fat & ugly) and struggling to take it off while meeting my job responsibilities... Originally Posted by txcwby6
Way to go, Einstein...LOL! Hell, I'd trade what little I have now for a few years of being with some woman who just gave a damn about me. May as well have done it that way since the one whom I built your life with split with lots of the cash...wheeeeee...may as well have taken the "scenic route" instead of going on the executive plan. But, as we all know, hindsight is 20/20.
Why do some providers feel like they have to snotty and just downright rude? Does anyone else have a problem with this? I shouldn’t say it’s a problem, this has only happened only one other time. I stick with the moral: Treat others how you want to be treated. Originally Posted by Brooke Daniels
I'm coming late to this silly fest... but I'm like... wtf? I really don't get this. PEOPLE can be rude and snotty... sometimes for no reason other than they are being assholes, and sometimes because the person deserves having someone treat them rudely and snottily.

If you are going to follow your own morals, I'd say you would have been better served to not come off as being what you profess to dislike.

Can't we all just get along?
Jasser's Avatar
So, a provider is SUPPOSEDLY rude to you so you post a thread calling her ugly and fat. I guess you're the "pot" in this instance.
As an ugly fat guy, I didn't take offense. Geez, everyone, she was just joking.
Who knows? I think it just might be a ...

Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Haha! That was a good one Dharma.

But the title did throw me for a loop.

Jamie Young. I love your new picture.